Episode 219 | Mystery Maniacs | The Brokenwood Mysteries | "Catch of the Day" | Simms’s Sweet Shoesies & The Ill-Gotten Booty Boat
Bye. Person I didn't have sex with. Hey, Maniacs.
Mark:Hey, Mystery Maniacs.
Sarah:We're back from a 2 week break. We hope you all had an awesome Halloween.
Mark:And we have lots of announcements.
Sarah:Oh my gosh. We've watched so much good stuff in the last 2 weeks that we wanna recommend to you.
Mark:First of all, the people in the UK finally got to see Dress to Kill season 23 episode 4 of Midsomer Murders. Mhmm. They have a whole other season to go still. It's just not fair. It's not fair.
Mark:But what is fair is they have both the the mini episode. Now the episode's been shown. Right. But it's available on ITVX. Yeah.
Mark:So if you haven't watched it yet, make sure that you watch our mini episodes. Yep.
Sarah:Listen to the mini.
Mark:Which is dressed to kill. Did you know my brother won a drag show? Then watch the new episode for you and then 153, electric,
Sarah:episode for you and
Mark:then 153 Electric Under Eels.
Sarah:Yes. Then listen to the full episode. Yep. We had a lot of fun with that one.
Mark:And both of those links will be in the show notes for this week's show.
Sarah:By the way, if you don't know what you're listening to, this is Mystery Maniacs, a comedy recap podcast where we focus on murder mystery shows. And each week, we pick an episode of a show and recap it and point out all of the murder, the mayhem, the loonies, and everything else we love. And I'm Sarah.
Mark:And I'm Mark. And this week, we're covering Brokenwood Mysteries season 2 episode 3, catch of the day, which is a restaurant thing. There are no restaurants in this episode.
Sarah:That's probably a good thing considering the catch is a hand. Yes. Doesn't sound tasty. No. So before we dive in, though, a couple of things that we've been watching lately that if you have access to them, you should definitely check them out.
Sarah:Here in the US on PBS, there's a new show called Marlowe Murder Club. It's based on a series of books, and it stars Samantha
Mark:Bond. Bond who's Joe Martin.
Sarah:Been in many midsummers.
Mark:Joe Martin who's was in doctor who, Kara Horgan who was in the Sandman, and Natalie Dew who was in Sandylands. And what I like is is a number of women from different backgrounds Yep. That completely hassle a police sergeant. She's awesome. Yes.
Mark:She's like, how are they in here, and how do they know so much already?
Sarah:It's very clever.
Mark:It's cozy and clever.
Sarah:Yeah. It's it's really fun and fully aware of all of the meddling old lady mystery tropes Yes. And has a lot of fun with them.
Mark:And there there is mystery to be had. Yeah. What's behind that locked door? I wanna know what's there.
Sarah:We have also been watching, the new season of Whitstable Pearl on Acorn.
Mark:Season 3, I believe.
Sarah:It's just as good as the prior seasons. Yep. They're getting a little bit too much into her personal life and less emphasis on the cases for my taste. But that's just me. Yep.
Sarah:It's just it's a little little it's like 5% too much her life for me, but it's okay. And then the third thing that we've watched is a little different. It's called The Passenger, and it's on BritBox.
Mark:I would say it's the closest thing that matches Midsummer Murders and Twin Peaks.
Sarah:Yeah. Yeah. If you combine those 2 together, it's cozy, but there's definitely some paranormal
Mark:stuff. Weird stuff going on.
Sarah:And we finished the 1st season, and all I have to say is there better be a second season because, otherwise, I'm gonna go punch somebody at BritBox because it does resolve in a satisfying way, but you still want more.
Mark:Strong female woman of color in the lead role. Yeah. It's good to see. Absolutely fantastic.
Sarah:And it's just fun. It's like a quirky village, and the characters are good. And Chadda. There's a chatter Chaddervale. Chaddervale.
Sarah:Place. Yeah. And there's just a lot to figure out, and it keeps you going. So I
Mark:kept I kept being the the fun sucker. I'm like, there's 20 minutes left in this episode. It's the last episode, and there's a lot to figure out. And, oh, they just introduced a whole new part.
Sarah:Don't give anything away now.
Mark:Okay. It's good right to the last second.
Sarah:You you are if you haven't watched it yet, you're lucky because now you can watch all of it. You can just binge it, but we watched it as it was released, and I was so frustrated. We we had to How can there not be another episode available yet?
Mark:We we had to wait a week between episodes.
Sarah:A week?
Mark:I know. It's it's like we lived in the before time.
Sarah:I needed to know what was going on. So that's Marla Murder Club on PBS and probably other places. I'm not sure. The passenger on BritBox and new episodes of the new season of Whistable Pearl on Acorn. All definitely worth your time to check out.
Mark:Now there has been something we've been waiting for for a long time, and it is a production of a series of books centered around a character named Flavia De Luz.
Sarah:Flavia De Luce.
Mark:We love this character. We love these books.
Sarah:She's a little girl who meddles and solves crimes, and she's great.
Mark:And it is not kids lit.
Sarah:No. It is. She just happens to be a
Mark:real serious.
Sarah:Yeah. Though though I think young adult could read it no problem.
Sarah:But it's it it it's totally good for adults because the mysteries are really good, and she's great.
Mark:In this production that is filming now.
Sarah:Finally, it's gonna come out as a movie or a series or something. It's the books have been out for a while, and they're all so good.
Mark:It's gonna be a movie. The first one's a movie. Martin Freeman. Yeah. Toby Jones.
Mark:Yep. And our friend of the show, Annette Badland.
Sarah:It's that's just an awesome cast. The only And and Jonathan Bryce. The only thing I'm unhappy with is the actors they have playing playing Flavia looks way too old.
Mark:Yeah. She looks a bit too old.
Sarah:She looks like she's in her early twenties, and she should be 12.
Mark:She should have the worst sisters known to me.
Sarah:Yeah. Flavia does. If you if you've never checked out the books, they're by Alan Bradley. Is that right?
Mark:Yeah. I think so.
Sarah:I can't believe I remembered that. I just pulled that right out of my head. They are really fun.
Mark:And they are they're set in the fifties? Yeah. Postwar.
Sarah:Just after the war.
Mark:Yep. There's bicycles.
Sarah:The audiobooks are fantastic. Yeah.
Mark:It's father Brown with a little girl. Yeah. Exactly. It's set in that time period. Yep.
Mark:That kind of village. She's incredibly intelligent
Mark:And observant and still immature at the same time. And that series goes off into crazy town.
Sarah:Yeah. It's it's really fun. Fun. Yeah. So Really, really fun.
