Episode 188 - Father Brown - "The Face of Death" - Lady NapsALot, Cameramanopy & Mr. Gillespie, The Crime Solving Dog!
Like Mama.
Papa bear, Papa bear.
Hey, maniac.
Hey, mystery maniac.
Yes, We're back For Father Brown.
Mystery Maniacs is a comedy recap podcast
dedicated to mystery TV.
Each week
we dig into an episode of the show,
including the murders, the mayhem,
the loonies, and everything else we love.
This week, Father Brown.
Season one Episode eight.
The Face of Death,
which turns out to be Father Brown's face.
You know, it really expect that to happen
if you let your kids go to parties
where they find
He got feathers to exchange for candy
from a stranger in the woods
where they can listen to.
That's my peacock. Toy. Yeah. Yeah.
It's yet another annoying woodland noise
along with the foxes screaming. Yes.
But you got to put up with.
Just a reminder.
This is our last full episode of 2023.
I cannot believe how fast
December's going.
You're already done work.
I am for two weeks.
I have to work another week.
Well, I will,
because I still got to prep my classes.
Starts, like soon as I start back to work.
Yeah, I still got to do that. But we do.
So this is our last full episode,
but we do still have too many episodes
to record before the end of the year,
so that'll be fine.
I'm looking forward to those.
I hope you guys are enjoying the minis
for season 24 of mid-summer so far.
Someone posted on Instagram this morning.
I listened to the Mini this morning
and had to double check.
I was listening to the same right episode
because you people said
saw things I never saw.
So that's.
The whole. Point.
As we watch like Maniac, we.
Want you to watch like a maniac. That's
why it's fun.
So then they said that they were going
to watch the episode again.
I'm like, ACORN needs to pay.
just, you know, a quarter
for every time somebody watches
the episode the second time.
Yeah, that would be good.
Just saying that would make us more money
than YouTube.
We finally made enough money
to get a check from YouTube.
It's been a year.
It's two years, five years.
Whatever in a year.
And we finally made enough.
And I'm going to take that money, plus
the money that we got for our six months.
Of merch, same.
Merch sales and give that all to
the women's prenatal hospital in Sierra.
It's not even $100 that they make
you get to before they'll cut you a check.
We had to reach three digits.
Yeah, for.
You're making the making it rain money.
Yeah. And some people can't see.
it's kind of a an occasional drizzle
kind of money.
Well mostly like we could make more money
on our YouTube account
if I put non skippable ads,
but I make all our ads skippable.
Nobody wants to listen to ads.
Yeah, I don't want to know.
No ads.
It is not.
this is not a moneymaking thing for us.
No, it's.
Better if you say you don't want to make
any money off of it and then you don't.
You're doing it right?
Yes, But if you say you want to try
to make some money and you don't, yeah,
you're a failure. Yeah.
So it's better to just say we're not going
to try to make any money off of it.
And if we do, will donate every dime
that we get.
So anyhow,
nobody wants to talk about money.
They want to talk about Father Brown.
Father Brown.
The face of Dad.
Is the weirdest party.
I don't know.
She's trying to be like queen of heart.
Like I guess.
Welcome to my weird, strange party. But.
But first
we have to get to the first death.
Poor dude gets run over by a car. Duh.
He like he is the son who
whose father passes away in bed
is the prototypical.
I'm the town drunk. Daniel. Yeah. Yeah.
I wear a rope for a belt.
Yeah, kind of guy. Like, if he.
If the Rag'n'bone man
wasn't in the previous episode,
he would have been the rag'n'bone man.
I feel bad for him.
His dad was just out picking up
some roadkill and got hit by a car.
it's clearly what he's doing.
He's picking up a dead
bird on the side of the road.
And this is where they didn't have.
It made beforehand.
But those roads like.
So we've both been to England together
and at different times, not together.
Those roads.
You don't drive fast on roads like that
unless you want to hit
some old guy picking up road kill.
I definitely remember roads like that when
I was a kid where I was growing up and.
It's how you spot a local from a visitor.
Yeah, right.
The locals are flyin. Yeah.
Because they know where they're going.
So she gets hit.
He gets hit. Whammo.
And the blond lady does call her Lady
Margaret naps a lot.
To me,
he looks at me and I have to go lay down.
Cook has left.
She's quit. I have to go lay down.
I spent so much time
trying to read the numbers on the top.
I'm going to go lay down.
You looked at my phone.
I blew it up.
Huge to see if I could see the numbers.
That's a beautiful Bakelite phone.
It is, but it's dirty.
It is.
It has a little tray underneath it
that you can keep phone numbers.
And pull it out and you put your.
Phone number when people only have like
eight phone numbers to remember.
And people actually remembered phone.
Numbers well, because they were like
Butterfield nine, 12 or 15 or something,
and they were more like bingo
calling than phone numbers. Yes.
How did they don't her sleeping.
She's always sleeping and she's
sleeping in this big canopy bed
where they put the camera.
