Episode 187 - Father Brown - Father Brown - "The Bride of Christ" - Sister Tumbledryer - REMIX!
Hey, maniacs.
Hey, maniacs.
What's so funny?
I'm sorry.
Why are we laughing already?
Oh. My brain is so broken.
I make these weird connections
in my brain. Oh.
So I haven't told you about this.
This whole week.
You and I have been talking about
Father Brown and doing this remix episode.
Because this is the remix of season one,
Episode six, The Bride of Christ.
Sister Tumble Drunk. Yes.
And for some reason,
I've been thinking about Bain.
Like Bain from The Dark Knight Rises.
Bain, The Tom Hardy character
who wears the mask.
We lost half of our audience.
No, no.
Already bear with
my head.
Oh, he.
It's been Father Bain. Oh,
that's it.
So I've been thinking about.
That voice that Tom Hardy does under his.
Mask. Yeah. I'm Father Bain.
Oh, we're good.
I'm Campbell Ford's reckoning.
No one knew who I was
before I put on the collar.
well, I can see
because there was lots of references to it
in the hockey game the other night.
I could see how it came together for the.
Speak of the devil shall be Father Brown.
You think Mrs. M is your ally?
She is. No.
I was born in the stars.
Even do it.
I was born in the strawberry school.
You were a little Scottish.
Oh. My sister is.
Your favorite father. Being cruel.
Or, you know, mash him up
with another supervillain if you want to.
Oh, sweet. Yes.
We have a remix of the Bride
of Christ, Mr.
Tumble Dryer.
But I had homework.
But you had homework, which.
Is related to Sister Tumble dryer? Yes.
I'll tie it all together.
Because as people roll, remember,
we often end our episodes
with what a horrible movie.
I bet Mark seen it,
which is a bad movie that some of the one
of the main characters from that episode
of whatever show we're covering
was in that they probably regret,
but that since you are such a bad movie.
Official face. And.
That you've probably seen it.
So last week on the episode,
we mentioned Hysteria from 1997.
Patrick McGoohan
I think last time, last film appearance,
which is sad that he's in,
I could not find this streaming anywhere.
I would have paid for it if I could have,
but I only found it
on DVD for $23
and it took 6 to 8 weeks to get it.
So you didn't get to watch history.
Darn it.
Then. In this episode
we mentioned two movies.
One is The Maze from 1953, because
you talk about a Lovecraft podcast that.
Mm hmm.
And I had just watched the Maze at that
point in time, so I watched it again.
It is a gem of a 3D movie.
It's three D, I forgot. Yep.
It's essentially the idea is a Scottish
Lord has an engagement
and then he breaks it because he finds out
he takes control of a Scottish castle
that has a maze in it
and a giant frog person, which is how it.
Every maze has a giant frog person.
What? What?
I didn't know it was based on a novel
that had Salvador
Dali illustrations in it. Wow.
So now I want to read the novel.
Yeah. So see the. Those.
Because I bet you there, trippier
there in the movie.
I bet you they are.
And then the other movie
that we mentioned in this episode
coming up is a movie called Cross.
Now, Penny Downey, who played
Reverend Mother
Augustine, is in this movie.
Mm hmm. Whoa.
Wow. This movie is bad.
It's an Australian movie about technology.
They it's so 1982.
There's lots of computer screens
with bad text on them.
That's very hard to read.
Essentially, the character is
the computer causes
the main character's car to crash.
I'm not sure why.
And because of that,
he has to live in a penthouse.
While he's he.
While he's in a wheelchair.
And him and his nurse
have this weird, flirty relationship
and his girlfriend
has this weird it's very strange.
But anyway, one of the neighbors
is one of the owners of the company,
and he kills his wife
and stuffs her in the dryer.
There's a scene in which her face is shown
like they have this really bad.
Just like tumble dryer
and just like the woman in midsummer
or something in the dryer.
Yes, because that's
a store tumble dryer. Yes.
They have this really bad prosthetic head
and it.
Bounces around in the dryer.
Only effective scene in the movie.
You see it
before any of the other characters.
It's just spinning in the background.
So it's just leaned up
against the dryer front.
That would make.
So much noise.
Like, have you ever put a pair of sneakers
in the dryer?
No matter how many times
you put it with its.
Body in the dryer. You don't put it. On.
So then then he puts the head in a paper
bag and he's taking it downstairs.
And the nurse finds out. Does he?
Does he dry it for a reason.
No, I think justified in your character
but there's the head peeks
out of the paper bag through this open
I'm like, Dude,
get a paper bag with that or rip it.
So then what's in the bag?
In What's the. Bag?
Of course, it ends really weird.
And is I do not know, do not know why
this movie is called Cross Cart.
It has more to do with computer
audio, strangely enough, than it does
computer crosstalk.
Like, I don't. It's very strange.
I don't often ask those kinds of questions
to this kind of movie.
Don't expect it make sense.
I mean, come on.
It's very got a head in a dryer
that then goes into a paper bag.
It's the peekaboo head in the paper bag.
Well, that leads us to this episode.
That is the bride of Christ, Sister
Tumble dryer
Season one Episode six
I believe it was originally Episode 138.
Stay tuned till the end.
We've got some more special content.
Hey, maniac.
Hey, maniacs.
It's Mystery Maniac.
Mystery Maniacs is a comedy Recap podcast
dedicated to British TV mystery.
It's all we watch anyway.
While we watch all sorts of stuff each
week, we dig into an episode of the show,
including the murders, the mayhem,
the loonies and everything else we love.
Oh, there's so much in this episode.
Two Loves This week.
We're covering Father Brown.
Season one, Episode six
The Bride of Crime.
The Bride of Christ Compels You.
Get yet another Exorcist reference.
I got it out of my system
and at least once.
What if your children are old enough
to keep their jobs?
They're old enough to listen
to this podcast. Really?
Yeah. Oh, I'm not sure about that.
I don't know.
I guess we'll see. We'll see.
A little housekeeping before we dive
in. Yep.
Next week for our fourth episode.
Of Father. Brown. Father Brown? Yep.
We're going to do something
a little bit different.
Each of us has chosen our favorite of the
original Father Brown television In.
1974, Potato Vision in color.
And we're going to pitch him
to see which one's crazy.
Now, these are available on
in the US on Britbox
and might be available on Britbox
in the UK as well.
They are available on YouTube.
If you put it in the right search words
and don't watch them in Russian.
Yes, there's only 13 episodes
of the original Father Brown, so
the one that I am going to present
next week is called.
The Arrow of Heaven.
And I will tell you that it features
a bunch of crazy Americans
living in a compound with a moat.