Sarah:So you should check it out.
Mark:So we have two questions about this episode that were asked by
Sarah:About catch of the day Yes.
Mark:The broken wood episode. By Commodore Schmidt Lapp.
Sarah:Just so you know, we are a spoiler podcast. We are going to ruin it. Yes. If you don't know who the murderer is in catch of the day, stop right now.
Mark:Now do you want us to discuss these right now or as they show up in the episode?
Sarah:Tell us what the questions are, and then let's answer them as we go.
Mark:The first one is, I'd love to know why Tommy Keighley knew his mother and his sister were talking to Sims. There's a little bit more, but that's the gist of it. Okay. And then secondly, I'm additionally, I'm curious what do what you think about whether or not Tommy knows or knew that Des and Liam had found the shipwreck and the treasure and were cutting him out. That's a possibility.
Sarah:Both very good questions.
Mark:They're very good. Commodore Schmidt lab. Do you know what that name's from No. By the way? That is an obscure Batman 1966, the movie reference.
Mark:Wow. Commodore Schmidtlap is kidnapped by the Joker, the Riddler, the Penguin, and Catwoman, and then replaced by the riddler, by the Penguin.
Sarah:And pretending to be him?
Mark:Pretending to be Commodore Schmidt laugh. Wow. This That's an obscure reference, man.
Sarah:That that listener is right up your alley, aren't they? Yeah. Well, thanks for sending those questions in. We often have unresolved questions about plot lines too, but I think we can answer those too.
Mark:And that's the kind of thing that we discuss on the mystery maniacs subreddit. This episode aired 11th October 2015, directed by Mike Smith, and written by Greg McGee. I'm gonna say this is not written by the normal guy, and, boy, he does not get Jared.
Sarah:Jared in this episode is is Joyce Barnaby.
Mark:And He's made of
Sarah:I'm I'm just around doing things and just happened to, like, find clues and
Mark:And kind of colonial, you know, Maori, I'm superstitious kind of thing.
Sarah:I don't know. He's raised by his aunties who all go to church.
Mark:I love the aunties line.
Sarah:They're great.
Sarah:We get to see more of them later.
Sarah:But, of course, he's the one who finds the the basket with the hand in it because he's surfing. Yes. Because he surfs, he snorkels, he plays soccer. He Does Tai Chi. Tai Tai Chi, tends to vineyards, does odd jobs, knows about the black market in Broken Wood.
Sarah:Slightly criminal. Like, he's everywhere. Yeah. He does all the things.
Mark:Well, he doesn't have his big old gumboots on here. He's running out to go surfing and finds a hand in a crayfish pot.
Sarah:Which is like a crab pot.
Mark:Yes. Like a crab pot. Yeah. Did you know that nowhere in New Zealand is more than 25 miles from the ocean? It doesn't surprise me.
Mark:Isn't that interesting?
Sarah:Because the way that it shapes
Mark:almost smell ocean all the time.
Sarah:All the time. Yeah. Yeah. I would think that you would have to.
Mark:And gulls everywhere. But it's a nice beach. This beach is beautiful.
Sarah:Brokenwood Beach is very beautiful.
Mark:Like, how did they get all the people off of this beach?
Sarah:Yeah. I think it's because it's cool. Yeah. It's it's not
Mark:It's definitely summertime. It's definitely cool. So
Sarah:So we we learned about the Keeley family who are the the only ones who have pots because they own the rights to have pots
Mark:for Yes.
Sarah:Crayfish. And they are the stereotypical, not gangster family, but strong-arm, sort of backwards rough. I mean, the mom is in charge of the fan, you know, and she's, like, tough as nails.
Mark:Coleman calls them seaside Appalachians. I'm like, find Appalachians on the map there and do it.
Sarah:Yeah. I think that's a nice way of saying rednecks, maybe. Yeah.
Mark:It's kind of
Sarah:Backwoods people.
Mark:Back but the brother isn't like that at all.
Sarah:Liam? Yeah. Oh, no. He has aspirations.
Mark:Yes. And that's his problem.
Sarah:Yeah. That's his problem. And apparently, the dad who died 5 years ago when his boat blew up was the worst of them. Jared is like he was the devil.
Mark:Do you know what Jerry's hobby was?
Sarah:Jerry. Who's Jerry?
Mark:Oh, sorry. Des's hobby was? No. Oh, when we get there,
Sarah:I'll tell you. Okay. So much so that Jared's, like, haunted by Des. Yeah. Like, he the hand was pointing at me.
Mark:He died.
Sarah:Okay. It can't be his hand. He died in a boat explosion 5 years ago in front of his house.
Mark:Again, that's the kind of stuff that I don't like. Like, he doesn't understand Jared. Jared's not like this most of the time. Yeah. Not Jared's slightly like this.
Sarah:He's not hocus pocus.
Mark:But this is hocus pocus.
Sarah:Then we get this long run of hand puns, and it it's almost too much just as they stopped doing it.
Mark:Yes. I would agree.
Sarah:Give me a hand. Raise your hand. You handed it in, like, okay. We get it. And it all ends with Gina's.
Sarah:He was handsome. Yeah. See he had some of his hands. Then you're like, okay. I'll allow that one.
Sarah:And that and but no more. Okay? No more.
Mark:I like the Harry joke too. The men's hands are you said Russian women had Harry
Sarah:Had big hairy hands.
Mark:Hairy hands.
Sarah:I never said hairy.
Mark:I never said Harry. Are my hands hairy?
Sarah:Well, as she wears gloves.
Mark:Are you assuming I'm Russian?
Sarah:Then Edward Alderson, the old guy with the dog on the beach, he has been teleported from midsummer Yes. Into New Zealand with his dog, Macmillan. He even has a Burberry scarf on.
Mark:He does. And I love how he puts his glasses on after the car is gone. Like, I
Sarah:wouldn't have been as surprised if he'd said, well, I haven't been around here long. I just moved here from England.
Mark:I'm a little scared of this guy. So he can't hear well. No. He doesn't see in anything but black and white, and he doesn't have his glasses on. He's wandering around on the beach.
Sarah:Like, he's not driving.
Mark:Like, is the dog gonna wander off?
Sarah:Well, maybe McMillan is helping him. It's a sheepdog, like an Australian sheepdog.
Mark:Yeah. It's a very nice dog.
Sarah:He almost gets run over and of course doesn't catch the license plate. And that just happens every mystery series has that scene where some old guy walking with or without dog with or without walking stick in his, beater jacket almost gets run over and has to dive into a ditch and doesn't recognize the car.