Okay, there's a problem with the camera,
but there's a bigger problem.
This woman is fully clothed,
napping in the middle of the bed.
Okay, But you don't know how hard it is
to get in and out of one of those dresses.
The zip is impossible.
But just.
Getting into that position, you.
Just lay down.
To some awkward position.
Now you just roll out of bed again.
It's like, you know, those little tight
the tight dresses back
then that kind of kept
your knees together.
You just kind of flop out
and flop back in again.
Okay. Okay. So it's a canopy bed. Yeah.
And you said that they didn't remove
the canopy because it's an antique bed.
This is filmed at through lunch court,
which is initially a Tudor home
with apparently in the grounds
there is an old even earlier manor house
with a square smoked square moat.
a moat and Bailey moat.
Martin Bailey. Martin.
So I'm sorry.
So we'll get to pronunciation.
But you can tell that it's a tutor
era house
just by the way that it's constructed.
But yeah, it's a historic home.
It's on the registry and all that
good stuff and all the furniture
that's in the house that you see in
the episode is furniture
that's actually in the house.
So I don't think they did
a lot of set dressing.
I think they just used it
the way that it is because it's beautiful.
So yeah, it's the master
bed of the nine beds that are in the house
proper and it has a big ivory
satin canopy above it.
Okay, so to film this,
they would have rigged it
so that Mission Impossible style,
there was a cameraman
hanging above her
with a GoPro on his forehead.
okay. So he's like, hovering
and they have to, like,
lower him down
to get closer to her closeups.
Something then crank him back up.
Yeah, like a little winch. Will.
Pull the rope. Well, it goes right
through the top of the cabinet.
Can come in a.
Man and pan p or maybe a cameraman to be.
Cameraman. Cameraman.
Now there's the name of the.
Cameraman, AP and Mr.
Gillespie, the crime solving dog.
Or maybe they just
put a camera on a stick.
Or lady snaps a lot.
Yes, it's likely a camera on a stick,
usually called a crane.
On a stick.
Well, not on a.
Stick on Steve.
Meanwhile, Daniels asleep in the cemetery.
She's taking a nap in her bed
and he's asleep in the cemetery.
Well, Father Brown, you got me.
He's got an invitation to a party.
And I saw the letter.
I saw the number, and I was like,
okay, first of all, who numbers there
gasps like that?
Yeah, no pressure.
How many people are invited? 20.
I'm guess two. 20.
I was the last person
you thought I was great.
I appreciate that.
So, Daniels to sleep in the cemetery
and Father Brown finds him.
He's clearly drunk.
So there's two. Men has died.
There's Daniel whose dad died,
and then there's the Galloway's.
The Galloway's or Naps a lot.
And it is the typical family.
So we have the stereotype Lady naps a lot.
Who is?
wants to have a big, important party.
And once they all do
go off. She's raising money for charity.
Raising money for charity.
The local bird sanctuary.
And then the second trope we have
is the intellectual, academic husband.
Yeah. And the Swedes, professor.
And then we have the daughter
who's just hell on wheels.
She's a misfit. Yeah.
What did we do wrong?
She must have been adopted
or found in a ditch somewhere.
she formed Siouxsie and the Banshees.
I was
thinking she was gone a little bit more.
Audrey Hepburn.
A little Louise Brooks. Actually.
Yeah. Yeah. Bob.
But that Bob is, at this point,
30 years out of style.
Yeah. Isn't it? Kind of.
Maybe it's coming back. Yes.
She's bringing it. Back.
Bringing it back, bringing the Bob back.
They live in this giant Tudor house.
Did you see the big millstone
in the courtyard?
That's kind of cool.
Yeah, that was cool.
And then Claire shows up.
Well, you know, it's the manor house
when there's a lot of gravel.
Yes, it's got to be a ton of gravel.
And then.
A crunch along in to drive
through to whip your car out of
so that it flies up and hits
the historical boom glass windows
that cost a gazillion dollars to replace,
you know, imported.
Car driven by a misogynistic pornographer.
I have to say, when he dies, I'm like,
good, it's Clarence.
Could not die fast enough.
He's gross. He is, indeed. GROSS.
Maybe you'll let me photograph you
in some French lingerie.
And then she's like, okay.
Like like I'll get.
Around later
to measure you for your costume.
What is his mask?
I hate his.
Mask. You have to measure Emperor's mask.
I hate that he.
Because that's what he's wearing.
Gives her a modicum of attention
and she wilts instantly.
She she puts up a little wall, initially,
a little, and then it quickly falls down.
And she keeps looking at her picture
of her daughter.
It was weird.
But she's sketching a bird.
Because she's into birds.
Tropical bird. Now, local. Bird.
Who measure you for the cost.
You your mask that I bought already.
Because surely he has his own tux.
I would think so.
Captain Clarence already has a tux.
He drives an AMG though His car is sweet.
So what is AMG Stanford?
Did you look that up?
It stands for Morris Garages,
not Mechagodzilla.