Yes. Complete with a patriarch that looks
like Colonel Sanders and a daughter.
The moat is always.
A plane. Ride the tower.
It is nuts.
It's a.
Weird set. Once again, very.
Near the barracks.
And I'm going to cover the secret garden,
which takes place in a secret garden.
But there's a decapitation. Yes.
It's like pedal to the metal. Crazy.
I think it actually takes place in France,
don't get me wrong.
But like,
I think it takes place in France.
That's where people get beheaded.
And there's a judge
who is upsetting people.
And he may or may not,
I forget. Off with his head.
Off with his. Head.
So that's next week.
Yes. Then in October, it's
movie season, movie October.
So we are each
we have each chosen our favorite Agatha
Christie Halloween
themed episode to present in October.
I am going to start us off
in October with Halloween party.
I love that one.
Which is Snap's Season 12 Episode two.
It has Ariadne
Oliver played by Zoe Wanamaker.
And they kill a child.
They kill the child.
And that is I love that.
It's so good. So good.
And you and I am going to cover
Miss Marple.
Season five Episode one The Pale Horse
got some folklore,
which is my favorite thing.
The Pale Horse is creepy
no matter what version you watch.
But this one who has the newest
Miss Marple in it?
Yeah, they.
They cranked it. Up.
This is not the one with Rufus.
It's not as creepy as Rufus on Pale Horse,
but it's really darn good.
It is.
Then for our third October
episode, we're going to.
Ask you for input.
Yeah, we're going to ask you to vote
for what you think will.
Make it a little poll
and send it to the mailing list.
Of all the British murder shows,
which is your favorite Halloween episode.
And we'll give you a little list
and let you vote for which one
you like best or add one to the list
if you know of one that we didn't miss.
I'll go even further.
I'll say if you're on the mailing list
to get that poll sooner.
Ooh la la. So.
So that's going to be October.
In the meantime, we also have new merge.
New merge is up in the store. Yep.
And the store's been all rebranded
and everything.
Mystery maniac, Strange Maniacs.
And now through the end of November,
barring any other new disasters,
while there's so much going on
in the world right
now, all of the proceeds from merch sales
will go to Heart to Heart International,
which is currently focusing on aid
to people in Puerto Rico. Yes.
Who have been hit because of Fiona.
By the way,
all my Canadian friends who are.
On the East Coast, East.
Coast stay safe and swim.
Hundreds of thousands of people out
without power right now.
Yeah, we were listening to CBC Halifax
this morning.
Yeah, they were having trouble as.
It went off the air,
like we were listening to Headline News
and then it went off the air
in the middle of it. Absolutely.
So stay safe out there.
Wherever you are in the world.
We're thinking about you.
Go buy a t shirt
with the new logo on it. Yes.
To support the folks.
So if you're new to our merch,
we have the mystery mania,
the Midsummer Maniacs merch,
and then we have Mystery Maniacs merch.
What we do is any money that we make from
the merchandise that you purchase, either
stickers or mugs or T-shirts
all available.
We match that
and then give it to a charity
because we're not in this to make money.
We're in this to help people.
And so, yeah, we helped the World
Central Kitchen last year as young people.
In the Ukraine.
Meals on Wheels.
I shouldn't say that it's not the Ukraine.
We we fed people on the border of Ukraine.
Yes, the border of Ukraine.
Whenever I hear people say that
Ukraine, it's that's the Soviet thinking.
Yes. The only other thing I want to say is
if you see merchandise on any other site
that is not spread
shirt or spread shop,
it is not our merchandise.
Don't buy it.
Yes, these Redbubble jerk
face people keep swiping our stuff.
I just found a cease and desist note
This week it happens to so many people.
Yeah. Just buy from our shop.
Yeah. It's all.
It's on every post. I post everywhere.
If you buy.
From our shop,
then you know the proceeds are going to go
to a good cause
and we're going to match it
and we'll tell you
how much we wound up donating.
And we even usually post a picture
of the proof of the donations.
So you know for sure
that's where your money went.
That's what we're. Doing.
Yeah. Okay.
Are you ready to talk.
About the bride of Christ?
The Bride of Christ, which may be our most
controversial episode?
We have two things to talk about.
Well, almost three things
that might be controversial.
I'll say one thing
that's not controversial.
Sister Boniface
is definitely in this episode. Yes.
The other one just saying.
I'm just saying I disagree wholeheartedly.
I'm on the case.
I have sent out messages to our friend
Well, I'm right. You're wrong. La, la la.
We'll see.
Are usually. Broadcast there.
You're going to be like,
I can't believe you went to.
Did all that.
You gave broadcast
date 21st of January to 2013.
Like I said, they kind of broadcast
these all within a two week
period, each other big by directed
by Ian Barber and written by Jude Tindle,
who I am trying to contact as we speak.
Lorna Watson is not in that episode.
I cannot definitively say she is
or isn't because I checked her production.
Skills and.
She is in this one though.
She is in this one.
Anyways, we're starting with Latin nuns
in Latin and singing.
Yes, some of these getting married.
Yes to God.
Yes. Has ever weirded you out
that their brides of Christ know.
Okay. It makes sense to me though.
This is the first time
I've seen what I knew
sort of happened
during a novitiate wedding.
They the ceremony where they go
from novitiate to being real nuns.
There's several stages
before this, by the way.
Yeah, I knew that.
That it was a marriage to Christ.
I knew that was kind of the metaphor,
but I did not know that in some orders
they wore wedding dresses for that.
Yeah, And apparently,
it's far more common than I knew.
Complete was a part of the ceremony
where they go behind a screen
and their sister nuns help them change
from that into their first habit
and they come back out.
Oh, so they go in wearing white
and they come out wearing black.
What does that say about marriage,
especially to Christ?
I was just kind of excited that they
they get to look pretty.
Mm. You know, the last time
they're wearing layman's clothes,
they get they get to look nice.
I can see that in general.
They don't really get to choose
the wedding gown.
If you're in an order where they do
this, it's a very modest dress
and they probably have a few to choose
You might be able to bring your own, but
it's going to have to set those criteria.
This is St Agnes Convent and we can assume
that this is in or near Camelford.
Yes, because Father Brown is the curate.
Yeah, he is the priest.
He is the man
who is allowed to come in there. Yes.
He gives them communion on Sundays
and stuff like that.
All the clues are right here
in this very first scene.
This is one of the things I like
about Father Brown, as opposed to
mid-summer, is there's almost always
a very small cast. Yes.
Like they're all very chocolate box
kind of stories where.
And this works
because a convent kind of works like.
Yeah, you've got a handful of people.
