Episode 195 - Poirot - "The Adventure of the Clapham Cook" - Oi! I Put The Legacy On The Barby! - REMIXED!
Hey, maniac. Hey, mystery maniac.
Welcome to the first.
One. Bro.
It's a remix,
but we've got some goodies for you.
Don't go anywhere. Yeah.
So this is the start of season
one of Poro.
We did season one episodes
one, six and seven.
So those will be remix.
But this time we're going to do
all of the episodes in between as well.
Yes. So next week
we'll be having episode two of Clairo
and that'll be a brand
new never heard before episode.
That's right.
But this week it's a remix of the Clapham
Cook with Danny Webb, a.k.a.
Tits in a Tree. Yeah.
And she would have wanted her things.
Yes. You know.
All sorts of good stuff.
But we're burying the lead here.
my gosh.
We got something good for you. Yeah, we.
We teased this, but you had no idea that
we were going to interview this person.
Now, and this is.
This is a big deal for people.
We have for your listening pleasure
an interview with the one,
the only her Kule pa ro.
Mr. Poro, we are so excited to have you.
You are the most amazing detective ever.
You have the best brain in all of fiction.
You're better than Sherlock Holmes.
Do not be stunting with your praise.
I don't think we were.
Anyway, it's amazing to have the most
famous French detective on the show.
No, no, no, no, no.
I am not some French gent.
I am some Belgian gent.
Of course you are.
We were just joking. Calm down.
It may occur to you that I am eccentric,
perhaps mad.
You may say the little Belgian detect
if he's taking leave of his rocker,
Not at all.
Sorry, we were just joking.
Let's change the subject.
It's amazing
that you're here in Bloomington.
I know we're a bit rural
compared to London.
I'm sure you prefer the big city.
These sort of areas intended for birds
and little furry things.
The lungs of Cuba demand
something more substantial.
The good of the town.
I prefer the city to so.
Since you're visiting America, did
you check out the Super Bowl last weekend?
What did you think about American
I know a lot of any other game, but
even the players aren't sure of the rules.
I agree.
It's all that complicated for me, too.
What game do you like?
The name of Pueblo is feared
on golf courses all over the continent.
I prefer ice hockey.
Prefer you're obsessed with hockey.
It occupies
too many of your little gray cells.
I think Hercule makes me more
than he likes you.
You're a girl of remarkable intelligence
that can be seen at once.
thank you.
That means a lot coming from you.
can I touch your mustache?
No. No, no, no, no, no, no.
46 times.
No. Sorry.
If it makes you feel better,
you can touch Marc's mustache.
I am sorry, madame, but I do not touch
that particular kind of business.
Well, okay.
May I give you some advice, madame?
Sure. Okay.
Your husband loves you.
I know it. that's so nice of you to say.
who listen to the show often comment
about how great we are as a couple.
We have fun together.
As long as our dog Olive isn't
being horrible and getting in the way.
No, no, no, no.
Between the husband and the wife,
there should be not two sleepy dogs.
If only she was sleeping.
She's so bad that nothing we do
seems to work.
Got any advice
on what we should say to her?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
46 times?
No. Is that your answer for everything?
Toffee nosed monkey soup.
Okay, now you're just being strange.
Are you okay?
He just left.
He didn't even say goodbye.
Still, we interviewed Piero.
How cool is.
Think he'd come back
if we invited him again?
No. No, no, no, no, no, no.
36 times. No.
I guess not.
Well, that was interview with Foro.
It was different than I expected it to be,
but it was still fun.
It was.
We hope you liked it.
So here is episode one of season
one of Foro for you to enjoy
the adventure of the club.
Hey, maniacs.
Hey, maniacs.
Welcome to.
We did it.
Mystery Maniacs is a recap comedy
podcast dedicated to British mystery TV.
Each week
we dig into an episode of the show,
including the murders, the mayhem,
the loonies, and everything else we love.
This week,
we're covering Agatha Christie's Euro.
Season one Episode one
The Adventure of the Clapham Cook.
A good cook is a good cook.
David. I'm Mark.
I'm Sarah.
And we're the mystery maniacs. Okay.
Couple of things to begin.
First of all, if you're midsummer maniacs
and you're joining us
here, thank you for continuing. Yay!
And if you're new people,
thank you for finding us.
Hey, you should know, though,
if you're new, that we did for,
I don't know, 10 million episodes
of Midsomer Murders prior to this.
132 episodes, Edmunds themselves.
10 million. And then we suddenly ran out.
So we have to be global
experts on Midsomer Murders.
We do. We have to. Be like,
if there was a.
Mastermind mastermind, I would choose.
Midsummer. Midsomer.
Yeah, I think you'd win.
I think I might.
Yeah, certainly.
Anyhow, this is a spoiler podcast.
We're going to ruin everything.
For this show from a million years ago.
I had no idea that this show was first
shown on the 8th of January 1989.
It's because it's timeless,
because it's set in the thirties, so
there's nothing to give it away and data
and David Sue Shea really didn't age? No.
Four Were you doing in 1989, in January?
I would have been in eighth grade.
I was in my freshman year of college.
I started high school in the fall of 1989.
So yeah, in January
I would have been in eighth grade.
And now, you know,
then I'm older than Sarah.
And now you know that I'm ancient
and you're ancient.
the bottom line is, though, if you're new,
you may hear some references to midsummer
because, like a lot of
these people have been in midsummer,
it's it's a game that we play
when we watch anything that isn't.
We go midsummer.
Yes. How long you seem to be in Sandman
last night?
like 30 seconds.
Like I said, midsummer.
And you'll hear funny references.
Like I said, I.
I have to admit, when I went to see Batman
with my friend Joshua, I said it out.
Loud in the theater in the.
Sea. My gosh,
you're the worst. Such a nerd.
And you're going to hear stuff like,
for example, when we talk about the actor
Danny Webb, who plays the luggage porter
in the Clapham Cook.
So good.
He was in a couple of Midsummer's,
and in one of them he's an airline
safety accident
inspector and talks about tits in a tree.
And so we just now called Danny Webb
tits in a tree.
Yeah, Danny Webb is tits in the tree.
So if you don't get the references,
go watch Midsummer.
Why haven't you watched it already?
Just as a warning.
We also use the show as a guide
to what we talk about
in the level we talk about it. We're not.
We're not sweary, mixed
where. Things or No, no.
We're not using crude language.
But if the show talks about crude
stuff, we're going to talk.
About if your kids can handle
white slavers and they can even.