No, it should be. Mechagodzilla,
it should.
That would be so much better
if the car transformed into Godzilla.
That would make that little engine
even cooler.
Yeah, but since Clarence is driving
it, it's more like massively gross.
Yeah, he's
kind of massively gross, misogynistic.
Get there you go. Like.
that's perfect.
That's what that M.G. stands for.
Yeah. Yeah.
They were invented
by a guy named Cecil Kimba,
but he worked for a manufacturer
named Morris.
So he called them MDGs
out of respect for his boss.
I liked the art deco of that logo.
So beautiful. And images are just cool.
They're just super cool.
Unfortunately, it's driven by a gift.
Yes, he's. Well, he just.
It's like he has a camera.
Always ready
to take pictures of girls. Yes.
You know, because you never know
when you're going to see a girl
and you want to take her picture
without her permission.
The next scene is the most problematic
thing in the entire episode for me.
It is between the daughter.
What's her name? Is Lucia.
Lucia and her father.
She is
clearly has a passion for making clothes.
And the clothes she makes are beautiful.
And he derides her. See, I did that.
Is that foreshadowing.
Saying that it his at her age,
which I assume is 30 years in the
in the past.
Right. Yeah.
I mean he's got to be 50
and I think she's like 17.
That he was reading Rousseau and Derrida.
No you mean Derrida. Derrida.
Okay. Okay.
There are two ways to pronounce this name.
There is what the Anglicized world says,
which is Derrida,
which is absolutely cool.
I've heard him introduced as Derrida.
It's absolutely fine.
This is Jacques Derrida, famous
deconstructionist philosopher.
We'll get to the data in a second.
And French
people are allowed to call him Derrida
because that's how his name
is actually pronounced, right?
I don't know what he says.
He says Doritos.
Yeah, Basically.
He calls him nacho cheese. Yes.
Rousseau in nacho cheese.
That's what I was reading
when I was rutabagas.
And Nacho cheese. Yes,
Yes. But he's also a time traveler.
And he was reading Derrida when he was 17.
Derrida was born in 1930,
which would mean that he was a child
when he was in high school.
Yeah. I mean, Derrida was gifted. Yes.
He wrote a lot of things
that are really important.
Yes, but I don't think he started
when he was a baby. No.
And at this point in time,
this is supposed to be 1953.
He is just entering grad school.
Yes, I did a couple of papers
on Derrida, so.
Right. It's okay.
They're done. Borges were my baby. Yeah.
When I was an undergrad.
Jacques Derrida
in his deconstruction group.
Which leads me to the second problem.
The third problem of the scene,
the EPAs, the
She's reading Practical Householder.
Did you see what was on the cover
of that particular episode issue? No.
They're building a concrete block garage
on the cover of it.
I found the exact issue January 1956.
she's a time traveler. She's also a time.
She has magazines from the.
Future. Magazines from the future.
That wasn't even the
I mean, I didn't notice the magazine,
but I noticed a Derrida problem.
But that wasn't the biggest problem
I had, was she's cutting fabric
on a blanket in the yard.
There is no place to make clothing.
No, no.
Anybody who's ever sewn anything knows
you at least need a frickin table.
You weigh things out on a flat table.
It is difficult to cut out a pattern.
Never mind
if you're just doing it in your lap.
She's not.
She can't be that talented.
Physics still applies,
and this is a perfect example of the trope
of I'm going to ignore your passion
because I don't share them.
I, I don't know.
I think I think he's actually trying now.
I know he's a psychopath killer.
I know that.
But as a father,
I think he's actually trying
because he he he admits that he misspeaks.
What he wants is for her to do
the most that she can
with the gifts that she's been given
and not underestimate herself.
Well, not sell herself sort short,
She has a dark, deadly secret.
Which is she likes jazz.
She's also dyslexic.
I don't know why do what.
Do I put on the spell?
Well, we. Got to talk about that later.
You got to save it.
The best part of this scene is Mr.
Mr. Gillespie. The best dog.
He's almost as good as Bob.
And here is Bob and Mr.
Need a book series to take.
It, hang out and solve crimes.
You guys might not remember.
Bob, he's a little white Shetland terrier.
I think it's a Shetland here
we call him Scotty's.
He's white.
Yeah, he.
He plays with the ball
and he gets accused of murder.
He goes.
He gets accused of killing the old lady.
It was not Bob.
Wasn't Bob Bob, Go to bed.
Anyway, Mr.
Gillespie has a way cooler name.
Yes. He's
probably named after Dizzy Gillespie.
Yes, I like that.
I like the jazz parts of this.
I like that
he's Mr.. Yes. He's very regal.
Anyway, don't try to sell on a blanket.
Father Brown is going to skip his celibacy
class to go to the party.
I think he's got it down.
I think he. Does by his age.
I think he's got it down.
Nowhere in the entirety of ten seasons.
Is there any indication that.
So he's remotely tempted by a woman?
It is now.
It is understood
that Father Brown may have served
in the First World War,
certainly served in the Second World War.