You don't have a whole lot of like, well,
this is that person's
mother, father, cousin, sister.
And they used to have a business
with that person,
but they broke up and went to school
with that and like, there's none of that.
And there's a handful of people now,
and right away we see familiar faces.
Oh, my God. Selena, Selena, Selena.
Selena Caddell, who you can remember
because one of her Midsomer characters
is also named Shadow.
Yes. Yes.
Still a shadow in the original killings
at Badger's Drift.
She's right
there from the beginning. Really.
This podcast is could be
the Selene of Cordell, but that's.
The second midsummer
she's in as Midsomer Life,
where she gets killed in the hotel
in the industrial dryer.
So I will refer to her
as Sister Tumble dryer.
And she is.
Because I love that scene.
You just see her face
going around and around.
And we totally figured out what it was.
She's been in everything.
Oh, yeah. Lots and lots of.
Queens of mystery lately.
She's really well-known for Doc Martin.
People know her from that.
Yeah, and she's awesome in that, too.
But she's just been in so many things.
So she's Sister Gregory.
And then we have the Reverend Mother
Augustine, played by Penny Downey.
She's not been in midsummer.
No. Shocking.
Or somebody who's not been in a midsummer.
In midsummer.
But she has been in something
I really, really like that
people may not have heard of.
And it's a podcast, actually.
From the BBC
and you can get it on BBC sounds wherever
you are in the world, and it's called
the Lovecraft investigation.
So and she was on a season
called the Case of Charles
Dexter Ward and I really liked it.
Oh, though
I will tell you that this whole series,
the Lovecraft investigations,
don't don't listen to it.
If you're jumpy.
Oh, or jumpy if.
You're if you're jumpy, just know that
because this is the one
that I was listening to in the garage
so many times
when one of the kids would come
out and I'd be like. Oh my
God. Because
it has the kind of environmental sound.
So if you get headphones on,
you hear things from different directions.
And then a kid
would tap me on the shoulder
and I would like almost drum them to death
because they shocked me.
Speaking of weird stuff that happens
in October, I get in this groove
and I definitely am in this groove
now where I start watching these bad.
Horror movies and.
You bring up Lovecraft because we watched
this week, we watched it.
Sarah to sit through
at least half of this movie
called The Maze from 1953,
which was about this Scottish Lord
who he's engaged,
and then he breaks his engagement,
he grows old really quick, and there's
weirdness that happened in this castle.
It's shot in Bizarre
Land. It's a 3D movie.
That is weird.
Yes, I do watch them all the time.
It has rubber backs on fishing line.
Going, oh, into the camera. Yeah.
It's that bad.
That movie took a left
turn in the last 5 minutes.
Like, wow. I didn't understand it. At all.
Did not expect what I saw
in the last 5 minutes of that movie.
That's fantastic.
And so.
I loved every minute of. It.
There's a weird.
What's it called?
It's called The Maze.
Just in case people want. 1953.
And then I actually was like, Oh, so this
this was made during the time.
That father, Grandfather. Brown
takes place.
That explains a lot. Yes.
It does.
Now, in spring time, traveling
Sister Boniface, but we'll get to that.
the third important nun in the convent.
Yes, Sister Paul.
Woo woo!
She's played by Roberta Taylor. Yes.
Now don't hate Roberta.
No, she is super nasty in this part.
She gets killed right away. So it's okay.
It is. It is.
What did you recognize
Roberta Taylor from anywhere recently?
Not recently.
She's in the witches.
I know. She's in the woods.
Yeah, she's in the 1990, which is?
She plays the chef of the hotel.
Yeah, that's the witches with Anjelica
Houston, based on the Roald Dahl
kind is so scary.
That's right. That's where she's from.
I recognize.
Anne Hathaway,
which. Is all over this thing.
Oh, yeah. Oh, we're going to get there.
She plays Gloria Fontaine,
who's the costume designer.
And she.
She's the older lady
and she has her little shop.
And with all the costumes,
she is so fun. Yeah.
She always wears
fantastic scarves and jewelry
and a completely different character
than then.
This nasty nun.
Oh, who gets what she deserves?
She makes
that poor girl face down in dirt.
It makes me mad, that pose.
I remember when I found out, like,
there's a moment
where in a young boy's life, you're like,
nights are really interesting
and romantic.
And then you read about what
a night life was actually like.
And how they had to play like before
battles they would lay in the church
in that pose all. Night.
Yeah. And not fall asleep.
Yeah, right. A squires night.
Life was even. Worse.
So every time somebody lays like that,
I'm like, Oh, it's prostrate.
Yeah, right.
Prostrate. And.
And it's not an uncommon pose
for Catholic.
Not just regular Catholics don't do that
very often, but for priests and nuns
and things like that is the ultimate,
like, humble position.
Yeah, but you do it.
You are humbled to God, not to her.
Some witchy nun who chooses
fresh dirt for you to lay in your nice
white habit.
Fresh from Calcutta.
Like she has colonialism all over her too.
And she's seen.
Yeah, like she probably saw the
what's it called?
The pit.
The black hole of Calcutta.
Yeah. Yes. Yeah.
So this is. But this poor woman's life.
She was the warden at the horrible place,
which was.
St Bridget,
St. Bridget's. Yeah. A home for
her mother's
sister to Calcutta for a while.
You think she'd get the hint by then?
But she's like, No, no.
They send me where they need. Me
in my discipline.
I absolutely love Sister Gregory.
Here she talks about the alcohol.
Sobriety is not asked about.
Chastity and poverty, but not the.
Sergeants like Amen. And sister.
So now they go see Sister Boniface.
Okay, I'm going to lay this out to you.
First of all, the first shot
we see of Sister Boniface.
Wait a minute.
You've already
you've bypassed a murder. Yes.
Okay. Let's do the murder
and then we'll get to sister.
But first, the poor
novitiate nun collapses during her own
ceremony, foaming at the mouth
because she's been poisoned with cyanide.
And everybody knows cyanide. In a way.
And Father Brown has two priorities.
One, he says the right.
Yeah, that's more important.
That's the most important.
And two, he looks for clues right away.
You know, like, okay, you're not going to
go to hell now, what color is that for.
Me or my papers,
But it's my soul, my history on it. Yes.
And then we get to Sister Boniface
because, of course,
she is the resident chemist
because she's their vintner.
Okay. Now, like,
do you have cyanide around here?
And Sister Gregory's, like, loads. Yeah.
She's like, barrels for sure.
Sister Gregory is the best character
in this episode.
Even better than Sister Bottle.
I like her a lot. Yeah, I like her.
I wish Sister
Gregory was on Sister Boniface.