Mystery maniacs, but we will spoil it
so we won't talk about, you know, who
the killer is and give it all away.
So if you haven't seen the adventure
of the Clapham cook first,
where have you been since 1989?
And second pause. Go watch it. Come back.
If you watch Poro
and haven't watched Midsommar,
go watch Midsommar 232 episodes.
It's all good stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This is Agatha Christie's Poirot,
but we're just going to call it Poirot
from now on instead of
Yes. And before we go too far,
just a little disclaimer.
There are people in the world
who are Agatha Christie experts. Yep.
They know a lot.
Now, I've been reading and watching Agatha
Christie my whole life.
My whole life.
I love everything that she wrote
and I love almost every screen adaptation.
I won't say that I've liked them all,
but most of them.
Yeah, but there are people out there
who know more than us.
And so if there's something
that we don't mention
that you think we should and you're
one of those experts, drop us a line.
Tell us we'll do a quick interview.
Yep. We'll include you in the show.
I'm so cool.
I have great respect for people
who are experts.
Yep. In August,
we're covering three Poirot episodes.
We're covering
just. From season one, from.
Clapham Crook, from season one,
Triangle at Roads and Problem at Sea. Yes.
So we're just going to dip a.
Strange, dull. Yes.
We're just going to dip into season one.
Yep. Here.
And we'll come back to pyro
at a later date.
And yes, absolutely. Dip into season two.
Yes. So this is 1989 to 2013.
How many episodes do you think there are?
Puro 40.
There are 70. yeah, absolutely.
It was broadcast
on the 8th of January 1989, as mentioned,
directed by Edward Bennett
and written by Clive Exton.
Clive Axton made quite the movie.
It's a movie
called The House in Nightmare Park.
That sounds awesome.
Yeah, it's not what you think it is.
It's a goofy kind of spoofy movie,
but the trailer is nuts.
I have a little confession to
make here, but I think there's something
people need to understand about us. Yes.
That even people who listen to Midsummer
Maniacs don't know, and
that both of us have trouble
shutting our brains off at night. Yes.
And so we often put
something on the laptop
and just let it play and fall asleep.
And it has to be something
that we have seen a lot
that we're very familiar with
so that it doesn't make
you want to stay awake to watch it.
Yes, I'm team is Fantastic four.
Yeah, because we've seen
every episode of Time team
so it's enough to kind of engage
your brain enough
so you can drift off
but not keep your attention
and for months at a time,
we did this with pyro to all 70 episodes,
and every time we go back to pyro
for that purpose,
we always start with the beginning
with the clapping.
So subliminally
I have watched this show 20.
Times, maybe 20 times.
I also listened to the book
recently on my trip to Canada.
By the way, I'm Canadian,
My wife is American.
We live in Bloomington, Indiana.
If you're new now, you know,
but I feel like there are certain segments
of this episode that I know by heart.
you say that.
But then when
I started watching the episode, I'm like,
Wait a minute, they give away the killer
right at the very beginning.
but you don't know why he's doing it.
No, but I hadn't realized that before.
We're going to make fun of this
because we love it. Yes.
So if you're if you're listening
because you're a serious Agatha Christie
scholarly type,
you might not like the fact
that we make fun of it just might not just
it'll be fine.
Horror was fun.
We love David Sue Shea.
He is fantastic.
Now, you know, he got this part because
the Agatha Christie estate, the family.
They asked him.
Asked him to,
you know, like they thought he is the one.
And that opening shot.
So the the episode begins with
with the killer
putting away some stuff right in the case.
He's tying the trunk. Yeah.
And it was. Recorded.
We could make mistakes that
it's his things, but then they're kind of.
You don't know what he's doing,
but he's clearly like he's sweaty
and he's kind of hurried and he's
obviously doing something nefarious
involving that trunk.
We have this opening
shot of Puro from Feet up.
It's really good.
Well, you have to know that
he's the full package, right?
Anybody who's ever read any prose stories,
you know how she describes him.
She always talks about his patent
leather shoes.
She always talks about his mustache.
She always talks about the fact
that his head is shaped like an egg.
You know, like there are things about him
that if you if you were watching this
for the first time and you were an Agatha
Christie fan, you're like,
I'm not sure if I'm going to like this.
And then you see David's. Touché.
And you go, yeah, yeah, got it.
They got it right?
Absolutely. You know.
So he's got spats on his.
Yeah, you know, about spats.
So spats are like pieces of cloth
you wear over your shoes
and the bottom of your pants. Yeah.
Do you know why.
To keep them clean.
Assume spats is short for spatter.
Dash. Spatter, dash.
Yeah, they're to keep your shoes clean
and there to protect.
And your socks
there like to protect the top of your shoe
and your sock from things
that would fly into that gap.
Like mud or water. Right?
Yeah, but they're most and that's like
the civilian version of them.
But they're most often used now
by people who work in foundries.
because the place where your boot laces up
is the most vulnerable part of your boot.
And if molten metal dripped on your foot
and got on that part,
it would burn through and onto your foot.
That's not good.
So they wear spats
that are like impervious.
They're like five layers of canvas
with like probably asbestos
in the middle or something.
And, and they also wear them
in the military for the same reason.
Because if like incendiaries dropped
and you know, it would get on your shoe
and it closes the gap
between your pant leg and your shoe.
It's not just for fancy pants.
But it does make you look pretty.
Fancy cookies are definitely
for fancy superfoods.
And we're introduced
to Hastings, Colonel Hastings,
now in the books, in the short stories,
at least the couple that I've read,
he is totally the stand in for the reader.
Yeah. He's the narrator of most of them.
Yeah. The colonel or captain.
Is Captain Hastings.
my gosh. We're getting emails.
He's Captain Hastings.
Captain Hastings,
and he's reading through the paper,
talking about all these cases.
I want to know what happened to the field.
Newspapers of this era and earlier.
Just blow my mind.
It's like a poker type. Yep.
There's no whitespace on the page.
They're bigger than they are now.
Like the individual pages are bigger, and
it is eight page archetype top to bottom.
Every page is jam packed.
But there are two ads.
How did anybody read the paper.
Like with their little Pearson s?
No, I mean it would have taken all day.
And there were two editions.
Usually, and personal ads, person
to person ads were very popular. Yes.
That's what all kinds of reasons.
And they, they and that's.
What Miss Lemon you.
they placed an ad, but there were like
whole pages
that were just person to person messages.
Yep. In the newspaper.
Never mind all the rest.
Just it blows me away.
How much content was in the paperback
then compared to an average paper now?