In the Second World War. He's a priest.
They show scenes of it later on.
So so.
From his young adulthood, he's
been a priest.
Unlike Mrs.
Marple, who dates married men.
When she's younger.
Yes, when she's younger.
She's not as varied, though.
Indicate that Father Brown sees women
as anything but parishioners.
Yeah. His flock.
Yeah. Felicia raises an eyebrow at him.
But it's not because she's like,
yeah, No, no.
It's because she would like.
She'd never know.
She's, she'd, she would get in the car
with Sid to tour the celebrities
so the celebrity celibacy thing
to go and, and basically
try to turn those people from.
Celibacy think she'd do it
like a hoochie dance outside the window
of the celibacy class. Mary
Ooh la la.
She's the final exam.
Yes, they have to resist.
Lady Felicia She wiggles her eyebrows
and winks at them.
I think I would rather go to even this
weird party than go to the celibacy class.
Yes, I would much rather go to this party.
Even though Dr.
Egghead and Captain Birdbrain are at it.
I was like, What is this, Batman
66 with all these puns?
Now, here is, I think, the best
theme of the episode with Valentine
and Father Brown show character
and knowledge of each other and have fun.
And Mrs.
M and Lady F are just like, not buy it.
No, when they're like,
I, I couldn't possibly compete.
I need to give other people a chance.
Yes. Though I really, really like
when Lady Felicia takes away, said Glass,
and then just keeps both of them.
So she can't applaud
because she's got wine in each hand.
But then Mrs. M
takes one of them from her.
This episode, did you notice the father
Brown drinks more in this episode
than any episode we've seen so far?
He has a little bit of red wine.
And does he have he.
Drinks out when he's outside with
the character who I shall speak of soon
outside the bar with that character.
He drinks a beer or two, said No,
he has a suddenly Thomas O.
Father Brown has a pint outside the pub
all the time.
He and said, Have pints together
all the time.
Like Lucia never mentions Thomas.
No one ever mentions Thomas.
Now suddenly she is lip locked with a.
Guy who does not like her.
Who does not like her.
He needs jobs, he needs to work.
He needs to make money to pay his way.
And she is a wealthy, snotty girl
who's yeah, like making him get fired
and getting him in trouble.
He doesn't mind having to do with her.
She keeps coming on to him.
He's like, Go away.
Lucia is clearly hampered with her
unbelievable educational disability.
but being sarcastic, by the way.
But but her.
We're not saying that dyslexia isn't
a serious difficulty for people,
but at this time.
Well, at least in this episode,
they're treating it
like half of your brain is gone.
Yeah, and not like it's something that
you can learn to live with and work with.
And it's still challenging,
but that you can do.
It and doesn't make you a killer
the moment you step in the. Car.
Maybe if they weren't women,
if you were male and dyslexic,
maybe you could overcome it.
But women, I mean, come on,
they have enough problems already.
So this is Lucia's privilege showing
because she doesn't
even understand that
Thomas needs the job and stuff like that.
But it's suddenly Thomas.
Yeah, he is.
He is the adverbial phrase.
Suddenly where does he show up like?
And then he looks
like a main character for 5 minutes,
and then everybody forgets him.
And then he's gone.
It's just chopping wood, breaking up,
making her go away, drinking a beer.
Then he's gone.
And he's horrible to her.
I know she's horrible to him,
but when he says you're
stupid, like your mother says
so, like, Wow.
Like you're not coming to my Siouxsie
and the Banshees concert after that.
He's true.
He's clearly
trying to say something bad enough
that she will go away and stay away.
Yeah. Like how?
How hard do I have to theoretically kick
you for you to go away?
Clarence is dead next to a little shack.
Did you see the little shack?
No. He's sitting on like a stump
next to a little shack.
Yes, And the little.
Shack looks just like the house.
It's a Tudor shack.
It's Tudor on the outside,
the white with the black wood.
Of that. Shack.
There is like a garden shed.
Yeah, like a little garden.
And it looks like the house. It's.
It's like the fanciest little wooden
There's a crime
we get to before the murder, though.
Father Brown, cheating cheater, said.
I don't think he cheats.
I think he just finds an alternative way
to the end to finding Lady
naps a lot, sitting on a cushion
surrounded by treasure chests of candy.
Mom, Mom, I got a part.
What's your part, son?
I'm Valentine's
goon that finds him better.
Why don't we all kind of bunch of goon?
Jesus, this whole thing is Batman 66.
My bigger question is, why is he such
an aggressive smoker in this house?
my God.
Like, it's like he's got one in each hand.
It's like blowing smoke in Father
Brown's face.
And, like,
just like, by the way, I'm smoking.
Did you notice I'm smoking? I'm smoking.
It's the fifties.
I'm smoking, smoking, smoking, smoking.
Everybody should be. Smoking Bout time.
Smokey Bear.
We already told us about that. Yes.
Then there's a touching scene with Father
Brown and Lucia in her bedroom.