Mark:But Ginger Ranger does a good job here because he he's really pushing hard on the you're annoying me, old man, and then the light bulb comes on. And he He's kind of patient with me. Wait a minute. You might know something. I just When they go to the Keeley's fishing compound Yeah.
Mark:That is some awesome set design. First of all, it's on the ocean. Yeah. Right? This is an expensive episode.
Mark:There's boats and fishing things. And underwater filming. Underwater filming, and it's a very expensive episode.
Sarah:I'm I I thought their compound looks exactly as I would expect it to.
Mark:Well, I totally agree,
Sarah:but I just don't understand Achilles' hat.
Mark:It could have looked less. Right? Yeah.
Sarah:It could have.
Mark:They did a great job on it. So Achilles' grumpy and, so the Achilles are 4 people. They're Ma Achilles.
Sarah:Only because Des is dead. Yes. There's Ma, the daughter Liz, Liam, and Tommy, the sons.
Mark:And the daughter has
Sarah:Liza. Sorry.
Mark:Sort of pretty extensive burns on her.
Sarah:Because she was there when their dad's boat blew up.
Mark:And she also has a horrible brother who points it like, he's like, you need some beauty sleep. I'm like, dude. He's awful.
Sarah:He's horrific. I mean, okay. Liam's the killer, but Tommy's just as bad.
Mark:And is also the killer.
Sarah:Throws his mom on the ground. Yeah. Threatens people all the time.
Mark:The last 15 minutes of this episode, both brothers become psychotic. When he Well, sorry. Extra psychotic.
Sarah:Didn't know. They display their psychoticness. They were already were crazy.
Sarah:Raised by Des the devil. I'm not surprised.
Sarah:But the way he acts around Sims when she's on the boat with him, he's trying to intimidate her.
Mark:I thought it was worse. I remembered it being worse. I don't know whether I thought it was when we watched it before, I was in a bad place or something, but I thought it was worse. But I thought Sims totally handled him.
Sarah:As a woman, I can tell you it's as bad as it needs to be. Yeah. He's awful. Just awful. The boat that Tommy takes out to check his pots is called the Braveheart.
Sarah:Yes. That I wondered why.
Mark:I don't know. It it doesn't need to be a boat.
Sarah:It's just a boat. And it's just a boat. Boat that they found. I wanted it to mean something. Like, it's the opposite.
Mark:But Sims is, like, driving that boat and
Sarah:She says getting
Mark:up early.
Sarah:She says she's sweet.
Sarah:I like that. He says, do you want me to drop the anchor, or you think you can keep control of the boat? She says, I'm sweet. Yeah. It's like, well, we'll see about that.
Sarah:Right. Oh, you're just gross. You're just so gross. Your brother's a killer, but you're gross.
Mark:Achromoplasty and deaf as a post.
Sarah:But then says, well, you don't have to yell. He's rude, mister Alderson.
Mark:He goes to see Wes Pullman, who is the owner of the muscle farm.
Mark:And at the same time that Sims is out on the boat and Tommy is it Tommy? Mhmm. Actually has a fairly good line here where he says his brother was the apple of the old man's eye, but he should have been a rot, but he really was a rotten apple. I'm like, that is a fantastic mixed metaphor. Right?
Sarah:Ring. Ring. Hello? Yes. This is pot calling for kettle.
Mark:Well, yes. He did kill him.
Sarah:My brother's the bad one. I mean, I killed our dad, but he's awful. So before Sims goes out on the boat, she and Mike are talking in the car, and he says that she'll go out on the boat. And he that he doesn't like boats
Sarah:Because his one of his wives drowned. Yes. And we are in Sims' shoes's shoes's. We're in her shoes. We're in her little shoesies for a second.
Mark:Shoes' sweet shoesies. We have
Sarah:merged brains with Sims for a second going, is that bullshit or not? Are you about to say I'm just kidding or not? And he never does. So we're left to believe that one of his wives did drown.
Mark:But I love how it doesn't become a thing. She tries to fix it later on.
Mark:And he is still cool with it.
Sarah:Well, it's Sims. She's not just trying to fix it. She's fishing.
Mark:Oh, indeed. She is indeed fishing.
Sarah:Wants him to give her more information, and Mike never does. Nope. In those situations, he never does. And it makes her crazy, and it makes us crazy in her little shoesies. Yes.
Sarah:Mike, give it up. What happened to your wife?
Mark:But that is a good representation of that moment. You screw up in a conversation.
Sarah:Well, no. She didn't screw up. I mean, she didn't know anything.
Mark:You unintentionally screw up in a conversation, and that you just The
Sarah:person who who you screwed up at should let it go because you didn't know you couldn't mean anything.
Mark:Oh, and Mike does.
Sarah:And he does, but does not provide any additional info, which is annoying. You know what else is annoying? Just so it's a bugaboo for me. It annoys me in this episode. Okay.
Sarah:Why didn't they just put 666 on the basket?
Mark:I don't understand. I do not. Keep saying 66 is
Sarah:the number of the devil? Okay. No. It's not. It's 666, and you could have put any number on the basket you wanted to.
Sarah:Yep. Any number.
Mark:And, again, it's it's Jared being like, oh, it's the devil.
Sarah:Well, but even Tommy says, oh, well, that's you know, 666 is the number of the devil, and some people say 66 is just as bad. Like, the props people coulda just put 666 on it.
Mark:Yeah. Maybe they thought 666 was a lot of crap bugs. It doesn't
Sarah:have to be the number of the basket. It's just the ID number.
Sarah:They could all be 33 digits. Who knows?
Mark:Who knows?
Sarah:Speaking of props, that hand is good.
Mark:That hand is fantastic. It's really There's a really good high res image of it online. And I like a promotional image of the shot of the the crab pot with the hand in it in front of the ocean. It's a really nice shot, but I didn't wanna put
Sarah:that. Nasty disembodied hand. Just whoever made it did a great job.
Mark:Super good job.
Sarah:It's clearly silicone. I've walked in silicone. It's difficult. It's got hair punched into it, which if you don't know, like, when you make really high end wigs or prosthetics, you literally punch one hair at a time with like if you imagine a sewing needle with the end cut off so that the eye is more of a u instead of a loop, you put the hair through that open loop and you punch that in
Sarah:To the seam.
Mark:It would have
Sarah:taken It is difficult.
Mark:2 to 4 days of full time work to do that hand. At least. At least. Yeah. At least.
Sarah:And that's also the prop
Mark:dude's hand. Yeah.
Sarah:You you think he he took
Mark:a cast of his own hand? Yeah.
Sarah:He had to. Or or, you know, if it's her her her husband or giant son
Mark:who's a
Sarah:it is a beefy hand to be sure.