You just if you actually read all of it,
you'd be done right
when the next paper came. Yes.
Pretty much like it.
And be a full time job.
Pretty much reading the newspaper.
That's the thing we do, by the way,
if we are referring to a picture
or a video or things like that,
we'll put it in the show notes so you can
go to the show notes and find those.
In the every episode that we put out,
we list where the show notes are.
Also, the other thing
we need to note about the newspaper
is that's how we get the date.
So we find out that it's November
1935. Yes.
And that's important
because if you if you only kind of
look at the setting for clues,
you might think it was the twenties
because a lot of architecture
didn't really change.
Well, it's so.
Recession years between the two.
Wars, everything is so art deco
and this except for the little cottage.
Yeah, like the bank
manager's house is art deco.
Yeah, I would say even the bridge they go
over is a bit Art deco.
Yeah. Right. All the cars.
And so you could, you could.
It would be understandable if you thought
it was the late twenties, but it's 1935.
And if you know anything
about Perot and Hastings at all,
you know that the wars are important.
The fact that these stories happen in the
intersession years between them over.
One interview.
that's an important piece of context.
I think that we just have to keep in mind
and just kind of so.
Porro was an immigrant
from the First World War when.
He was a refugee.
When the Germans invaded Belgium
and not French and came a Belgian.
Chap and Captain Hastings is captain
because he was in the war.
And that wasn't heard in the soul. Right.
But Puerto has bigger plans.
How many different Euro stories?
Start with him suffering from case ennui.
Yeah. So little gray cells of suffering.
He he none of these cases are interesting
to him.
He's more interested in his power
powder of PD.
He says he has to trim his mustache.
Yeah, he has to clean a grease spot off
of one of his suits.
And these things are more interesting
than the cases that Hastings reading.
And he includes getting his winter
coat out. Yes.
And he says, Parlor of kittens.
No kidding.
This powder of.
The subtitle says Parlor of.
The Sub tells him that on this episode
I have in front of me an ad for Keating's
power from roughly the same time,
and he's brilliant.
In fact, Keating's powder kills
every bug flea, moth fly beetle, etc.
providing only Keating's is brought
into the proper contact with it contains
no poison or and is harmless to everything
but household, insects and vermin.
So it's mothballs?
Yeah, basically.
So his coat has been stored
all summer and November.
He needs to get it out.
He needs to get it out.
And probably remove the powder of.
Problems. Yes.
So he talks about Pamela.
Do you know Pam? It's not a brand name.
I thought it was Brandy.
no, it's not.
No. It's a thing. It's a noun.
Yes, not a brand,
but then Miss Lemon appears.
Yes, She has a client. A woman.
Miss Lemon, played by Pauline Moran.
She's fabulous.
She doesn't have her full spit curls yet.
No, she'll get there.
Which she has later.
The little curls that are, like,
stuck to the side of her face.
Well, I didn't.
I knew that Pauline Moran kind of left
acting to go do astrology stuff.
She's kind of hippie dippy.
Yeah. Okay, that's okay. That's cool.
That's okay.
But like, her second
career was as an astrologist.
Yeah, but I didn't know that
that's actually her third career. her.
First career was as a bass player.
She was a rock band.
Bass player in a rock band.
She's so cool.
The band is called She Trinity.
She Trinity and has four members.
That make sense for. Ladies. Really?
She Trinity
and you sent me a picture of them.
She's the best looking one of the bunch.
Yeah, but it.
Looks really gothy for the. Time.
They all look really gothy
I'll put it in the show notes.
Yeah, the sheet trilogy.
Yeah. Wikipedia page.
yes. Okay.
You even watch them play on YouTube.
I'll put a link to all those things.
Their biggest hit song.
He fought the. Law.
He fought of.
Their bad girls.
And she says that Mrs. Todd is there.
Mrs. Todd, who is fantastic.
yeah, I'm going to repeat myself,
but everyone in this episode is fantastic.
Yes, but she has that straw
hat with the flowers on it and.
She just comes in Deborah's house and
says, I thought you were eating scenery.
I'm going to eat all the scenery.
Yeah, and totally guilt him.
Well, and so Mrs.
Todd is of a certain class of woman,
She is an aspiring middle class woman.
So her husband, as a professional job,
they are not wealthy.
They have to.
Be servants, but they're well-off.
Yep, but it's earned money.
It's not aristocratic money or anything.
No, but she is clearly socially reaching.
Yes. As high as she can stretch her arm.
And she lives in Clapham.
And she is used to telling people
what they're going to do. Yes.
And she comes in and she says, Here's
what I need you to do for me. Yep.
Not I have a case.
And I wondered if you could
help. No, no, no, no.
You know, she doesn't know his reputation.
This is service interests here. Yeah, she.
She even accuses him
of maybe paying for the mentions.
He gets the newspaper
and. But then I think she realizes.
David C.J.
There's so many great witnesses. yes.
She realizes
maybe that was a misstep. Yeah.
And apologizes.
Yes, but she doesn't say I'm so sorry
if I offended you.
I didn't.
I didn't mean to.
She goes, no offense, I'm sure. No.
And like just.
You're not allowed to be offended.
You don't have to set.
I really don't care if you are or not.
We're moving on. To.
I want you to find my cook. Yes.
And he says, No, I don't do that.
And she guilt him.
She says, you're too high and mighty
to find my cook.
Well, then she clockwise,
she slips down just a little bit.
Yep. And.
And goes back to who she really is. Yeah.
And I think he it resonates with him
because then she's being sincere.
It is hard to find her.
She's totally sad that she's lost her.
Cool. Yeah.
It's really hard to find a good cook
and hers has disappeared.
But no, she has no concern at all
for the actual woman.
No, no, no, no.
It's the cook.
That's gone, Not Eliza. Done? Yep.
And this is a recurring theme
in this episode,
but Poro is surrounded by people
who are not as intelligent as he is.
Not even close.
And he tells them
that they are so intelligent.
Yes, he flatters them.
Yes, he needs from them.
He absolutely does.
They get in the car and go to clap.
So we're we're on the first day, right?
This is the same day.
In one day she comes, they
go back to clap him with her in a car.
They talk to her in the maid.
They go away for an hour.
They come back and talk to her husband.
And the lodger. And the lodger.
And then they go away.
And then they go away.
And then he gets the mail the next day.
All in one day? Yes, that happened.
So they go to 88 Prince Albert Road.
It's just not in Clapham, by the way.
It's not even a detached house.
It's a row. House.
There isn't an 88 Prince
Albert Road in Clapham, it's in London.