Which is way up in the attic of the house.
But he claims he got lost. No, you didn't.
She's just up there being a hip kid.
Listen to the smooth jazz,
which is so much better than the jazz
is playing at the party.
The jazz is playing at the party
is one drunk trumpeter and like Mama.
Bear, Papa Boo River.
She's always listening to music.
And I like how Father Brown's open to
He's open. He's cool.
Yeah, he's a cool dude.
So Clarence is dead
next to the little shack.
With an ax or a sword.
Yeah, those are two very different worlds.
They're both cut.
To the neck region
That's what Patrick likes to do.
He's like a golfer, you know,
But with a sword.
We'd like everybody
to congregate in the drawing room.
Have you not seen any murder mysteries?
That's at the end of the episode.
You don't even know who did it. Yeah.
You can't get everybody together yet.
It's not how it works.
Margaret slaps Lucia. Yeah.
And doesn't even check to see
which hand it is for.
We're not making fun of dyslexia.
We're making fun of the way
it's portrayed in this.
Character, which is horrible.
Which is really bad.
All I know what I should think
is, my gosh, she slapped her child.
That's so wrong.
She's so out of control.
What is up with her?
And all I could think
was if you get slapped
by somebody wearing gloves,
does it even hurt? Yeah.
Because she's got on those blue gloves,
like, well, whatever.
Like you still did try to hit me, Mom.
Yeah, how dare you?
Yeah, but it wouldn't even leave a mark.
I don't think now she punched you.
It was still hurt. But Lady Knapp's lots.
Not a puncher.
I haven't a note near here that says.
Does she have nothing proper to sleep in?
change out of your clothes to take a nap.
Yeah, you do.
Okay. You do. Okay. Most people don't.
They just lay down and take a nap.
They take their shoes off and lay down
and take a nap half the time.
Well, I'm only ever taking, like,
three naps in my whole life.
I don't even take my glasses
off. Just lay down.
by the way,
one of the highlights of the broadcast
channel on Instagram lately
is a picture of me and the dog out.
You are not just asleep, you are both out.
The dog looks like her neck is broken.
She's so out now.
Kimble Third is not a place of big,
big crime.
Big organized crime.
No. Right. There's no mafia in Camelford.
But I tell you what, if there was
and you came there looking to investigate
and you wanted to figure out
what the front was
for the mafia or for the organized crime,
there's only one place it could be.
The Kimble Fur Mask Shop.
The Costume Emporium.
Yeah, because there is no way
they stay in business.
They stay in intimate way
selling three masks a year.
Now, that devil, that papier machΓ© devil
mask in the window is kind of cool.
It was. I just thought I can make.
That is like, nice little Father Brown
seen looking at the devil mask.
Is he looking at the face of death
there Now?
Only if it's his reflection in the window.
Yes, but they don't show. I'm
going inside.
There's no scene inside because.
No, there isn't inside.
It's just Guido counting money. Yeah.
Yo, Father Brown, what you doing?
Don't tell anybody about our business.
We. Got going on in here.
Is that racist?
no, man.
Okay, okay, now we have the next death,
which is the point where I was like, I.
Well, they think they see Daniel outside.
Yes, Right.
So they have a little freak out and lay
A lot has to go way down a little bit.
And Patrick is like, I can't protect you.
I can't go to I don't know what I go.
And all of a sudden I was struck
like, okay, so the actor who plays
Professor Patrick Galloway.
Yes. Stephen Boxer. Yeah.
He has been a midsummer.
Yes, he was in Midsummer Rhapsody.
Yes, he was.
Lady naps
a lot was in Sins of Commission. Yes.
The one with the literary festival. Yes.
But so I knew I recognized him.
But at this point, when he's really
like slapping around, being a wimpy guy
is when it suddenly struck me
who he reminds me of.
Who's remind you, Don? Not. Yeah.
He has a lot of Don
Knotts. He's Mr. Chicken.
He is. He has a lot of Don Knotts.
In that suit, slapping around,
acting like, I don't know what to do.
I make jokes just like Don Knotts.
Yeah, it that.
Which I'm not old enough
to know who did. This.
But I know who. Is in the room together.
I don't think so. I don't think so.
We know he can time travel, so,
you know, could be you
guys can look up, not Don Knotts
and see if you don't know who he is.
It's Lady sleeps.
A lady naps a lot. And sir, not Don
Yeah, Don Knotts and Sir and sir.
Not Don.
That's Professor, sir, not.
Professors, sir. Not Don. Knotts.
Which is why the P.
Irks at Don.
Which is why the P
that she draws in the pillow
still refers to him
because he's professor, not Don.
It's the P for Professor.
or Patrick.
But she dip her finger in her own blood.
Yeah, Yeah.
She like Doug inside like this
she's got a bunch of little tabbies,
so she had to find one
that was big enough for a finger.
No, no, no. that one.
And you probably have to dip
a few times, too.
I know it is.
Now, she has better clothes.
Now she's got pajamas.