Mark:Yep. It's not a lady's hand.
Sarah:No. Not even Gina's hands are that big.
Mark:So at the muscle farm, they find the body of officer Bryce.
Sarah:They find the rest of him.
Mark:Yes. And Gina makes her handsome joke. Yeah. But the first thing I'm like is that dude is not handsome.
Sarah:No. Dead or alive.
Mark:He's kinda a toad.
Sarah:Like, I'm sorry, Jason Hood, actor who played him. No. I'm sorry. Not not Jason Hood. The guy who played Bryce.
Sarah:Oh, isn't even on my list because he's dead the whole episode. Sorry. I'm sorry actor who played Bryce. Not a 10. No.
Sarah:Which is why later when we find out there's this menage a trois supposedly going on. I'm like okay Jules is looking really good for her age. Buchanan is a handsome though sleazy guy, and then there's Bryce the toad. Yeah. Was that really going on?
Sarah:God. I hope they don't show a reenactment of that in a flashback. I do not wanna see those 3 making out.
Mark:Okay. Let's deal with Jules.
Sarah:My notes say, with Bryce? Have you seen him?
Mark:Jules is lady on the make. Is she ever? Wow. First of all, Dennis. And we'll get to Dennis because Dennis reoccurs.
Mark:Dennis is pure sleaze.
Sarah:That's Dennis Buchanan, the lawyer.
Mark:And he does a great
Sarah:He is sleazy from the moment he steps on screen.
Mark:Moment he steps on screen. But Jules is like she doesn't come home. And then Mike steps foot in the house, and she's like, I got lots of beds here. You want some wine and some fudge shaped cookies?
Sarah:As she's doing that at the funeral, practically. Like, her husband's funeral, she's she just I she is utterly unsympathetic. No. I don't feel bad for her that her husband is dead. I don't think she feels bad.
Sarah:Just shallow and, like, if there really was I don't think there was. But if there really was a consensual menage a trois going on, that's fine. That's your business. But isn't that enough? Yeah.
Sarah:Not for her. No. No. There's another man over there. Let me see if I can hit on him.
Mark:And it's cut really badly because okay. Mike goes over to look at the papers. He asks her some questions. She says, can we have sex now? He says, maybe later.
Mark:Then she says, are you sure you don't want a glass of wine? And he says, yeah. I'll take a glass of wine. Big hands like my husband.
Sarah:Do you know what?
Mark:A drink? Go off to another room in the house. Now Mike does not have sex with this woman.
Sarah:No. He's very careful. Like, when she calls him over in the middle of the night to his house, he to her house, he immediately goes back to the station and has Sims take notes Yeah. Of of that visit Yep. Because he wants another person to know all about it.
Mark:But when he's there and he takes the wine, they cut to the next day.
Sarah:Yeah. And that's that's bad.
Mark:Bad cut.
Sarah:Because it gives you the implication that he, like, stayed, and he didn't.
Mark:He didn't. He it needs to have it needs to have a
Sarah:a A scene of him getting in the car and
Mark:driving home. See you later. Yeah. You know?
Sarah:Bye, person I didn't have sex with.
Mark:Well, I think Mike is smart enough to know that he needs to get information from everybody in this investigation, and that her talking maybe involves him sitting with her while she talks.
Sarah:Yeah. Oh, he can read her.
Mark:But he's not, like, swayed or anything.
Sarah:While Mike is looking through Bryce's office, he finds the Wes Pullman file, which is empty.
Sarah:Right? Which is the muscle farmer, which is just weird to say.
Mark:He wasn't very good at keeping paperwork. Like, I've seen worse offices on show.
Sarah:I see worse offices every day at work. Oh my gosh. Academics have the worst offices. Yep. They smell bad too sometimes.
Sarah:Anyway, he finds a book about treasures
Sarah:In the ocean and
Mark:A list of coordinates in that book.
Sarah:Then we notice the practically life size anatomy poster about the spinal cord and the nervous system.
Mark:Why? That is Does he
Sarah:have a medical? Line of sight. Like, that's what you would put that wall is for things you would need to reference often. Like, you could look up and look at it. Like, it should have a map.
Sarah:That's what should be there.
Mark:That's what should be there.
Sarah:It's a map of the local area. Yeah. The ocean.
Mark:It's it's a medical diagram of the Why? I don't know. It's they do
Sarah:They went to effort to put that there.
Mark:They they do such good set design. They screwed up there. Why?
Sarah:Is it is it Bryce is spineless? Is that what they're trying to say?
Mark:I don't know.
Sarah:Is it Jules has no backbone?
Mark:I don't know. It's not the best beer poster of the world.
Sarah:No. No. It's no Freedom Eagle beer or whatever it was called. I don't understand. Taste the freedom.
Sarah:So they find Bryce's boat. Yes. And it's got the anchor line cut, so it's been drifting. Yes. So it's far away from where it was.
Sarah:And boat technology comes in like a deus ex machina here. Like Yep. But luckily, the computers on the boats can tell us exactly where they've been and when.
Mark:Well, Sims is really
Sarah:very handy.
Mark:Sims is really good at investigating stuff in this episode. Mhmm. She she kinda puts a lot of this together.
Sarah:I like that Tommy is so gross and so bullying, and yet when somebody needs to go talk to him, she's like, I'll go talk to him.
Mark:Yeah. She's ready.
Sarah:She's not, don't make me go talk to him again. She's like, I can take him.
Mark:It allows Ginger Ranger to talk to the religious knight. Oh,
Sarah:may be one of the most annoying characters I've ever seen on TV.
Mark:He's so annoying.
Sarah:And he's so minor and yet so annoying.
Mark:And okay. He's the annoying version of the mushroom guy from Midsummer. Yeah. The mushroom guy from Midsummer is awesome. Yeah.
Mark:But this is annoying. And I gotta say, 3 quarters the way through the episode, like Jared, forgotten about.
Sarah:Just disappears.
Mark:Just disappears.
Sarah:But not only is Cleland, like, a religious zealot, but he's a volunteer fisheries officer.
Mark:I don't understand.
Sarah:He is so puffed up by having any kind of official role. I mean, it's it's way out of proportion obnoxious for him.
Mark:And I don't understand why he's religious. It doesn't add to his character at all or give him any motivation.
Sarah:Makes him a a righteous bully.
Mark:And if he if he was worried about Bryce being on the take, okay, then there is no reason at all why just as a fisheries officer, he wouldn't be worried about that.
Sarah:He wouldn't just report him. Yeah. Yeah. He doesn't have to be god righteous
Sarah:To think that that's a bad thing that Bryce is doing. It
Mark:felt very weird.