It's right across from Regent's Park.
there's a fence before the house.
that's a different kind of house. Yeah.
This is a row house
where if you were up there.
Probably 5 to $8 million flats.
At least that. Yeah.
If you're a proud housewife
like she is, though, you do
whatever you can to distinguish your door
from the all the other doors.
But they do face on to the common.
So that would be a nice advantage to have.
They do a thing I think you're hit on
here is when they go,
they go across the bridge.
It's Albert's Bridge, right?
It was made in 1873.
It's a Victorian bridge.
It's a beautiful piece of architecture.
The background of all of this
is full of people, the.
that they made in cars of the period.
People and the.
who were dressed, crackers, everything.
And just for throwaway stuff, we're like,
Hastings is like, there's a common
and we have a three second shot of people
on the common all in period dress.
Like a dozen people.
Yeah, just doing stuff there.
So this scene in the bank scene,
you're like, Wow,
there are a lot of people being paid to.
Just rustle around steaks.
Watermelon Yeah.
We haven't talked about Hastings
very much.
His wardrobe.
I have a soft spot for his sweater vest.
Yes. It seems like every man in England
at this time had a Fair Isle sweater vest.
Yes, They're beautiful.
All the guys in all creatures
great and small have done.
Yeah. Hastings has.
I mean, any anything.
You know, during that time, they all have
these beautiful, fair isle sweater vest.
Very knit as well.
Then it's like.
Three pieces of wool at the same time.
No, actually, the definition of Fair
Isle is only ever two colors
in a single row of knitting.
Okay, But you change color so often
that they're called motifs, right?
So it has lots of different motifs,
little horizontal bands
that are different patterns,
but you'll see the same colors
kind of repeat here and there,
but you're only ever using
two colors at once,
even though it might have a dozen
colors in it.
Did you notice
the stained glass at the door?
Yes. Yes. Very nice.
It's beautiful.
They're they're absolutely upwardly
mobile. Yes.
He works in the banks.
So let's talk to any.
and he's my favorite.
He's fantastic.
He's played by Katie Murphy.
And if you like Summer, you remember her
as Helen in A Tale of Two Hamlets. Yes.
But what she does with her
teeth is just Oscar worthy.
How they
how Hastings and Sue Sushi didn't.
my God.
She must have cracked up.
Must have cracked up instantly.
So Annie is a maid of all work.
A parlor maid.
Which means that she is responsible
for everything that isn't cooking.
She does the laundry,
she cleans the house,
and she has to be not seen.
Yeah, as possible. Right.
So that little the kitchen, the room
where she's in is basically the basement.
The fact that it has its own back door
that actually leads to an outside
is quite good.
That's kind of a nice thing.
And this is Todd's a little like
I don't know, you should talk to her
She's afraid
of what she's going to say about her,
which is another upwardly
mobile middle class thing. Yes.
That we have servants for that
she probably didn't
grow up with servants, Mrs.
Todd No.
And so now that she has them,
there are other women in her house
and they might talk bad about her.
Yes, but the fact
that she even cares about
that means she's not really upper class
because the class women
wouldn't have cared.
But Annie is.
So fresh as a theory
that what they use is stupid shit I.
They say,
What's the last thing she said to you?
Well, she said if there was any stewed
peaches left over from the dining
room, we'd have them for dinner with
the bit of bacon and some fried potatoes.
Yes. Notice I said that
without looking at my notes, because it's
one of those lines that I just remember
because when she says it,
she kind of lip licks her lips
a little bit and bites her lip.
Yeah, Like that sounded really good.
You know? Know Georgia Peaches.
I think she's been doing the cooking, too,
The curfew now,
which is probably a. Struggle.
Probably a struggle.
Mrs. Todd's in the other room, Reece.
Maybe they.
Maybe they lured her away
with the stewed peaches. Yes.
White slave.
Or did you notice the door was open?
Yes. Dawn of the door.
She's standing.
She's sitting in the other room
and she's reading Home and garden.
no, no.
She runs to sit down
and pretend to be reading, but
she's actually listening the whole time.
But this is the first time we get
a little hint of Hastings as stupid.
Yes, Hastings isn't always stupid,
but in this episode,
we are set up for the world.
Caro and told Hastings is an idiot.
Well, okay, Hastings, it is.
A young lady
speaking at Hastings has a problem.
But not his type. Not his type. But.
But she.
She thinks that Eliza
might have been taken by white flavors.
But then she says, But
she sent for her things in her trunk. Yes.
And Poirot says, Would
white slavers have sent for her?
Things like that?
That makes that not possible, Right?
And she would have wanted her things.
Yes. White slavers are not
she would have wanted her things.
Even for.
Even in foreign climes.
And then Hastings like, good point.
He does a lot of furrowing his brow
and nodding like, that's true.
He blew blue.
It's not true, Hastings, you idiot.
Hastings believes everything he's told.
How weak the train scene.
Later, when he figures it all out,
it was like a light bulb above his head.
He sings out of thought.
You hear the clicking of the clock.
Where the smoke comes out of his ears.
He's like, Ha! Yeah. But.
So Mrs.
Todd was listening in because,
you know, she's paranoid.
And then you find out
they have a paying guest,
which is another sign that they are
not as wealthy as they could be.
Yes, right.
I want to go back to the the
the magazine that she's reading.
yeah. Home and garden.
It's not better. Home and garden.
No, better home
and garden is the American version. Yes.
God. What?
What? You know, guts.
Did they have to be like,
we're better homes and gardens?
Because as Main magazine started in 1919,
it would have been extremely popular
at this time.
It is still going on.
You can still. Get, yeah.
Home and gardens in England.
But again,
it's indicative of the time that Mrs.
Todd is reading it
because she is of the class
who is allowed to care about her home
even though she doesn't
do any of the work. Yep.
And I got to tell you,
this is this is what we mean by maniac.
I looked at a decade
of Home and Garden magazine.
You're not a maniac.
You know what? Well,
I got a whole box of them.
You got a whole box?
And those.
Of those magazines I watched
from the 1920s there in the next room, I.
Look at a decade of covers and that
that issue does not appear in the.
you're a nerd.
my God. Such a. Catered.
You're so hardcore.
If you know what issue of home and garden
is, please let me know.
Home and garden.
And that era is just jam
packed full of inner regulation,
rebuilding, reestablishing home.
And the woman on the cover
is actually working in her kitchen. Yes.
It's a time of transition.
Yes, absolutely.
And it would have had recipes in it
that the wife of the house
may have made
or given those recipes to her.