It's possible.
Yeah. So.
But you know, Celina Kidwell
can only be in so many shows anytime.
Okay, here is my case.
Okay, First. Of all, they are in.
I have photographic proof.
The exact same glasses.
So if they did not use,
if they did not mean Sister Boniface,
they took those glasses from that extra
and put them on Sister Boniface.
They're the exact same glasses.
Oh, so what a coincidence that they might
have used the same pair of glasses
from the same costume company,
from the same set of nun stuff?
The only woman appears in glasses
in this entire episode is Sister Boniface.
Yeah, because she's smart,
so she has to wear glasses.
What I'm saying is this.
She doesn't wear a crucifix around her
neck like the lady in the train
station did know. What I'm saying is this.
She wouldn't be wasting time
sitting around
gossiping at a train station
when she's got chemistry to do.
What I'm saying
is Sister Boniface,
the actress who is played by Lorna Watson,
who had a busy 2012, I went through
all of her activities in 2012
because this is being filmed in July 2012.
Do you know what else is going
on? July 2012?
The Olympics?
Yeah, it's crazy town in the UK
at this point in time.
She was not filming anything
during this time.
She just got off the the bus.
The British bake show. Okay.
Her show, Lorna Watson.
And all of her
was not filming at this point in time.
She knows the casting director. Okay.
I think this is what happened.
I think they wouldn't have paid Lorna
Watson, a well known actress,
to play some background character.
No, no, that's what I think.
This is what happened.
Okay? This is what I think happened.
The producer, who I've also maybe
sent an email to wanted to start
Sister Boniface afterwards
always had that idea in in his mind.
The character was created
by the people on this show.
She's not an original character
to the to the books. No.
I think that that woman in episode
one may not be Lorna,
but is definitely a sister bond.
First, try out.
Let's put a nun in the background with
glasses to see if we like the look of it.
I think it's directly
related to sister biographies
because these episodes are also recorded
out of order.
Did the mic pick up my big sign?
Wow. All right.
Let me deconstruct that for a second
and then we'll get back to this,
because I can't not do this.
What you're saying now, you're hedging,
first of all, and you're saying
that's not Sister Boniface anymore?
No, no. It's somebody.
I think they're trying out
Sister Boniface, in that.
All they're trying out
is putting glasses on a nun.
That's it.
Which they're saying, Do.
We like a nun in glasses?
Guess what?
Most nuns are older.
Most older women wear glasses.
They put glasses
common round tortoiseshell plastic.
And they're over. On a woman.
As my. Picture.
They did.
My picture will show they're old.
And the her shot, her
first shot in the shot
of the nun in the train station
are exactly the same.
If she was back there tinkering with big
beakers, I would say maybe you're right.
If she helped at all, maybe you're right.
We are going to have.
It's a nun in glasses.
That's all it is.
We need someone on this show to tell us
what's going on.
I'm saying.
Anyway, Sister Boniface,
who we love right away.
I think you just did a sneaky.
Now I can't be wrong thing.
No, no.
Because before you were like,
It's definitely her.
It's the actors, it's the character.
If we get her in there, if we can't.
Constantly. Say, Oh, it's just.
Glass, if we get a confirmation that is in
no way
we will relate it to Sister Boniface.
I will clearly apologize,
but I think I'm right.
That they were trying out
whether they liked a nun in glasses.
I still 100%.
That's not it.
You can be right about.
When you look at the picture.
When you look at the picture,
I cannot say 100%.
That isn't Lorna Watson
because they
they may have shot these out of order.
They may have shot and.
Just slipped her in the background.
You know, as I said. They're.
Because if they were,
if they were shooting those two episodes
one after another and she was on
set doing costuming and things like.
They might have just Saturday.
Just set her back there.
No, no, no.
It looks a lot like her doll, I'm saying.
Anyway, we love Sister Boniface
and one of the reasons
why we get a signpost here,
which is sparkling sign.
Yes, she's reading Agatha Christie
and this is the first time
that she and Father Brown
have interacted in this way.
You know, like like he's,
you know, a regular
in the convent
because he's they're they're priest.
They're well discussed with each other.
Like they know each other.
Oh, they know of each other. Yeah.
Because she says your reputation is
well deserved.
Yeah. So she's aware of his reputation.
She's like, finally we get to work
on a case. Together. Yeah.
So she's reading the sparkling cyanide,
The cover is the first edition,
but that's not a first edition.
No, that would be really hard
to get. Yeah.
So how much do you think
in September 2002.
So 20 years ago.
20 years ago, how much of the first
edition went for with the dust cover?
Because that dust cover is. Five.
Everything now.
800 bucks.
Oh, it's not bad. No. But still.
If you're a collector,
it's not too bad. No.
And it was printed in first in the U.S.,
but then in the UK, in 1945.
Right. So it would have been.
It would have been everywhere. Yeah.
And we can assume
she got it from the library. Yes.
So we've got Sister
Boniface, we've got the other nuns,
and then we get the Evans's right and.
One other sister Bond.
This thing that I need to talk about.
She does not age.
Well, no.
Lorna Watson has a really young face.
Okay, but this is 1953.
Mm. And Sister Boniface
takes place in the sixties.
So ten years later. Yeah.
And she doesn't look
ten years older in Sister Boniface.
It's weird to me, that's all.
That's the young face.
Okay, She's very pretty.
Then she drops the Lord
Peter Wimsey stuff.
Yeah, because obviously they're both
very well read and they also make a Death
in the Clouds reference,
which is the puro with the wasp airplane.
Yes, with the.
They're flying back from the tennis match.
And all of this is completely irrelevant
to me because there is a typewriter.
On the dash and.
You're a nerd for a. Typewriter.
Sarah came into my office to see
what I was doing, and I had my face, like.
your monitor, turn to look at it type.
Trying to find what?
Elsie Smith and Tyrone,
the typewriter that was.
Are you talking about
Sister Paul's typewriter?
Sister Paul's typewriter.
There's a typewriter in the background
that I can't see.
By the way, Sister
Paul's typewriter case is by the door.
I know that case intimately.
It's a 1945 Smith Corona
portable typewriter
because it has red and black ink in it.
And how high up on your wish list is this?
Oh, I would gladly take one of these
It'd be hard to get here.
Do not purchase this typewriter
from people on eBay
trying to sell you for this typewriter
for anything more than $25.
Typewriters are mass produced items.
They do not deserve a high price tag.
No, that's the whole point of this writer,
is their mass produce.
Even if it's refurbished,
Even if it works perfect.
No, it's not.
Should not pay more than $75
for a typewriter.
Is that your essay for today? Yep.