Now she has pajamas.
I'm surprised you even count those
as pajamas because she's got a night
dress and a robe over it
like she's got two layers of pajamas.
You know what I
we watched too many of these shows.
We've talked about this before, but.
It breaks you a little bit.
I really, really felt for Sid here.
Sid would be incredibly upset. Yeah.
Because it was his job
to keep her safe. Yeah.
And she did take that seriously.
Yeah, I think so too.
Even if he didn't like her now
because that's like.
He does have some honor.
He slathered on her but he has on her and.
He's got to make the connection
that if I can't protect her,
can I protect Lady Felicia?
And if something happened to Lady Felicia.
he'll be devastated.
Would be. So devastated. Yeah.
It doesn't help that they make him
stand outside.
Well, that's
so that he's not plot by the plot armor
that runs through the house.
But all the other doors are locked, Mark,
in this giant house that goes on and on.
So they just come in the back door.
The back door. There's just one. Yeah.
Not a giant window or,
you know, some other opening.
I love how they get the nine on the pillow
all wrong and have all also, it doesn't.
Even look like a nine.
It looks like a backwards piece.
Looks like a backward.
They may as well said.
I think it's an inverted lowercase b
like she.
Started. Down.
She must have rotated the pillow
after she wrote it.
Yes, it's for R
or it's a backwards lowercase d.
We just don't know. It could be anything.
It's a tennis racket, poorly drawn. Sorry,
I'm just sitting here thinking of all
those symbols, a circle and a stick to B,
it's a bad lollipop.
Like, mostly I'm thinking of you
because you can't draw very well.
And if it was you, like, I would be like,
No, no, don't assume that it's a nine.
His handwriting was awful
and he couldn't draw it could be anything.
Could be. Really. It's a mountain.
He he could have been trying to make
a symbol for a parrot or something.
I don't know what that is. Sorry.
If you guys could see his face right now.
It's really trying not to.
Be mad at me.
You write like a serial killer.
I'm sorry your handwriting is so bad.
I do. I do write very.
So I hope you never get murdered
and have to leave the initial of the
killer in your own blood.
I'll try to leave first and last initials.
Just rip out of typewriter real quick.
Type it. Out.
Well, cut the.
Letters out of the newspaper.
I may.
I may nap in the proper clothes,
but I also have my typewriter with me.
Yes, Yes.
Since the attacks. Text.
Who did it before he died? Okay.
Daniel's been dead four days in a pit.
we're there. All right.
It's not even a dry well, it's just a pen.
It's just.
It's just a garden feature.
What a horrible way to die.
Your dad has just been.
You think murdered?
You're homeless and you're an alcoholic.
All you've got to your name is this old
useless sword, and you get killed
and pushed into a garden feature
and covered up with weeds.
By an academic. By a professor.
You know those people.
I mean, like, come on, even drunk.
Daniel should be able to fight him off.
Father Brown writes his bike through
a field, and I'm like, They're nearby.
I think riding bikes on grass, it's hard.
It is especially uneven.
So he uses the super nose of Mr.
Gillespie to find the body.
And then the professor comes along
and Father Brown says, Dude,
the jig is up.
Yeah, yeah,
I cannot believe that Professor.
Not done.
Not is going to behead Father Brown.
He goes and all crazy.
Go like, get down your knees. Okay.
Hold your head still. Yeah.
And I'm going to do it
like a full 360 swing and lop it off.
Well, luckily,
Susie doesn't make the gate make a noise.
No, she stealth mode the squeaky gate and.
Walks up to him.
Dropped Boots and Whammo by Susie.
He's making a Siouxsie
and the Banshees joke,
which if you look them up,
you'll see that she has the same hair
and she whacks her dad on the head
with a rock.
Yeah. He's short. She's short.
So it works.
I guess she's lucky he didn't spin around
and lop her head off, too.
She deserved it.
Wow. He's nasty. Is like.
I understand he's humiliated
because his wife is sleeping with.
His cousin.
Mega Godzilla and.
Misogynistic gross guy.
But, like, have a conversation with.
He kills Danielle just to frame him.
Yeah, he was just in the way.
He's just he's
he's human trash, basically.
I just I just put him in the garden. Yeah.
What does he think
he's going to do with Father Brown?
I don't know. Like, what is his end goal?
Is he just kind of
put him in the pit, too?
And again,
and I hate I hate to bring this up over
and over again,
but what is the inciting incident here?
What triggers does he feel so guilty
that he put the dyslexic woman in the car
that he has to start killing? Now?
That makes no sense at all.
That would explain why he might kill
Daniel to make him stop accusing her baby?
No. Why?
His goal all the time is to kill his wife
and her lover.
Daniel is just a byproduct. Yeah.
So what makes him? Why?
When want to do it. At the party?
He's just waiting for clearance to visit.
Do you think maybe there was a scene
that was cut where he confronts Clarence
and then runs him
through with a sword act?