COOK It would have worked for both, Yeah.
But it also would have had
some fashion stuff in it and it would have
had some advice stuff in it
and some travel stuff in it.
Poro and Hastings talk to the lodger
and the husband.
The larger actually does a really good job
of playing dumb here.
Not just dumb. He's delighted.
Yeah, he's.
I know exactly who you are.
And you can come in my room
and you got nothing on me.
He knows he's scot free, man.
Poirot gets close to his face, man.
Like, right up in the face.
And that's where he notices.
It's almost like.
Yep, I smell it. Yeah,
because he's seen.
Poirot knows then.
he's the dude he knows.
He means that he's up to something.
Yeah, he knows that.
He's done something nefarious
because he's got gum Arabic in his,
in his sideburns, which we would
call spirit gum probably now.
So they go home to have a sleep
and they get the mail.
no, wait.
You can't skip over Mr.
Todd, the jerk face.
Not offering them a drink.
Mr. Todd. Well, they're servants.
He is of the same bucket as Mrs.
Todd, but worse yet,
he is because he knows who Puro is.
Yeah. He just has no time for any of this.
He is so self-important
in his morning coat.
He only get to name Mr.
Todd, though he doesn't even get a face.
He should just be Mr. Jerk.
Yeah, Mr.
Their faces when he puts the stopper
back in and sets the bottle back down.
Hastings looked like.
Looks like he just killed a kitten.
Yeah, but then, I don't know.
It's kind of heavy handed.
Other writer Slater go. Well,
he didn't have to offer us, you know.
Yeah, he didn't offer us a drink.
I didn't.
We knew that.
You didn't need to say it.
We know we saw it.
They get the letter the next day.
Pyro is being dismissed. Yes.
Did you notice that the letter from Mr.
Todd is in third person? Yes.
Except for the sentence
in the middle. Yes.
It's weird.
Again, I think it's aspiring to be kind of
very upper class.
Well, referring to themselves
in the third person.
But in the middle he can't help
but say me.
Well, in the show,
it comes from her. And in. That.
No, no, no, it's from him.
Okay? It's in the story. It's.
It's from her then.
it's opposite because.
Because in this, it's from him.
He's writing on their behalf and he's
signed the one getting only check. Yes.
So again, he.
If you don't know.
Why Poirot is going to try
to catch it for more. Yes.
Is a pound and $0.05.
Pre decimal money
in England is just whack a doodle.
Yes, this is over.
Figure it out. By the way.
What's something cos he.
Did 20 minutes on the changeover between
old and new money on the midsummer mania.
Never mind.
They had more than one word
for a denomination like we call a dollar.
A buck maybe, But like, that's it.
They had slang for every denomination.
So. So it's a pound and $0.05.
Yep. In 1935, if you translate that
to modern money, it's about £79 today.
Yeah. Wow. £80.
What a slap in the face Touro.
See a later.
46 times. No, no.
He's so mad.
So incredibly bad.
And Hastings is like,
I'm going to the racetrack.
If they had just written and said,
We don't need your help,
after all,
he would have been like, Fine, whatever.
But the fact that they paid
him so little, he's like, no,
I'm fine in awe now.
Yeah, but you can't stop me.
I'll use my own money.
I don't care.
Yeah, His face, his eyes go
under like he's just like, so angry.
And Hastings and Miss Lemon are, like,
standing behind him,
holding the letter, going, my God.
Is he going to blow up?
He's really mad. What's going to happen?
So he starts giving everybody jobs and.
He says Hastings
wants to go to the racetrack.
And he's like, No, I have a job for you.
And it hit me this time watching it.
This is why I'm never sure in the show
whether Hastings works for pro or not.
Like, I don't know,
it might be explained in the books.
Somebody can can let us know.
But in my memory, there are times
when he is and times when he's not.
But most often he's just his companion.
Yeah. Like the. Emphasis of best friend.
The impression we get is
that he's just his companion and he enjoys
doing these things
and he doesn't need to have a full time
job working
because he's got enough misguided.
Pension. He's got a pension or whatever,
but he he's not getting off the hook to go
do what he wants.
But also we know from other episodes
that Hastings comes from money
because he knows people well.
His pension wouldn't be enough to live on
and not enough to buy
an Italian sports car and everything else.
He definitely knows.
Until he loses all of his money
and a cow ranch in Brazil.
Yeah, we'll get there.
They go to the bank. Okay?
They go to the bank.
He talks to the bank manager.
I'm like, okay, well,
there are some art deco stuff
in the background,
beautiful and everything.
And then they come out of the bank
and I'm going to go to Greenland here.
Before you go to Greenland, can we talk
about inside the bank real quick?
Now, inside the bank manager's office
or the inside the bank?
Inside the bank. Okay.
Because what I want to talk about
is. Okay, go ahead.
So they come out of the manager's
office. Yeah.
And they're on that balcony.
They're on that balcony.
There are four lights on the floor
shooting up to create shadows. Yes.
So the columns look imposing over them,
None of those lights are actually there
in terms of daily use.
They're not practical lights. No.
They do a super job
to make that look beautiful.
And then they draw back
and flip the camera
down to see another room full of extras.
Yeah, the level below of the actual
operating bank.
It may be my favorite shot
and all of borrow.
Wow. It's super. Good.
There's a lot of bustle
going on down there, you know?
How did banks
actually operate before computers?
So this is probably before you.
But I remember
getting a check from my parents
and having to take it to the bank
with my bank book and them writing
all the information in the bank book
based on ledgers that they had.
So you go into this bank?
Yeah, right.
This is the what's it called?
I love the name of the bank,
the Belgravia and Overseas Bank.
You go in and you would like to withdraw
some money from your account. Yes.
And they say, what is your name?
And you say Mark Bell.
And they go to the back
and they get the bell.
They get the B book.
B book.
Usually, and bring it up
to the teller window and flip through it
until they find your page. Yes.
And see how much money you have. Yes.
And then they give you some.
And then they noted on the page. Yes.
That you've taken out £20.
That's how it works.
And then they put the book back. Yes.
And then they come
back to the window and say,
Mrs. Bugaboo, you're here.
Let me go get the book.
I'll be right back
and think I'll get it again. Right.
I seen that exact thing.
And so if two tellers have customers
whose names began with the same letters,
one of them has to wait for the other one
to be done with the book. Yes.
And if that book gets lost,
everything's gone.
You can't get money anywhere.
There was so much trust implicit
in that operation.
Yeah, in the past. Yeah.