Can we talk about the Evans's
now? Do we. Get that?
We get to the we get to the Evans before
because Tristram.
Is out there as Tom's out there
whacking longs.
He's not very good with that
ax and it's a pretty dull. Act.
He's an inefficient log cutter.
Yeah, he is.
I like this little green wagon.
The little green wheelbarrow.
So he's the gardener for the convent,
and his wife, Joyce is.
She's a frail woman
who's been away visiting family,
and she has a heart condition
and everything else,
but she does their shopping.
Well, I'm
going to set up a new business in the UK.
Did you know what my new business
in the UK is. Now.
It's going to be called Gardener
Slash handyman
and it's going to appeal
only to girls schools and convent.
And I'm going to place
rugged young men in all of those positions
because every single episode
of any British mystery series
takes place in a girls school
and or a Covent Garden and.
Has a burly, handsome.
Burly handyman handyman in it.
I don't know if sometimes they have
old guys and you don't notice those guys?
Not so. Much.
Maybe they're not characters.
They have to be burly and handsome
to be characters in the story.
Like Quattro.
Mad. Tom's out there, his undershirt
and his suspenders on.
I Really Don't Know How to Feel about Tom,
and we'll get to the end of it,
but I don't like him.
Yeah, he seems abusive.
He does.
He's supposed to be protective,
but he does it in an abusive way.
Yeah, I think we're meant to
not exactly know how to feel about him.
Yeah. Okay, let's talk cyanide.
Okay, we'll talk.
Showing that then can we talk
about what Father Brown has to hide?
At least we can speculate.
And I have an answer.
Okay, good.
So the whole reason they talk to Sister
Boniface is they know
that the novitiate
has been killed with cyanide.
She's the vintner.
She has the cyanide.
Yeah. Supply.
Because they use it in winemaking.
Yeah, she has bottles of potassium Farrow
The cuckoo.
I love that reference.
Yeah, There's a cuckoo in the nest because
there's a bottle that's been relabeled.
So a bottle has been removed and replaced.
The fear of cyanide is challenging to me.
and maybe somebody can fill me in on this,
but based on the research that I did,
there's a couple of problems here.
First of all, potassium
ferro cyanide is indeed used in winemaking
to remove metals, just as they mentioned,
but it is a
yellow crystalline material
and is not white.
No, it's yellow
and it's nontoxic to humans
because in our systems
the cyanide is not released
from its bond with the iron.
And so, you know, even to kill a rat,
you have to give it like kilograms
of stuff.
And sodium ferro cyanide
is no more poisonous than potassium.
FERRO cyanide for the very same reason.
Now, that being said, potassium.
FERRO cyanide.
You probably eat it every day. Yeah.
Because it's used in iodized
salt as an anti caking agent. Oh.
To keep your salt shaker
from up, it's slightly toxic
if you take a whole bunch of it.
But both potassium ferro cyanide and
sodium ferro cyanide are extremely toxic
when exposed to a strong acid
that releases the cyanide into a gas form.
Oh, okay. That's a bad. That's a bad.
But the stomach acid in your stomach
is not adequate to do it.
Like we're talking about a strong acid.
So we're in a case here where
we found a mistake and or they've made it
so that they're not educating people
how to cure their. Yes.
Which I think is both. Totally fine.
Especially with the reference
to Agatha Christie, because we've said in
Midsomer Maniacs how people used Agatha
Christie novels to kill other people.
And she was criticized for that.
She was extremely accurate
because she knew all about it.
She she'd been a pharmacist chemist,
so she knew what she was talking about
and she was so accurate
that people critiqued her for it.
So maybe the producers here
decided not to be accurate about this,
or maybe my sources are wrong
and it's far more toxic
could be than I've been led to believe.
Yes. No. Especially if you made.
But based on what I my understanding,
putting it on some candy
wouldn't hurt you at all. No.
And she dies like, right away. Yeah.
It just wouldn't do it.
People dying. Sister Paul.
Sister Paul dies and my notes is good.
It's a trope in these shows,
not just in Father Brown,
but in lots of things that when there's
a character introduced who is particularly
nasty, unpleasant, they're probably going
to get killed fairly soon.
And that kind of makes them
a bit more palatable.
like don't worry,
she won't be around for a long.
It's almost always a woman to.
Not only do we have a coroner
standard speed line, series
two portable,
but we have a baby with Mrs..
M, Mrs. M Och, Mrs. M has her God, baby.
Because the baby's mom
is having some kind of lady's surgery.
Lady Surgery? Yes.
Why does everybody thinks
the baby is a boy?
What is that running joke about?
Is it
because the baby has a blue outfit on?
No, I think.
I think it is to show us that she is that
the woman who is the killer is delusional
and thinks it's a boy.
Everybody thinks that.
Everybody thinks it's a boy.
I don't understand why.
I don't either.
Are they trying to criticize Mrs.
M for putting the baby
in the wrong outfit?
I don't.
It's so weird because Abigail is wearing
a blue jumper, at least at one point.
Is a very pale blue jumper. Yeah, I don't.
Or maybe it's a critique on people today
who like scotch tape
a bow to their baby's
head to say it looks like a girl now.
You know, I've seen people do that.
I don't know what they're going
for. They're okay.
I thought maybe I missed something.
Oh, here's an interesting side note.
Completely unrelated to this,
but interesting. Yes.
So I was looking into the story
to see if it was inspired
by any of the actual Chesterton
short stories by Father Brown.
Yeah, as near as I can tell, it's not
I've not read every single one of them,
but I've read many, many, many of them,
and I can't find anything
that reminds me of this.
Correct me
if I'm wrong listeners if you now.
But while doing that,
I found a story that I had not read before
that is amazing simply
because you would never guess that energy.
Kay Chesterton Story with Father Brown.
There are killer robots.
I did.
I did remember hearing about this
and never tracked it down.
It's in a story called The Invisible Man.
Oh. Where two men
both fall in love with the same waitress
and make some deal to come back in a year.
And the one that is more.
Guts and Father Brown.
They did it with clowns. Clowns?
Yeah, circus.
But in the story it's a waitress.
And they go away to make their fortunes.
And one of them goes off and builds robots
that do household chores.
They're like robot butlers
and they're called smiles.
Silent service.
Oh, wow. And there are robots.
Wow. Because that's you can.
See now why they moved into a circus.
So they didn't have to have
people dressed as robots.
Because that would have been weird.
Wow. They
would have look like the Tin Man.
Remember, we beep, beep, beep, beep.
To read that, that stern story went okay.
We only change this one.
They'd have a dude painted silver
with like a button glued to his nose.