Sarah:But, man, is he over the top. Yeah. And, like, expects everybody to call him volunteer officer Cleland
Mark:or whatever. I think it's a fun that doesn't come through as fun.
Sarah:Yeah. He comes through as so obnoxious and kind of aggressive Yeah. That he's not quirky, eccentric.
Mark:He was in solitary prayer retreat. Breen has no patience. Breen has all the old guys to deal with him.
Sarah:He's a buzzer. Poor man. Jared when Jared's hanging out behind the police station trying to look incognito in his sunglasses and hoodie, like it's so obviously him, but he can't be seen going into the police station. You know?
Mark:But he's got the Bible.
Sarah:It's like I've I've done a control f on the Bible to look for all the references to hands. Yep. And I'm here to tell you what I found.
Mark:Well, the other time that Mike talks to him, he says he just got finished his Tai Chi. Yeah. I'm like, did you take your gumboots off for that?
Sarah:Breen says, are you suggesting Bryce was poaching and does the devil return from the dead to kill him? And Jared goes, no. That would be implausible.
Mark:It's Implausible. That was that was Jared. Yes. That's Jared.
Mark:I love so Sims borrows the car,
Sarah:and then she goes It's a stick.
Mark:Yep. Which makes Mike worried. Alright. Right? And then she comes back with a great joke.
Mark:She goes, oh, it's stuck in first here.
Sarah:Does it always get stuck in first? He's like, did you drive it all the way back in first? Nah. He's it's like she's driving away with his baby.
Mark:Yeah. But Sims totally gives him crap as she should.
Sarah:Mhmm. Buchanan, the greasy lawyer Yes. Is a recurring character. I think he's the only lawyer in Brokenwood.
Mark:He may be the only lawyer
Sarah:in Brokenwood. Wait a minute. He's the only lawyer in Brokenwood who's allowed to speak. Yes. Other people have legal representation
Mark:But they knew there's
Sarah:who just sit there because they're, like, you know, court appointed whatever. Yep. If somebody's got enough money to pay for a lawyer, it's always Buchanan. And his office on the wall, he has the triptych from by Hieronymus Bosch of the Garden of Earthly Delights. Yes.
Sarah:Which suits him so well. They did well there. Have you ever looked closely at that painting?
Mark:That is a weird
Sarah:Well, everything by Bosch is like an acid trip. I mean, that's just that's just what he did, but nobody in that thing has clothes on except for a pig dressed like a nun. Yep. It's all naked people, but not doing sexy things. They're just doing weird things.
Sarah:They're doing weird things. Now There's a woman who's looking at the devil's butt, and the devil's butt is so shiny you can see her reflection in his butt. Yeah.
Mark:Now Dennis and Jules, I can totally imagine that. Yeah. Jules and Bryce.
Sarah:Mhmm. I love the sound.
Mark:Dennis and Bryce Not at all. Not at all. No. Not at all.
Sarah:When you see the photo of Bryce when he was alive
Sarah:He's just like a little pudgy toady guy. Like, he's got no glamour about him. He's not gonna be out on that gin palace flashy boat. Like, it just
Mark:So he has doesn't work. He has, like, 5 different places that he has an office for on so what he is, he's the lawyer for, like, 15 businesses.
Mark:And they all are in the building with him
Mark:Including the Muscle Farm. Right. Now the muscle farm has an admin. Yeah. But Dennis doesn't have an admin.
Sarah:Who's greasier? Buchanan or Pullman, the guy who runs the muscle farm?
Mark:I think Pullman feels greasy, but he is, a, only slightly a baddie. He is the guy on the take. Yeah. Right? But other than that, he's just trying to run his muscle for him.
Sarah:He's just a businessman.
Mark:And he's trying to deal and wheel and all that stuff, but he's not he's not like the brothers. No. So so he is sleeping. He's not And Dennis. Dennis is like, Dennis softens, especially,
Sarah:like They make his character more human.
Mark:We don't get into the sexual history of Dennis in other episodes. Yeah. So it's it's just this episode. We find out that Ma and Liza are really being abused by Tommy.
Mark:Right? And the reason why he's abusive and controlling is he's a jerk, and he has killed Des. Des. Right?
Sarah:But Ma doesn't know that. Because seems to be in the dark about how her husband died.
Mark:And the thing is the sister absolutely knows because she took the call.
Sarah:Took the call.
Mark:Yeah. And walked into the room where Des was doing his hobby and said Tommy
Sarah:called us. Somebody's poaching. Yeah. What what is Des doing?
Mark:He's got a red pen. He's doing the crossword in the newspaper.
Sarah:Oh, with a pen. Yep. They should have swapped the actors that played Des and Bryce. Okay. Because Des is a much more polished looking guy.
Sarah:Yeah. And Bryce looks more like a crusty fisherman.
Sarah:They should've swapped the casting should've been flipped.
Mark:So she was burnt at the, the explosion.
Sarah:Liza got burnt. Yeah.
Mark:Yeah. So he gets in the boat, turns the key, explosion. And they're like, it was an accident. I'm like, do you know what accidents are?
Sarah:It's a broken fuel line.
Mark:That's not an accident. No. There's an explosion.
Sarah:Yeah. Yeah.
Mark:He blew up real good, and Ma saved her.
Sarah:Yeah. Because she because Liza fell in the water.
Mark:And Liza has excellent makeup on.
Sarah:Oh my god. Those prosthetics are really good.
Mark:They're very good burn prosthetics on her. And, like, I love that they're almost not noticeable at first.
Sarah:Yeah. It's half her face and her neck. Yeah. And she has full movement and everything in them, and
Sarah:It they look so painful.
Mark:They're super good. So then we discover that there's treasure in this episode.
Sarah:Mike goes on Buchanan's boat. He's got, a warrant.
Mark:Well, before he goes on the boat and I'm not sure it's Buchanan's boat. We'll get to that.
Sarah:It is Buchanan's boat. He's when so when they first go to the dock and Jules is saying, I need to show you where I've been, and it's I've been on this boat, and Buchanan says, it's my boat.
Mark:It it's his his bang boat.
Sarah:His gin palace. His sex yacht.
Mark:Okay. It's interesting that you bring that up because The sex yacht? If it is a sex yacht where threesomes happen, threesomes. I don't know why I became a little Scottish man.
Sarah:They're threesomes, not threesomes, but
Mark:yeah. The bunk situation in that boat does not make it probable.
Sarah:I can only assume that there is a master suite somewhere else in the boat. I can only hope
Mark:because it's like The v shaped bunk beds where he finds the bag of gold And bangs his head.