Because I can only assume
that there were times
when if they knew you,
if you were
a regular customer of the bank,
they would jot down the transaction
and record it later.
I know, I know for me that when I was
very young I was probably seven or eight.
It might have been Star Trek.
Somebody said are very good at one thing
and that's counting,
which is what they are.
Right. Right.
And so everything I saw
where there was counting, I was like,
that'll be replaced
by computer that I was that kid. But
so we're.
Shocked. We're all really surprised
by that.
Well, that kind of when we got to online
banking and ATMs, I was like, duh, Yeah.
Like, but so, so what's been stolen from
this bank are bearer bonds.
Yes. And bearer bonds are basically cash.
They're like cash.
Whoever bears them, write them.
You don't they don't
they're not like a check.
They're not made out to a person.
Whoever holds them physically holds them.
You can cash them for money.
90,000, which.
It is an incredible amount of money.
Yeah, absolutely. Like big, big,
big money.
Then we're going to see.
Yep. Yes.
He looks so young.
He does have a jab so much.
And I always forget that
in the early episodes
they don't get along, but
they kind of compete because then it's.
Not that they don't get along.
But later they're like buddies.
And Jaap is fine with Pyro helping
and turns to him for help.
But early on. Kind of.
They're. Confrontational.
They compete because, well, because pyro
is a pie and he's stepping on Jeff's turf.
I really want
that Reuters took a tape machine
Pyro pretends to. Look at.
Yes, the bureau pretends to look like.
So there's another version
of the adventure of the Clapham Cook.
that is Japanese anime.
And this is important at this point.
It's called Agatha
Christie's Great Detectives.
Pyro and Marple. Okay.
And the way they present it
there, they call it the disappearing cook.
And Caro solves the mystery
with the help of Miss Marples niece.
but in that series, the anime series
name is changed to Inspector Sharp. Who?
And I'm sure you can imagine why.
Yes, because in Japan. Maybe jobs.
Not the best.
Not the best name.
Yeah, it's kind of a slur.
Yeah. So he's sharp.
It's kind of like it is his word.
But it's got to. He's stupid.
I don't think Christie meant anything by.
No, no, no, no. Right.
But they had to change his name,
and I completely understand why.
Yes, like that. That makes perfect sense.
I thought that was interesting.
And another thing on names, real quickly,
Annie, Agatha
Christie had about that name. Okay.
Because Annie is used for a maid
in the mysterious affair at Stiles,
the murder of Roger Ackroyd, dumb witness
and the adventure
of the Clapham cook and the underdog
in five different stories.
There is a maid called Amy.
Now, did you look okay?
This is the nerds. We are.
We have a Agatha Christie
like encyclopedia little character.
No, no, I.
I'm a bad person.
I found this incredible fact
in a thesis called Making the Sausage,
the naming of characters in Agatha
Christie's novels and short stories.
And I should have noted
the name of the author.
I'll put it in the show.
If it tells you anything.
It was a PDF
scan of a typewritten thesis. Wow.
I just found that really interesting.
Now I kind of want to look to see
if she ever had a maid name Annie.
And maybe that's why
maybe she just was like, paying homage
to a maid or something.
But yeah, lots of Annie's are maids
and Agatha Christie.
Okay, Perot's got a letter.
Simpson says to Japp that Davis,
the banker who is being accused
of stealing the money.
Yes. Has never been abroad.
Yes. And I have a problem with that.
Look, because Simpson is 28.
Yeah, like they estimate him to be, though
he's not really the actors.
Like, you know, 40 something.
Yeah, but if he's actually in his late
twenties in 1935,
he would have been 16
when World War One broke out.
So he probably.
He would have been old enough to go to
to the later years of World War One.
And so I can only assume
that Davis would have been too.
So they definitely would have been abroad
at some point.
So so.
I mean, he's
lying in state in. Broadstairs.
And when we see Davis he's got grayer
Yeah. So he's probably older.
Yeah, he's definitely been abroad. Yeah.
Anyway, you know where Broadstairs is.
Yeah, it's on the East Coast. Yeah.
Yeah, I looked it up.
They get a letter from the cook. Yes.
Because she's seen the classified ad. Yep.
And then she.
They borrow has to go in the country.
Bus go to for the country.
Hates the country.
my gosh.
I love
that whole part is a desert wasteland.
You only have to think
they get off the train
and then they just have to walk
through the countryside to get there.
Like there's no road.
I'm at first I'm like,
Why didn't they call?
She wouldn't have had a phone.
No, I don't think she would have not.
Where she is.
There are little furry things.
And all the extras.
The ramblers and their shorts.
my God, that's fantastic.
I got a part. I'm
a hiker on the border. yeah?
And then the guy keeping the sheep
who has to make them walk
across in front of Hastings and Pharaoh.
I love
where the good air of the town. Yes.
I missed the good air of the town.
How long would it take them on the train
to get from London to cassock
in the Lake District? 3 hours.
Four and a half hours. It's quite.
Quite a. Thing.
Yeah. That's a train journey.
And that would have cost him a little bit.
And she tells them a story.
Mr. Cratchit.
I have a problem with this story. Okay?
She was the cook in that house
where Simpson was a paying guest. Yes.
He would have eaten in their dining room
with them.
That's part of being a paying guest. Yes.
And she would have served.
Yes. Not any. Yeah, she would have served.
She would have known his face.
And I don't care if he puts on a fake
beard and curls his hair,
which she clearly curled his hair.
Yeah. What was up with the girl?
And she's sitting right
across the table from him.
She would have recognized and said.
Don't I know you from somewhere? Yeah.
And it's a really bad Australian.
Yeah, it is.
But like, he's not changed his appearance
so profoundly.
Like his hair is
still the same color now. And
she's not stupid.
He's kind of Crocodile Dundee.
It's like, I put the legacy on the Barbie.
Like, Yeah, it's really bad. Yeah.
But I feel so bad for her
when he says the only thing is
you can't be in domestic service.
Her eyes well up she well.
And then he has to like hint like
three times about this solution to it.
She's not getting it.
She's a really good actress.
Yes, that's free Dougy.
Yeah, she was in a midsummer.
She was in the Animal within.
She's just a really good actress.
And I really she does a great job of
portraying a character who is in service.
But who has dreams. Yes.
When they come to her house.
She's so happy.
She's so excited to let them in.
And she doesn't like, snap at him
when he says, I'm sure your mistress won't
let us in.
She doesn't go like I have a mistress.
He's just like she's doing she's.
She's going to herself
because of her, her fortune.
And I.