I am a robot. Yeah.
All right, So Sister
Tumble Dryer takes Sister Paul's
letter from her typewriter to hide it.
Yes, but she doesn't take the carbon.
The carbon falls on the floor.
And Miss and.
Sister Sister launches.
Later in her first solo episode.
Gosh, how many times in a mystery do they
discover evidence either by a carbon
used in a typewriter or by unspooling
the typewriter ribbon and reading?
Okay, first of all, carbon,
if you've ever seen one, is full,
unless it's a brand new, fresh carbon.
You couldn't read what it was, say no.
But if you use it, if it's first time.
If it's the first time, yes.
Same for the. Ribbon. Yeah.
Because people often rewound the ribbon
and used it again.
I mean you're supposed to, right? Yeah.
And until it won't work anymore.
Well, when it doesn't work anymore,
you put more ink in it like.
You re anchor women. Yeah.
I thought you just replaced it.
They got really cheap, really fast now.
Okay, But originally you read them.
By the way, if you want to go down
the rabbit hole, typewriter ribbon case
cans is a whole subculture on itself.
Wow. Is it worse than Father Brown's bike?
Oh, well, it could be.
Yeah, could be. Okay.
Yeah. Mrs. M pushing the pram. Yeah.
She has to push. A pram a. Lot.
She's part of my African
knitting circle,
which is like, so 1950s British.
But these are people
who formerly knitted socks for soldiers
during World War Two. Yes.
And now they're like,
I can't stop knitting socks.
Who am I going to give them to?
Mrs. M I'm not one to gossip, but.
Mrs. M totally abuses the button rule.
Do you ever mentioned the bathroom? No,
I don't think we have.
So here's about real people
that you can use. By the way.
This will change your life.
You can use the children.
Yes, Yes. Everything before the.
But is a lie. Yes.
The truth is after the vote. Yes.
So I did.
I love you, but I'm I'm leaving.
I didn't rob the bank, but I was there.
or I don't mean to be nasty, but. But
Proceeds to be.
Nasty. Anything you say after is
what's true.
I'm not.
I'm not one to gossip, but.
And then the gossip comes out.
We made a little song of her.
Oh, my gosh.
Our kids used to do it all the time.
And we were going.
But, but. But, but, but, but, but.
But it made them crazy.
But they stopped doing it. Yep, they did.
I just did it.
It made them crazy. But they stop doing.
But they stop doing it.
Yeah. So Mrs. M has the baby.
She's pushing the pram.
Do you want to talk about
leaving babies outside?
Oh, she doesn't at the store
and she doesn't at her house.
She does it at the store
and does their house.
And it is creates this weird thing
that is in modern television and movies,
which is.
Aren't we smart?
We're from the future. Aren't we smart?
We're from the future.
When you when you watch something
historical like this and you see them
doing something that we clearly know
better than to do now.
Yeah, she leaves.
She and she they pointed out, she goes,
it was only for 5 minutes.
But I have to say it was really,
really common then to do that.
It was super and.
It's still common to do it
in Scandinavian countries.
We can't judge her for that.
Oh, no, She's not at fault
for leaving the baby outside.
No, for a couple of reasons.
Number one,
their prams were ginormous. Yes.
You couldn't
possibly take the pram in. Yes.
So you'd have to pick the baby up
to take the stairs everywhere.
And if the baby is sleeping,
you do not touch the baby.
You leave the baby in the pram. No.
But there was also a tradition of
just putting babies outside to sleep.
Because the belief that fresh air
was good for them.
It was quieter outside.
Usually the stories
that I could tell you about my job.
In People do it to this day,
even in subzero
temperatures, they bundle the baby up,
put it in the pram and put it outside.
Since I'm Canadian,
I was born with a beard.
I was. Normally.
Were you left outside to sleep?
Are you?
I don't believe I was ever left outside
to sleep intentionally by my siblings.
Yeah, but like I was regularly tell
that we had a lot of kids
and not a lot of car.
So I was regularly laying everybody's lap.
Oh, gosh, yeah.
Nobody had a car seat or a seatbelt back
All sort. Of but that I was born
in the fifties or aging.
We're not talking about.
No, we're not talking here about the baby
is asleep so we'll leave it in the pram.
We just happen to have to leave outside.
This is.
I will pick the baby up
and take it outside to put it in the pram
so I can go to sleep.
So all of this is
just as a little cultural thing
which happens in these shows, which.
Is, you know, why are they doing that?
Because they didn't know better.
Yeah. And it and we've now moved on.
Well and you know, crime has moved on
to unfortunately a baby
is much more likely to be snatched now
maybe or we're afraid that it is We're.
I can say that we're more afraid.
I'm not ready to say
that. It's more likely to happen.
All I know is.
And certainly more reported
now, those truth in the.
Trunk of the stroller accident
only starting
to roll down the street on its own.
If people leave them outside. That's
from Battleship Potemkin.
So we wouldn't have the.
You know, the kind of Charlie Chaplin
slapstick of trying to catch the stroller
as it speeds down there. Yeah.
If people never left the baby
in the stroller.
Sister Paul runs
ran this house for wayward girls.
She was the warden at St Bridget's. Yep.
Which was a home for unwed mothers.
Not wayward
girls, specifically unwed mothers. And.
And the sign is like,
you're all evil sinners.
Come inside.
I mean, it's not like Sister Thomas.
I love how bad she is about everything.
Oh, you're talking about the current war
on Sister Thomas.
Oh, I love our gender gap.
Jenny Galloway is the actress's name.
She's perfect for this role
because she's short.
She's round
and she has a big mo on her face, which
in our society means you've got to be bad
because you've got a big mole.
And she is a warden.
Yeah, Like a prison warden. Yeah.
These poor girls.
And it's.
It's accurate is how they talked. Yeah.
About women
who got pregnant before they were married.
It didn't even matter
if you were young or not.
You could be in your thirties
and they would still treat you like this.
This show, Father Brown,
from the very beginning,
has not shied away from problems
with the church,
and especially problems with women
and homosexuals in the church right away.
We're dealing with all of these things.
That all of the women in the
in Saint Bridget are.
They just look so gray.
Yeah. Yeah.
And she's marching around
going physical labor purges the sin.
You know, we take the
the baby and give it to a good home
and then release them out.
Into the world.
Yeah, it it is. This poor girl.
It's not a pleasant state of affairs
for these women.
And I'm sure they were like looks at her.
Looked more upset. Yeah.
Look more bereft. Yeah. We need.
We a woman's baby being taken out of her
arms in the background.
That's just. Horrible.
And, hey, you got stairs.
We can scrub for this scene.