Sarah:Are not conducive to sexy time. Yeah. That's where you stick the kids. They sleep on those shelves. That boat's gotta have an a nice master suite.
Sarah:It's got to.
Mark:Okay. There are literally 1,000 of dollars, perhaps 1,000,000 of dollars of gold on this boat.
Sarah:Yeah. It's a big bag of gold.
Mark:It is a big bag of gold, and it is implied that there are lots of other big bags to be taking Yeah. From this boat.
Sarah:Well, they say how many gold bars they think were on the ship.
Mark:590 gold bars.
Sarah:Yeah. And there's only, like, a dozen in that bag. And some and some doubloons for some reason. Some Random doubloons. Doubloons.
Mark:Oh, the and I don't usually do this, but we need to greet go to Greenland for a a little tiny two things.
Sarah:If you don't remember, Greenland is the place we go where Mark talks about how things are filmed in technical ways that sometimes go over everybody's head. But go ahead.
Mark:So the audio of the doubloons and the gold bars is tinky. I don't like it. It's a bit like It should be
Sarah:more thunky because they're heavy.
Mark:It's a little it it's a little more thunky. And then
Sarah:But Mike does a good job acting when he pretends the bag is really heavy.
Mark:Yes. He does.
Sarah:And heaves it out of a position and into his lap.
Mark:He's up for a BAFTA for that.
Sarah:Think he's just broken his thigh bones.
Mark:Yes. Well, that's what happens when you have a threesome in that little space.
Sarah:You break your legs. You break your little thigh bone.
Mark:The audio at the beginning when they're at the beach is rough. Wow. It's gotta be hard to do
Sarah:sound on the beach.
Mark:Right. The the the waves are not like, I don't know if they're too loud or not loud enough, but everyone else is speaking absolutely clearly. Yeah. And it's it is tough to do audio there, but it's all AD hard.
Sarah:Which means that they rerecorded the dialogue afterwards, like, in a studio and dubbed it in.
Mark:Yeah. That's it. Like, that's the that's so you get the script as a technician on a production, and you highlight all the parts, right, that are relevant to you. Like, in the audio guy, he would have done all the sound effects, and that includes footsteps and the coffee maker and the car engine starting and the car being put in part. It it's so many more things than you realize are audio.
Mark:They're not actually presented when they're filming. Right. Okay? When he he or she saw that first scene, they must have went, oh, crap.
Sarah:Anybody who works in film in New Zealand is used to working on the beach, I suppose.
Mark:I suppose. Yeah.
Sarah:That doesn't mean that they have a lot of experience in it, but it's gotta be common. You said you're never more than 25 miles away from the beach.
Mark:Yeah. That's true. The book that Mike finds leads me to the 2 most difficult the one most difficult thing in the in the episode.
Sarah:Before we get to that, have we
Mark:We haven't got to either one.
Sarah:We haven't got to the 2 questions. No. Okay. We haven't got to the point in the episode. We're gonna answer the 2 questions.
Sarah:Okay. I don't wanna forget them.
Mark:Okay. So the book says the Orion had 590 gold bars in it, of World War 2 gold that was sunk by Nazis or Japanese. We've been watching a lot of Tony Robinson walks around the world ever so lately. Australia and New Zealand were far more involved in World War 2 than I realized. Anyway, in this book, there is
Sarah:A photograph of the wreck. Underwater.
Mark:Yeah. Okay, Bob. We're gonna go photograph that boat for our book on treasure. Okay, John. Okay.
Mark:Get our gear on. We take we take it.
Sarah:You know why we're photographing that boat? Because it was sunk during war the world wars, and supposedly, it had a bunch of gold on it. That's why we're gonna go photograph it.
Mark:So we'll take the picture Yeah. And then we'll we'll swim back to the boat.
Sarah:We'll just swim away Yeah. Without checking to see if the gold's still there. Yeah. Maybe the guys who took the photo did get, like, 400 bars of gold, and what they're going after is just what what is left.
Mark:I know we took 400, but let's leave a 190 for the next guy.
Sarah:And and let's put the coordinates. No. We won't put the coordinates of the wreck in the book.
Mark:Like, they know exactly where the boat is. It's in a picture in the book.
Sarah:Somebody does who took that photo, but Bryce has a bunch of different coordinates that he's checking and crossing off a list to try to hone in on it. All they really had to do was go find the person who wrote the book
Mark:Exactly. And bring them forcefully back to Brokenwood and say, show me. Yes. Exactly.
Sarah:Or did you already get it all? And does Des have a copy
Mark:of this book too? I guess. Maybe? Okay. Maybe?
Mark:The first question is how does The Commodore's first question. How does Tommy know about that Ma and Liza talked to them?
Sarah:Right. Have been talking to the police.
Mark:So what happened to Sims and Ginger Ranger go and confront Tommy?
Mark:And he immediately freaks out. He says, who you've been talking to? And Sims says, don't let on that we've been talking to Ma and the system. Right. And Breen I don't think Breen does anything wrong.
Sarah:He doesn't mean to give it away.
Mark:He doesn't mean to give it away, but Breen gives it away.
Sarah:Yeah. And how does and how does he give it away?
Mark:Well, he hesitates and says that somebody else told them.
Sarah:Yeah. And Tommy must know that his sister knows.
Mark:He has to know.
Sarah:Because he talked to her on the phone. Yeah. So So let's recap this. Right? What happened 5 years ago is that Tommy decided that his dad was in his way.
Sarah:The old man had to go. So he creates a fuel leak on his dad's boat. Yes. He knows his dad.
Mark:And by fuel leak, you mean bomb?
Sarah:Yeah. He knows his dad is completely intolerant of poaching Yep. Of anybody touching their baskets.
Sarah:So he calls from the phone box at the bar, gets Liza on the phone and says, tell dad I saw somebody messing with our pots Yep. Knowing his dad would immediately get on his boat, race out there to confront whoever's doing it
Sarah:Just like he did with Jared
Sarah:Because he thought he was poaching even though he wasn't. But Tommy has already rigged the boat to explode. Yep. So Tommy knows his sister knows. Yeah.
Sarah:So as soon as he knows the police know, he thinks Liza must have told them.
Mark:Must have told them.
Sarah:But I don't think Ma knows.
Mark:I don't think Ma knows.
Sarah:She's not let herself put it together.
Mark:No. I don't think so. But she knows it's murder.
Sarah:But surely, Liza would have said sometime in the last 5 years, it was Tommy who called and said that somebody was poaching.
Mark:Well and also, you would have thought that Tommy's so deranged, he would have killed Liza by now.