I feel so bad that offscreen she's
finding out that that place is just rented
and it's not hers.
And she probably has to give
all the money back that he gave her.
Yeah. And asked for her job back. Yeah.
And you think Mrs.
Todd's not going to more of that over her?
I hope this is calling her stupid
for falling for it and everything else.
And. And he's going to be like, How
were the white slavers really nice to you?
Did they get used to the peaches?
127 Wentworth Road in they say Melbourne.
There's no address on that.
You know of course you locked.
But there is in Sydney.
So it's quasi true.
That house in Sydney.
I don't know what's going on
with the Sydney housing prices.
If you live in Sydney
could you please explain to us $1.86
million Australian dollars for that house?
It is two bedrooms, maybe.
Wow. Maybe.
What's the currency exchange
like with the Australian dollar?
Would be one 3 million. Wow. Yeah.
I don't know what's going on
with the housing market in
You know, I can sit on the beach.
No, no, no, no, no way.
Far away from the beach.
Suzanne. Yeah,
The salvation Army.
With those two Salvation Army people.
They make reference to Psalm 118,
verse 22.
Talking about the stone and the brick
and the stone.
Stone, which the builders rejected,
has become the chief cornerstone.
What does that. Mean?
I don't know.
I didn't read the rest of the song.
What the heck are they doing
in the restaurant begging for money
that would not fly now.
Over the place?
You don't do you don't collect
for charity inside somebody Is business
going table to table
with your little box in it?
Those two, you're up to something.
So Paul Warren fishes in.
Suspicious of the Salvation Army people.
He tries to phone Simpson, not Davis.
Tell Jap in front of the big sign
that, says Carlile.
Hey, guess what station there at?
Yeah, lots of there, lots of smoke.
You talk about lighting in the bank.
The lighting in the train is amazing.
Perot is sitting
there, leaned back against the seat.
The little gray cells are working.
He has his boot near from the counters.
I notice he. Always has that on.
Little silver vase
with the lavender flowers.
And we'll see.
We'll see why he gets.
And gets that later.
Yeah, but he is like a Buddha
sitting there.
Yes. And Hastings is across from him like.
I. Do.
My brain just doesn't compute.
I don't know what's on.
So they show up at the house
in Clapham and there's cops everywhere.
Mrs. Todd is so angry.
So it does come out.
Her lower class self likes her,
lean out the window and scold him,
which she would not do
if she was thinking about the neighbors.
And of course,
they don't find anything now
because he's long gone.
Long gone.
And he's sent the trunk to Glasgow. Yes.
And we find that out by a little gift.
That is Danny.
Tits in a tree.
Wow. Mr.
Sarcastic Luggage Porter.
He may be the smartest person
in the episode.
He gives Boroh bad information.
I love that.
They're like, And did you do that?
And he's like, No,
they just pay me big bucks to stand around
and not do what they ask me to do.
So who's such good, right?
That character in the story
just gives up the information,
just that Danny Webb just was like,
I'm going to change.
I'm sure they had him on set
and they're like,
This guy's too good
to just waste on one line.
But you see.
The cops searching the the station?
Yeah, They're like, is it this bag?
Is it this wicker box is.
Supposed to offer a. Big black trunk.
Is it This basket of pigeons down started.
But in the scene with Danny Webb,
with the Porter
practically has to hold Hastings back.
Like, Wait.
Got is so beat him.
I know he's like, a little sarcastic jerk
He's got to smack him.
He's, like, got his little teapot,
and he's just drinking his tea.
He's totally a punk.
That's what he is. He's totally a punk.
I love that
he gets to work behind a window
that has a little bell that you bring up.
You know, he totally ignores everybody
all the time until that bell rings.
And he's like,
I got to put my hat on Guy's attention.
I love that he is.
He has a hat that says Porter
and his character's name is not named.
It's just Porter.
I was like, Wonder how many characters
have had clothes on that have their name.
On their character name on it.
But he says that
when when Simpson
He doesn't know that it's Simpson.
But when he came to clean the trunk,
he had it forwarded on to Glasgow
and he paid him
and he had a huge wad of cash,
some of which was from Bolivia.
Yeah. That's the wrong clue.
Right, Because they're actually both
from Venezuela.
Bolivia? Yeah.
I love how he delivers that lie.
He's this episode, like so many prose,
is just full of little gem scenes.
He's absolutely fantastic.
Bolivia is a landlocked country.
Hastings There are no boats to Alaska.
No boats to Bolivia.
It's like catching a steamer to Ohio.
Yeah, I. Just can't do it.
So they go to find the boat to Caracas?
But it's discontinued. Yes.
The service to Portugal,
Madeira and Buenos Aires,
which I think is weird,
because Portugal is a country.
And Madeira and, you know, are said. Yes.
But it's been discontinued now.
Do you have any theories of why.
It's 1935 in November?
I'm assuming there's
some political upheaval.
Potentially. Yes.
So just to kind of situate us right.
In 1933, Hitler became the leader
of Germany and established his party.
And in 1935,
the Germans declared that people
with any amount of Jewish blood could not
vote, could not be citizens,
could not own businesses.
Yeah, and that was in November of 1935.
But there it is,
just on the precipice of Mussolini,
starting to get really obnoxious
in Italy, like a year later,
he coined the term axis.
Yeah. In November of 36. Yeah.
So in 35, I think and again,
if somebody knows better, please tell us.
But I think because Italy is in turmoil
and already
aligning with Germany
that maybe sailing to Portugal.
Might be is. Not necessarily safe.
Yeah right.
Because you got to go kind of through
you got to go around Italy.
And maybe maybe it could be
at completely Breezy Point.
It could be nothing else.
Yeah, but it seems like
kind of the wrong direction to like,
why would you go to Portugal
and then Buenos Aires?
Yeah. More direct route, maybe. Yeah,
I don't know.
I would think. So.
But that talk about extras, the boat
that's there, the big ship
that's there that we can hardly see
because it's night, right?
You really only see the light.
It has extras.
They're dressed up on it, but no go.
No, the extras are on the dock
waving like flags and noisemakers
at the at the ship
because it's leaving, but it's dark.
Like, who's going to see them? Why?
CHEERING for the boat to leave. Like, yay.
So they good. Trip.
Whatever They realize they're on the wrong
They have their own boat
and it's full of
ah which is the Venezuelan currency.
Not all of Bolivia and Peru kind of runs
kind of.
He shuffle and.
Back to remember
his shoes are always too tight.
Yeah that's a pro-growth thing.
And you see Simpson yells at him
and poor and Jack
does a fantastic thing of Stop that man.