I think what we're supposed to think is
and maybe here's my supposition,
is that
he notices how Clarence looks at Lucia
and he's not having it because he thinks,
Clarence is going to try
to put the moves on my daughter.
It's bad enough
he's sleeping with my wife.
I'm going to take him out.
So he's going to kill Clarence.
Even better and say
I'm going to confront him and then have
Salem have Claire and say,
well, are you sure she's your daughter?
Like, they're like,
okay, murderous rage, I guess.
And then he's got a motive to kill
lady naps a lot, too. Yes.
Because she slept with him
and has been lying to him all this time.
But that would only be the case
if Lucinda was Lucia.
Lucia was 15 and if she's 15.
I think she could be I think she could be
anywhere from 15 to 22.
I think she's under 18.
Well, she could be 12 or 21.
Wow. That's a deep joke.
That's a deep.
Don't even try to get at people.
That was a mark gets a joke.
Let's just pretend that that's
what happened.
Did you notice the weird
droning noise when they're in the garden
when he's confronting Patrick?
Yeah, kind of like somebody is playing
house music kind of far away.
Yeah, I did notice that noise.
There's bees and flies.
That's one thing.
That's not what I'm talking about.
There's a noise there that must have
driven the audio engineer insane.
Underneath the dialog, underneath
the flies there is a boom, boom.
Boom, boom, boom. Boom.
Or it's like a lawnmower,
like we're hearing right now.
It's got a rhythm to it.
It does have
I think there's a music festival
going on somewhere or something,
and they did their best.
We Also have a music festival
this weekend.
Everybody has to come in costume.
Thank you. I can now run my business.
It would
be a time traveling music festival
because it's clearly house music.
It's what it sounds like.
Yes, I think they tried
to remove it from the footage
and did their very best to kind of like
dull it down and like hide it with
flies buzzing over the dead body.
But yeah, it's there.
So let's talk about the flashback
of the car ride of death, okay.
And why this is so problematic.
Okay, this is horrible.
Lady Knapp's lot is driving her car.
Yeah, theoretically.
In her napping outfit.
The arrest,
which is just a regular clothes.
I get it.
Patrick is with her, Right?
So he.
Think so? Yeah.
Yeah. So he's not driving. He.
She's driving.
So she must be confident about driving.
Otherwise she would say No, no, you drive.
All right.
So she goes around the corner, she sees
Daniel's dad picking up the dead stuff.
There was a lot of DS and panics.
Yeah, Okay.
And based on the flashback in her panic,
she takes her foot off the gas pedal
where already was, right?
Looks down, sees
one that says L and one that says R.
And then there's the part
where she gets her hands.
Her fingers
up to meet the L and the backwards
Albert figure out which is left and right.
And then that's what sticks
her hands off the wheel.
And that's how she had to know.
Why wouldn't they just say, Stop,
go. Yeah.
On the pedals.
And if you need to look at the pedals,
you shouldn't be driving.
And maybe you should be him
rather than stopping.
Like, maybe stopping is not stopping.
Is secondary to steering away. Yes.
He's way too close for you to stop.
But then she'll be hit him
and they know they hit him
and then they kind of look at each other
and go,
oops and drive away.
I don't think they do.
I think maybe they drive to get help
because everybody knows
she's the one who hit him.
It's not like a hit and run and there's
nobody else around to have said
it was her.
She didn't deny it
if she had denied it or not admitted,
you know, if if they hadn't gone
to get him help or whatever,
she'd be in a lot more trouble.
This is, as she says from
the very beginning, a terrible accident.
Yes. She got bad about it, of course.
If she's not ready to show up
in French lingerie
in her pictures,
she is a good mom and like a good person
who's dealing with the fact
that her accident.
Somebody to die,
which would make you wear clothes to bed.
Now, does it make her say to Daniel, I'm
so sorry about your dad
and it was an accident,
but I feel responsible.
What can I do to help you?
Can I give you a job? Yes.
Can we provide you a place to live?
Can you have a job taking care of one
part of our fabulous garden or.
Yeah, like you can have
a house on the estate and not do anything.
Yeah, that would be fine.
They have plenty.
And tell me about your dad.
So she's still a bad. Yeah. Well, she.
Her guilt gets in the way of her
being a good person.
Lady Knapp's lot inability to figure out
which panel is which. Yes.
And the fact that she panics
and then looks at the panel
just made me think when I used to
drive around with my cousin.
Who's the worst driver ever?
when she was learning to drive
and she was approaching an intersection
and the light would turn yellow,
she would yell, Point a decision.
Point of decision out.
Loud because she was trying to decide
whether to go through the intersection
or try to stop.
And so she did this verbally.
She would yell point decision.
So then this lady naturally.
Looking at the pedals.
And the bells go point. Up is,
is. It left to right, left to right?
Thank goodness she doesn't drive a stick.
my gosh. Yeah.
Imagine if there was a clutch two.
She'd be completely confused.
probably should be a clutch in that car.
I don't think there were automatics yet.
I hate that The killer says
that God is dead to Father Brown.