Sarah:I think he enjoys controlling her Yeah. Instead.
Mark:I think so.
Sarah:And I think Ma deep down knows she's just not letting herself put it together.
Mark:So that's story a.
Mark:Right? So Liam goes nuts. Not Liam. Sorry.
Mark:Tommy goes nuts. Breen confronts him with a gun, and then Sims comes in behind him. And
Sarah:And this is after Tommy has hit both his mother and his sister. Von Knocked his mother down.
Mark:It gets dark. Her face. Really bad here.
Sarah:He's going to kill them. Yeah. And if he doesn't, they think that he will.
Mark:So they get him in the triangle, and then he gives up.
Sarah:Yeah. And they enjoy cuffing him as they should.
Mark:They do. Separately
Sarah:So now we've got Des's killer.
Sarah:Murder number 1 solved. Yes. Murder number 2, Bryce's.
Mark:Separately, Jared lets Mike know that Liam was on the boat with Des. Mhmm. So he knows that Liam's
Sarah:When they confronted him about a
Mark:bit crazy.
Sarah:Poaching. That it's Liam who's holding
Sarah:spear gun and looks fully willing to use it.
Mark:So then Liam is like, it's time for me to go crazy.
Sarah:You'll never catch me, Coppers.
Mark:So he gets in the boat, and Mike and Sims get in the boat, and they chase him out
Sarah:to the wreck. The dude who drives the police boat is awesome at boat driving. Yes. He does that, like, skid up to the dock. Yep.
Sarah:Backs it right up. They hop right on. Off they go.
Mark:Put on their little jackets that the insurance company says all actors have to wear when they're on a boat.
Sarah:As you should. Life life jacket. The nice little ones that just go around your neck now. Yeah. That, like, puff out and when you need them, and you don't have to wear, like, a yellow puffy foam vest thing.
Mark:I remember them. It's a red pillow one.
Sarah:Yeah. You can put your arms down to your side.
Mark:I'd water ski with those on.
Sarah:They're like a snowsuit just for your upper torso.
Mark:Don't know how I water skied with some of those on, man.
Sarah:But they're like boat action time. Right?
Mark:It's it's a boat chase.
Sarah:Yep. Total boat chase. And Where does Liam go? To the wreck because well, I'm on the run from the police.
Mark:So I'm gonna grab some gold and get out of this town, Coppers.
Sarah:And they'll never think to look for me there
Sarah:At the rack.
Mark:At first, I was like, is Liam gonna look up and not notice there's 2 boats? And then then it's like the editor goes, oh, okay. We need to show the 2 boats so that Liam comes up.
Sarah:He so he puts the gold back down and picks up his spear gun.
Mark:And they, at Which
Sarah:is like 6 feet long.
Mark:At first, I was like, why were they letting him do that? And then I'm like, oh, because they have the keys. His boat. Yeah.
Sarah:It's like, because I'm just gonna drive away from here. No. You're not. No. He's serious, though.
Sarah:Yeah. Like, the guy driving the boat really should have been afraid because he's not a recurring character. No. He could've got shot. He
Mark:could've got
Sarah:shot. That spear.
Mark:And then he goes, I guess I'm caught, and everybody goes, bye.
Sarah:The end.
Sarah:So let's back up a little bit and talk about how Jules and Buchanan are involved.
Sarah:Okay? Because they know about the gold too, and Bryce was getting it. Yep. And this is why I think that there was no menage a trois in reality. First of all, because have you seen
Mark:Bryce? Second of all Not that ugly people can't have menachotas.
Sarah:They can.
Mark:They can.
Sarah:They can. Maybe not Bryce. I'm so mean. I'm sorry.
Mark:At least Cleland was involved. No. Gosh. If temporary fisheries on the surface you.
Sarah:Cleland was involved. So they were on the big boat
Sarah:The Jin Palace
Mark:and The bang boat?
Sarah:The the sex yacht. And Bryce is supposed to be getting the gold from the from the wreck and bringing it to them. Now he doesn't even trust them to tell them where the wreck is. Yes. This is why I think there was no menage a twag on it.
Mark:I think that's just a convenient story that they've came up with while they were waiting for him.
Sarah:Yeah. To cover that she and Bryce that she and Buchanan are having an affair to say, oh, well, but we don't have a motive because Bryce knew about it and he was fine. Right? Yeah. That's real likely.
Sarah:Have you seen him? Anyway, he's getting the gold and they're they're supposed to rendezvous. Right? But he doesn't show up and they think, oh, he's just taken off with it, which is why they don't report him missing
Sarah:Because they think he's just taken off with the gold that they can't admit they were going to get anyway. No. So they just spend a couple of days on the boat doing whatever on those tiny beds. Yep. And then show up and he's dead.
Sarah:And they're like, oh.
Mark:But he but there's gold on that boat, so he came back once at least.
Sarah:I guess. And they thought, let's hide it under the bunk beds. They're really uncomfortable already.
Mark:And never move it? What like, if you have ill gotten booty, and there was a lot of ill gotten booty on that boat. If if you're on the ill gotten booty boat, are you not taking that booty and putting it somewhere safe?
Sarah:If I was Buchanan, yeah, I would have I would have snuck that ill gotten booty off my ill gotten booty boat and hit it somewhere better. Hide the booty better, Buchanan. But I can also understand, let's not move it because somebody might see us. Let's not draw attention to ourselves.
Mark:I can understand.
Sarah:We'll just leave it right where it is and just be done with it. Cross our fingers.
Mark:Plus Jules is like, there's an off chance that I could have sex with every man in town.
Sarah:Yeah. Who cares about gold?
Mark:So in Schmidt Labs' question know
Sarah:what? She doesn't strike me as a seductress. She strikes me as someone who is so empty Yeah. That she only defines herself by whether people find her
Mark:attractive. Absolutely.
Sarah:That's it. That's all she's got.
Mark:In Schmidt Lab's question, he says that Des and Liam know about the treasure. How do they know about the treasure?
Sarah:They know because the treasure is within the area where they have their pots, and they catch Bryce out there, and they think he's poaching. But he's not right. He's pulling up gold, and they're like, well, we'll have that. Thank you.
Mark:And in 5 years, Leonium couldn't have taken all the gold?
Sarah:I I maybe they thought they had a deal. Okay.
Mark:If you find
Sarah:I have boats.
Mark:I don't know. If you find a boat Why didn't the guy who took the picture have the gold? Took gold bars in it, and you're not taking a picture of it. Because if you take a picture of it, you have to leave.
Sarah:Yeah. You can't have picture or gold. 1 or the other.
Mark:You can't would you not take all of them? I don't know. It's it's troubling.