Why did the sailors stop him?
They don't know who Jap is.
They don't know who Jap is.
He's not like I'm a policeman.
Stop that, man.
But that's I. Guess Japs
just internationally know.
That's British murder mystery TV. Stop.
I'll say Stop again. Yes.
Perot frames the check.
Yes, which is just not perfect.
Perot thing to do.
What are you to say to wrap this up is
this is a perfect introduction
to all the main players.
Without saying this is Miss Lemon. Yes.
This person.
This is hey, it's not heavy handed.
It's not it's so Well.
And it's not the first Perot story. No.
In the order that Christie wrote them.
So it's not like
it just happens to be there in the story.
No. When you read the register,
you're expected to know who Perot.
my God.
The short stories are like a blast
in the face.
Yeah, it's like plot end.
Like if you don't know who somebody is.
And a lot of times, like,
try triangle roads,
there's a lot of dramatic sizing
that goes on in that story
when it's actually like.
Like Perot figures it out
and says everything at the end
without like, seeing it.
Like he's not anywhere near them.
Yeah, like that.
The screenplays are written
very well to show us what that.
Well, it's different.
That is different. In the writing.
We we know because we're in somebody's
head or,
you know, there's other little clues
that are given,
but the screenplays are very helpful
to us.
We get to, as in some of the writing,
we get to kind of be the dummy
like Hastings and sort of
get the clues and put them together.
Agatha Christie was a strong believer
in the rules.
Yeah, that the reader or the viewer
has to have all the information
that the detective has.
We have to have an equal chance
of solving it as he does or she does.
And they stayed true to that
in the screenplays for, these episodes,
they did a really good job of maintaining
that kind of egg shaped head.
I just want to pinches little cheeks.
So when I see David Suchet
playing Pharaoh,
I just want to give him a hug
and go, You're one of my favorite people.
Yes. Absolutely.
When we finished an episode,
one of the things we do,
we talk about a couple of things.
If there's more than one body we do.
Favorite corpse. Favorite best. Corpse.
But we only have one corpse here.
Yeah, he does a pretty good job
of being a dead body.
Wow. Davis is bendy.
Yeah, He's
the guy who plays Davis. Yeah, fits.
That translates in the gym. Impressed.
No breathing, no eye twitch, no nothing.
We watch. This.
We don't get to see him for very long,
but he does fit in the trunk,
and it doesn't look comfortable.
So I'll give him the best corpse.
No problem. But there are.
No other episodes
where there are multiple courses.
We will be dissecting them.
Yes, they're. Performances.
And the other thing we always do
is after the credits,
what happens after
the crime is solved? Yes.
So do you think Eliza is going to go back
and work for the Todds?
I think she could try to, but Mrs.
Todd's going to make her life crappy.
Maybe. Or maybe not.
Maybe you know, maybe she'll actually have
a little bit of sympathy.
And he will certainly be happy with Roger.
I think Mrs.
Todd's going to be a little bit more picky
about the new one. Yes.
I think the porter is probably going
to go out on Friday night
and have a pint with his friends.
You think? Yeah.
So he may try to talk up
the bar maid also.
And probably claim that he gave Tara
the information he needs to solve that.
I help solve that.
I told him who did. Yeah.
they were there and I solved it for them.
Yeah, I'm sure that's going to be
the version that he tells.
Yes, absolutely.
One of the other things we do
is these actors are busy people.
yeah, they're there's
only 12 actors in the UK, so there's.
Lots of different things.
And we have a segment of the show
in which we talk
about horrible movies that they've been in
and see if I have seen them.
Because I was going to say,
you're missing the big point here in
that Mark is a connoisseur
of horrible movies.
Seen many, many horrible.
Be grateful you do not share
a Netflix queue with this man
because you will get recommendations
for things like Robo Geisha.
So or some worse than hammer horror movie
because he will mess up your queue
by watching horrible movies
and because he's seen so many
and has a very good memory for them.
If there is a horrible movie
in the history of an actor who is in the
episode of whatever we're talking about,
I quizzed him to see if he recognizes it.
So Ready for this. I'm ready.
Movie for.
This week's horrible movie.
Okay, This is a 1996 movie.
Now, the whole the whole game here
is that he's going to try to name
the movie I'm describing.
Okay. 96.
David Sushi is in this.
Okay, David, Sushi is it?
Okay, Here's the summary.
When terrorists seize control
of an airliner, that never happened. It.
my gosh. I've seen the nineties. Yep.
An intelligence analyst accompanies
a commando unit
for a mid-air boarding operation.
Okay, so this is not.
There are so many movies about terrorists
on planes in the eighties.
And yeah.
This is this is not the Harrison Ford
get off my plane.
No, because the bad guy in that movie is
not David Souche.
I've seen this movie.
I've seen this movie.
Would you like a hint? Yes.
It stars Kurt Russell. Is impact in the.
No, no, no, no.
And Steven Seagal.
wow. And David Suchet is the lead
Wow. David Steven Seagal,
who showed up in Russia this week.
I don't know.
I don't know the name of it.
I've seen it,
but I don't know the name of it.
It's called Executive Decision.
Executive Decision 1996.
And I will say that this movie on IMDB has
a title for something
that has more of something
than any other movie I could find.
Okay. You know, that gives page. Yeah.
It has more goofs
than anything I have ever seen.
wow. So these are mistakes.
The film makers make.
Mistakes in geography, characters,
continuity crew or equipment, invisible
factual errors, plot holes,
revealing mistakes and anachronisms.
While there are subcategories
for the groups,
do you want to guess how many there are?
I counted them 37.
86. Wow.
Even Sushi got that checkered cash.
Did remember
he was also in Harry in the Hendersons?
Yeah, he was at Harrison Henderson's.
I know that.
Which was in 87.
Yes, it was two years before that. Yeah.
So he plays that French mercenary
trying to kill
Bigfoot in 87,
and then two years later, he's Porro.
Yeah. Wow. Yeah.
And this movie is after he's already been
playing far out because he is 96. Wow.
I don't recommend it.
No. Executive decision.
Executive decision?
Yeah, you definitely saw that.
I don't think I saw it in the theater.
I think we rented it.
That's one point for me, by the way,
that if we're starting to score book on.
Points or seeing.
It's one for me.
Thank you very much for listening.
This has been Mystery Maniacs episode one.
We hope you like it
and if you have any suggestions
or whatever, just drop us a line.
We love hearing you.
All right.
Until next time, buy Maniac.
By Maniac X.
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