Father Brandon care about that?
Just stupid,
anti-intellectual ism crap it.
I mean, it wouldn't.
It wouldn't faze
Father Brown at all. Yeah, but and.
It would use it.
Like it's, it's bad it's bad
for the character to say that,
but he's obviously a psycho.
The Nixon argument that God is dead
is so much more complex
than just
There was an old guy who died, you know?
Okay, Professor, not done, not Patrick
is clearly not a very good academic.
He says Dorito. Doritos or.
Dairy dog.
When I was your age,
I was eating Doritos and rutabagas. Yes.
Reading anti-gun.
You almost spit your soda on your laptop.
And don't crave produced
pronounced to God.
You mean Antigeni?
Yeah. it's anti-gun.
You don't know anything.
Who's the best corpse?
I think. What's his name in the.
Well, Daniel.
Got all those flies in the house music?
What happened is. He's been dead for days.
Done for days. Daniel. I don't know.
I think lady naps a lot
is probably my favorite
because in my head, she still has her
fingers stuck in one of her wounds
to get more blood out
to write up his whole name backwards.
Hey, the A is the same either direction.
And if you write it.
In caps in previous episodes, it.
Tells the. T in previous episodes.
That's what you write. Tap
nine What's your name again? Tar.
We're not making fun of dyslexic.
No, just how it's portrayed
in this episode.
How it's portrayed in this episode.
Mrs. M normally would have went on a rant
about Laci
underwear and golf music,
but she is mellowed here.
She's so relieved that Father Brown
Father headed by the head.
Yes, that
that's what she's thinking about. Yes.
And then she bustles off
to go to the costume
emporium to do her money
counting shift. Yes.
Father Brown lights the candle for Daniel.
Yeah. Which is the right thing to do. Yes.
So I think lighting absolute deserves
one, too.
I think so, too. She.
She had her flaws, but no one else did.
No one else doesn't.
Except for everybody else does.
You mean everyone else does,
except for Mechagodzilla.
He's just horrible.
No misogynistic
gross guy does not get a candle.
but Father Brown would like one for him
anyway, because he's a good person.
Years after credits,
Lucia is in charge of everything.
Yes, she gets the big house all herself.
Gets the big house
to run her fashion empire.
And I hope she does. It might.
You hope she has galas and fashion
shows on the line?
Yeah. And has Thomas hired?
I don't think
Thomas wants anything to do with.
I don't think he likes her.
Plus, I don't think it's
because she's from the big house
that he doesn't like her.
I think she does.
He doesn't like her.
Also, do they not have tables at this pub?
Like they have to sit
in the grass outside?
That's because he's he's dirty. He's.
He's at work.
He's a. Working guy.
He's got to sit outside. No work. So
there's a.
Midsummer's, a midsummer summer.
Call. Benbow.
All right, so that is the face of death.
Okay, so what we got for you
is the face of death this week.
This is Monday
when you're listening to it.
And then later on this week,
we have Season 24 Episode Three Claws Out.
The mini episode.
For midsummer. Midsummer.
And then after Christmas.
I cannot believe I just said that
we have a climate of death with
I Will drop
the Mini will drop
on the 28th of December.
That's the day
the meaning will come out now.
Yeah, because the episode
comes out on Christmas.
Or on Christmas Day. All right.
And then then starting January 8th,
we will cover
those four new Midsummer episodes in.
So if you want us,
you better watch them before then because
we're going to spoil them in the fall
Boy, do we have a lot to talk about.
So much.
With only two down,
we have so much to talk about.
And then then we'll finish off.
Father Brown Season one with two episodes.
Yeah, and then we're not sure.
God, that's fabulous. Three.
That's a million years from now.
It's going to be.
Certainly not five weeks away.
It's going to be here before you know.
I know.
We'll probably see it in the Mini, but
I know not everybody listens to the minis.
If you don't have access to the episodes,
you're not going to listen to them.
So this is our last chance to tell you
if you're not going to listen
to those that
we hope you have a great holiday. Yep.
We hope you get some rest.
And some time with. People that you love.
Have a laugh, have some cookies.
That's the extent of our Christmas song,
by the way.
Happy holidays. Please
enjoy yourself.
We're going to make some of the cookie
recipes that you sent us. Yes.
And we'll post some pictures.
And we'll post some pictures.
Thank you all for listening this year.
We really, really appreciate it.
We love doing this.
It's a blast every time.
And it's just it's great
to be part of a community with all of you.
And now that the YouTube money is flowing.
We're rich because.
You know. It.
Mr. Beast, you better be.
Worried. Look out.
We're going to be ranking top number one
with our $72
that we're going to donate to.
All right, maniacs, have a good one.
Merry Christmas. Happy holidays.
Whatever you celebrate.
Yes. Bye, maniac.
Bye, maniacs.
You don't want to have to skin
your strawberries. Wow.
This is going to be an exciting outtake.
I'm not trying to record an outtake.
I'm just answering your question.