It's just. And then. Wow. What?
The priest and the nun walk over them
while they're doing it?
Not only are you doing this drudgery,
but we're not even going to make it easy.
For other Brown is like.
He could have easily went in there
and started barking orders
and they would have been completely.
Oh, oh my gosh,
Everybody would have snapped to.
Different to.
Her. Yeah, she has to be. Yeah.
But priests were aware of that situation.
They were aware of that relationship.
And they also understood
that in most parishes
that had a convent,
they were way outnumbered by nuns.
And so he wouldn't
go in there and do too much trouble
if he's smart
because that's their business.
And the last thing he wants is to have to
become more involved in that.
No, he doesn't want to. Right.
Well, Mrs.
Brown's now in a telephone exchange.
She's okay. She's parish secretary. Yes.
Which is kind of a telephone
exchange. Yes.
But she also cooks for him, though.
Susie is supposed to be his housemaid,
She's supposed to clean and cook.
And so. She.
But Susie's.
Idea of cooking is two slices.
Of spam and a tomato. Paste. But
Susie has had lots of problems.
But she is no cook.
At least not that day.
She can make that polish spaghetti thing,
but she can't make it.
Has that eastern European cold meat,
cold vegetable sort of supper thing.
Well, and you know, in Poland,
before she escaped Poland,
that probably was a pretty good.
Dinner, to be honest.
But Father Brown's eat most dumplings.
He's looking at that.
Plate going, I don't even really know
where to start with that.
There's no saws, there's no nothing.
Did you think Mrs. Brown's cooking
look good?
Mrs.. I'm sorry. Mrs. M's cooking
look good.
It'll look better. It looked like a meal.
Yeah, It's like.
Again, an episode is in dire
need of top boy.
Oh, my. Gosh. Yeah.
The pan that she brings it in doesn't
even look like it could go in the oven.
And she has to carry it with It's hot.
Well, she has. To carry it with.
That's what people used to do.
Mark, I'm aware of this.
We have a crock pot that you can carry
just like that.
It's made for it. Yeah.
if you seal it too tight, it might explode
because it's hot.
There's pressure inside.
But yes, that that coated aluminum
tin contraption
she's carrying, that is the equivalent
of Tupperware in the early.
Fifties. Sister Boniface is attacked.
She's shoved down some stairs.
She could have died.
He could could've easily died
and then would be no episode.
No the end. Sister.
But if it's the series and then we have
the most controversial thing
that's going to happen in this episode,
Father Brown and Mrs.
Ham go to the store.
They go to Boots.
Okay, Clearly, that's a reference.
Everybody stops
when they when they say Mr.
Boot, everybody kind of stops and looks
at the camera and goes boots or we'll.
Ever get it.
You know.
For our American listeners, Boots is this
is a drug store in both UK and Canada.
It's a pharmacy.
It's drugstore. Chain Walgreens.
Yeah, yeah.
But people still say
boots, the chemist. Yeah.
And they totally are playing off it here.
I can't imagine shopping the way they used
to have to shop in these small stores
where you would come in
and tell the person behind the counter
what you wanted and they would get it.
So did you see what Mrs. M asked for?
She gets soap, dirtiness. Sell.
Lifebuoy. Lifebuoy. Do you ever use.
Have you ever used Lifebuoy soap?
The only reference
I know to that other than knowing it
existed, is that in a Christmas story,
I think that's the soap
that Ralphie has to suck.
I can smell that.
So is it red?
No, it's yellow, but I can smell it.
Yeah. Wow. I can smell.
It. Yeah, I
can, like, just hearing the name of it
I can remember.
Comes right back. Yeah,
because that's all the nuns.
Some yarn and some thread, some soap,
denture cream, pear drops candy.
They know they don't need Chivers Jam.
That store is brilliant.
Oh, it's really very well said. Yeah.
So then Mrs.
M leaves, and then it becomes
incredibly controversial because.
I've watched this scene 20 times.
Because Father Brown buys turf.
Well, not Father.
Drops. First. Wait for Mrs.
M. To.
Leave, And then he says, Turf, please,
very quietly.
And I said, What the heck is that?
And you went on the hunt to figure it out.
I tried to figure it out.
It is okay.
I have two possibilities
of what it could be.
One, that's not good
and one that is a gas.
Okay, so.
The gas
is that it's a magazine or newspaper
that references either
sports or racing turf.
Okay. Because he has a magazine.
He has a newspaper in front of him
when he when Mr.
Boot goes to get the pair drops. Okay.
There's a little round thing.
Yeah, there's a ten. There's a ten.
I don't think that's related.
I think that's Mr. Boots. Okay.
I think he uses it to dampen his fingers
to get the money.
Turf may mean cigaret tobacco.
Yes, because there are turf cigarets
that were on sale in 1953.
Yeah, but Father Brown never smokes.
We never see him
smile. Ever see him smoke.
And he's not going to visit somebody in
I can see him buying a pack of Cigarets
to take to somebody in jail
if he wanted to talk to them
and he wanted to kind of soften them up
or he thought it would bring them comfort.
I can imagine him doing that.
Yeah, but there's no reason
for him to be buying.
I don't want to be the sports paper.
I guess it's the sports paper.
He doesn't have it on his bike
in the next scene.
Where's he going next?
He goes next to the convent, and then
they're all searching for Sister Boniface.
And Valentine says
you should really kill this priest for me?
No, not really. Yeah. So?
So he's not going to see Tom Evans or any,
you know, like,
because I can imagine him
buying a sports paper if he saw a person
he was going to talk to and appreciate
getting it or Valentine would appreciate
it if.
We ever get anybody
from any of these shows on this show.
We're going to ask the weirdest. Question
and they're going to go, I don't know.
That was in my job.
And one of the ones I'm going to ask is,
what do you mean by turf here?
I thought you were going to say that
it was like a girlie mag or something.
Now, Oh, wait,
you're not done, are you not.
Done about turf?
So turf
at this point in time had in 1953 had as a
a promotion on and this is where I think
it might be this.
There were cards of airplanes now.
In the cigaret cards. On the packages.
Okay yeah that's pretty common.
And they were collectible.
Included in that is the is a helicopter
there had to be really early.
Yeah of course there are places online
where you can see all of these conferences
Father Brown collecting those cards.
I can understand.
But I think he would have said Yeah,
like a ten pack of turf of turf.
Yeah. Yeah. And he just says Turf.
He just says turf.
I don't know what he means.
So I think it's the newspaper,
if that's our only option.
That that is the least weird one.
So then we get to Valentine being
the smartest human being on the planet.
Well, he's
the smartest cop and gamble for it,
that's for sure, because he makes a Henry.