Sarah:Maybe when they catch Bryce, he's so far away from the wreck that they can't find.
Mark:But remember, this is 5 years ago because it's Dez.
Sarah:Ah. Yeah. I don't know anymore. I'm sorry.
Mark:So we explained question 1 for Commodore Schmidt Lap, and and commenters Schmidt Lap's question number 2 is
Sarah:Dez has the book?
Mark:I guess. Maybe there's a crossword puzzle in the book that he did.
Sarah:And it's distracted him from the treasure. I don't know. Maybe there's, there's a, an evil ghost of a sailor on the boat.
Mark:Oh, okay.
Sarah:And when you go there Captain Nilgarten Booty. Captain Nilgarten Booty, Sunken Booty says, you may have a photo or you may have 3 gold bars, and that is all. And some doubloons. And doubloons. And you get a photo, then you have to leave.
Sarah:And if you take the gold, you can only have a little bit.
Mark:And if you have a sex boat, you cannot come to
Sarah:us. You're not allowed. And then's the rules. And you cannot carry gold and a spear fisherman spear gun at the same time.
Mark:What we haven't talked about is the single best moment of the episode yet. Sims offers coffee to Mike and Ginger Ranger. Yes. And they go, no. No.
Mark:It's okay. No. Thank you. And she goes, well, I've already made it. And she brings them coffees.
Mark:And Breen She turns her back. Is brilliant because she turns her back, and Breen automatically goes not it.
Sarah:Yeah. He makes the not it hand sign, meaning Mike has to drink it. Breen is very funny in this episode. His interactions with the old guy with the dog are great. The way he handles Cleland is great.
Mark:This is the Breen that we're expecting when the first episode is like, where's Breen?
Sarah:Sims teases him about his muscles not being big enough, And and Mike says, we'll get you a counselor because he's like, that's workplace
Sarah:You know, harassment
Mark:or whatever. Of them are great.
Sarah:They're yeah. They're getting into their groove for sure.
Mark:And this is 2nd season, so they are aware that they are probably gonna do 6 seasons here because remember, they get money to do 6 seasons. Yeah. So they're thinking, we're probably gonna get 6 seasons. I got a home for 4 more seasons of this. Yep.
Mark:I like these people. Yep. This is this is a good gig.
Sarah:Yeah. And now they're trying to decide who the recurring secondary characters are gonna be. Yes. They've got Jared. Are they gonna bring back missus m?
Sarah:How big is Frodo gonna be? Buchanan? You know, they're certain
Mark:Considering how big Frodo is later in the show
Sarah:Jared disappears.
Mark:Fact that Frodo isn't in these episodes is crazy.
Sarah:That he's only in the one Yeah. And he just goes away. Yeah. And then they give him a contract for the next season, I guess.
Mark:I guess so. Maybe he was busy doing something.
Sarah:Yeah. Maybe he was Lord of the Rings in it or something. I don't know. Who knows? So that is catch of the day.
Mark:Yes. So we have one more episode of season 2, which is Blood Pink
Mark:Which is country music guitar in the bathtub episode. Oh, speaking of country music,
Sarah:There's a song in this episode. I knew it was coming. Knew it was coming. You guys don't know about this, this about me, but my brain has a fondness for earworm songs that is maniacal. Yes.
Sarah:And they have it's a good country music soundtrack.
Mark:And they don't have to be like, Sarah doesn't have to hear this song. No. No. She'll wake up and have a song that she hasn't heard in 15 years.
Sarah:Because the day before somebody said 2 words that are part of the lyrics Yeah. And my brain works on it overnight and it's stuck in my head. There's a song in this episode that is a recurring song they play in other episodes, and I was dreading hearing it. And it's this Faraway song. It's far away.
Sarah:I'm far away. Yeah. Wanna stay that way. They only play it once. Yep.
Sarah:Yeah. It'll get in your head and just know that, from now on, they play it, like, once an episode at some point.
Mark:I'm like And it's evil. Song. It's evil. I'll wake up in the
Sarah:middle of the night going far away.
Mark:I literally had the thought, which is the thought I always have, which is the music that I attempt to make, I always become perfectionist and overly emotionally about it. And I wish I could write a lyric that is it's far away. It's far, far away. Like, I would write that lyric 15 different ways that's not simple or melodic.
Sarah:They do a great job with the music in this show. It is clearly made for the show. It's not licensed music. It's music that's produced for the show, but it none of it sounds that way.
Sarah:In midsummer, the music they play always sounds like it's music made for the show, and it's horrible.
Sarah:Like, the music in any convertible car that anybody's driving is like, this is cool music we're playing. Like, no. It's not. It's really lame.
Mark:Sims has been checking up on, country music too. She knew some facts.
Sarah:She did. And if you actually wanna know why Johnny Cash wore black because Mike teases it but never answers the question. You kinda think he'll come back to it later and he doesn't. He wore black for a few reasons, but based on interviews, people asked him. He answered different ways different times.
Sarah:Initially, it was for luck. Yeah. Because he wore all black in his first, like, successful gig, and he just said, I'm gonna stay with it. Yeah. Then later in his career, he said he wore black to represent people who were poor and oppressed and imprisoned, as just a a symbol.
Mark:And his name is Johnny Cash. Yeah. He was he was born.
Sarah:Cash. John Cash. I wear black every day, but it's just because I'm lazy, and I don't like picking out clothes. And I know if it's black, it matches.
Mark:I occasionally wear blue.
Sarah:Oh, you're crazy.
Mark:Stepping out.
Sarah:You're so crazy. Alright. That is catch the day. Next week, blood blood pink.
Mark:Blood pink, which will be released on the 18th November, and I will speak about my kickstarter then because it starts the 19th November. I don't wanna bore you about it, but I'll talk to you about it then. In the
Sarah:meantime, if you check out Merlot Murder Club or The Passenger or Whisteple Pearl and you've got opinions, let us know what you think. Send us an email. Drop us a line on on the subreddit. Share your opinions to everybody else. We'd love to know what you think.
Sarah:And if you have other recommendations for things that you're watching Always. Or reading or listening to, share. Let us know. Alright. That's it for this week.
Sarah:Bye, maniacs.
Mark:Bye, maniacs. Thanks for joining us on the Mystery Maniacs podcast. If you enjoyed our crazy podcast today, don't miss out on future episodes. Follow us on social media for updates, beyond the scenes content, and exclusive sneak peeks. Subscribe, like, and share to spread the word.
Mark:Bye, maniacs. 6 hours and 38 minutes on the card. I don't think we'll talk that long.
Sarah:I don't think so either. 5.