The second reference, he says, Well,
no one rid me of this turbulent priest.
That doesn't mean go kill him.
Because he's referencing
Henry the second and.
The Archbishop of Canterbury,
Thomas Becker.
Thomas Becket.
And then he calls Sister
Bonnici as voluble,
which again is it's
not it's a weird word for him to say.
Maybe it's from his word of the day
calendar or something.
Maybe he's doing the crossword puzzle
to improve himself.
So we find out that the Reverend Mother
had had a baby at St Bridget's, right?
That person?
Yeah, that Sister Paul knew about
it was writing her
awful letter to the diocese about.
I think that in reality,
the Reverend Mother would have long
admitted that to the diocese.
I would think so.
They would.
No, they wouldn't.
No, I don't think she would have tried
to keep it a secret.
Maybe maybe initially
when she went into into the convent
as a like a novitiate nun,
she might have kept it secret.
But at some point, before
you go through the process of really,
you know, dedicating the rest of your life
to the church you have to kind of
like say, here's all the stuff I did, like
you do like a grand confession.
And and she would have confessed that.
And I would have also thought
there would have more women
like Sister Gregory who stuck up for her.
Yeah. So it seems a bit tacked on here.
Then Father Brown goes
to visit the Evans's.
And play a little. Room.
He just walks in the house and sits down,
doesn't know
nothing about house,
and they're not regular parishioners.
He doesn't go to church at all,
and she hasn't been for a while.
It's on the convent, so yeah.
But it's still their home.
But this is the same thing.
And I've talked to you about this.
This is why people don't say goodbye
on the phone, one television show.
Because it's boring to see people walk
and wait for somebody answer the door.
Some Father
Brown just walks in, said Swanson.
And sits down.
And Joyce, we've
we've known throughout the whole episode
that she has a health condition. Yeah.
That she has a fragile heart.
And we're not sure
if her husband is protecting her
because she is physically fragile.
But he seems awfully rough with her.
For somebody
who's worried about her health.
I don't like his character, like I don't
like him as a person, his character.
But I also don't like
his characterization.
He should be more okay.
He has charges for solicitation. Yeah.
He used the moment of him going to war
to get her into bed and make her pregnant.
Now, he did come back and marry her.
That's the only good thing he did.
And since then he's been known
to fraternize with other women
and is rough with her physically.
And then seeing mean.
Mentally and verbally abusive. Yeah.
So she might have been better off
if he hadn't come back to her.
I think it's them
part of them talking about
how not everybody who's innocent
is a good person, Right.
And not everybody
who's guilty is a bad person.
I think that's what they're trying to do.
I just don't think
she would stay with him.
I don't think like I don't think it would
I don't think he would stay with her.
If he didn't have the solicitation
and stuff.
Right. He was just gruff.
Yeah, but he came back from the war,
married her,
and together they were like,
we need to get our baby back.
That that would be different.
Yeah. Like, we hate these nuns.
We hate that nun in particular
because she took our baby and he might
even resent her for letting it happen
when he wasn't there a little bit.
But he doesn't care about that.
I do like that.
They never find her baby.
Yeah, because that would be unrealistic.
Even if he's in the village,
they would never, ever tell her who he is.
And that man, that scene where they take
her baby is so heartbreaking.
Yeah, so heartbreaking.
And you see Sister Paul
being the absolute nastiest.
Yeah. Making her sign.
You don't have a choice.
Yeah, like she does.
She can just take her baby
and walk out of there.
And that's kind of the opposite thing
of what we're.
The more serious version of.
We're for future people.
Yeah. So we know this is wrong.
Yeah, we are.
It is not perfect Trade as a
Oh, this is a quaint
historical thing that happened.
This was a wrong thing that was going on.
It was wrong then.
It was wrong then. It's wrong now. Yeah.
Fiddlesticks Stupid fiddlesticks.
No. Doctor.
Father Browns as a result of this. Yeah.
Fiddlesticks are sticks.
That you use. On a fiddle.
It's a bow.
Oh. Which makes perfect sense
when you think about it.
But why does it mean Oh, darn or silly?
Well, nobody knows in the 15th century.
In the 15th century it was
originally fiddlesticks
f y d y l c y krs did.
You did. Were they like, disposable? No.
Instead of having a nice bow,
you had a stick that you used.
And when it wore out, you threw it away
and grabbed another one and did it again.
And they were like.
Maybe. Troublesome.
It's meant to be something
frivolous. Yeah.
It first used in 1600 a fiddle stick.
Never tell me I am full of words.
Okay then. Yeah.
But then we get to see Mrs.
M on the back of Father Brown's.
Bike, and it's the best thing. Ever.
It is some awesomeness.
She's not even right inside saddle
because she can't.
Yeah, she's straddling the bike.
Straddling the bike.
Even though they're only
going the distance
that you can still hear a baby crying.
You can just run. Yeah.
He puts her on the back of.
The bike at our we. Yeah.
Well that's
in the same way That said is good.
At the end of the last episode Mrs.
M is switches here always.
Yeah always with Mrs.
M in this first season
she's nasty gossipy backstabbing
mean in the beginning
and at the end she's redeemed.
But she's there when to get the baby.
She's there to help Father Brown deal
with this situation.
But even in the beginning of the scene
where Joyce has the baby
at the top of the balcony, Mrs.
M says nasty things and he's like,
maybe now's not the time, you know?
And she's like, Oh, you're right.
She she does that switch in every episode.
Every episode.
He says something to her. Yeah.
And she makes this you're right
face like, Yeah, that's true.
And that goes away in later seasons
which I'm actually pleased.
She, they kind of change your character
a little bit
and then they baptize the baby the end.
The baby that has nothing to do
with anything that does.
Anything. Yeah.
Can I.
Or what, what is going to happen
to these people Like.
Because. Yeah.
Because we can't even do best Corpse.
I mean.
Well I mean we can
because there are two bodies.
Yeah, I would say it's. I don't know.
I didn't really look at them all that,
but it moves along.
Like I told you.
I think it's the novitiate because she,
she gets to crumble in her wedding dress
and from moment to moment
Sister Paul dies pretty quick,
and she's covered up pretty quick.
That is not her body on that girl.
No. The way I said a.
Little slight thing
that they're. Carrying.
Okay, so after the credits.
Yeah. Do the Evans's stay together.
Oh, they're both she's
going to probably in asylum
and he's going to do some time
as an accessory at best.
The law can come down on her
hard and hang her.
She killed two people.
Yeah. Yeah. And stole the baby.
But hysteria and mental problems were.
They were recognized at this time, so.
And he.