Episode 220 | Mystery Maniacs | The Brokenwood Mysteries | "Blood Pink" | Cho-cho-choose A Choosie!
She puts her head back, and I'm like, you're gonna catch fire. Stop it. Hey, Maniacs. Hey,
Mark:Mystery Maniacs.
Sarah:Mystery Maniacs is a comedy recap podcast. Each week, we choose an episode of a mystery show, dive deep into it, and talk about the murder, the mayhem, the loonies, and everything else we love. I'm Sarah.
Mark:And I'm Mark.
Sarah:And we are a spoiler podcast. We are going to ruin season 2 episode 4 of broken wood.
Mark:Blood pink.
Sarah:So if you haven't watched it, stop right now.
Mark:Also, if you let your kids play guitar in the bathtub, they will be allowed to watch this listen to this podcast.
Sarah:And they'll survive because that's not how it works.
Mark:I get one that was yours.
Sarah:Before we dive in, big sad announcement. Timothy West. Timothy West, the actor, passed away. He was Marcus in Dark Harvest in midsummer, but he was in so many other things as well as being Samuel West's dad who's also in a midsummer. And he and his wife who is an actress whose name I cannot
Mark:remember. Nella?
Sarah:Had this super sweet show where they were on a a long boat.
Sarah:And it is just the cutest old couple happy together on a boat show. Yes. You just wanna hug them.
Mark:Yep. It's fantastic. They they go and visit their non famous son. Yeah. They even make him, like, feel important and stuff.
Sarah:They have the famous son and the non famous son. In good news, though, we learned this week that Midsummer Mystery season 25 is filming.
Mark:Well, it's about to film.
Sarah:It's about to film. It's not dead. That's the point. Dead. Midsummer is not dead.
Mark:I I'm assuming they will film in the late spring and early summer.
Sarah:And they might actually air in the UK in, like, 2028.
Mark:Maybe. And then they'll be on Acorn before the Christmas season like they have been the last 4 years
Mark:I would guess. For this year.
Sarah:Next year, we'll have this this time next year, we'll have new midsummer.
Mark:We have a theory about why they're not in England first, mostly because I think Acorn swooped in and provided some money for the productions.
Sarah:And I think Maybe. We don't know.
Mark:We don't know. They should be broadcast everywhere in the world as soon as they're done.
Sarah:I think
Mark:If we had our way.
Sarah:Like, as soon as they're finished editing, they should just air. Boom. They should just be on.
Mark:They should just email us. Yeah.
Sarah:Here's the file. Directly.
Mark:Would you like to re edit this? Oh my gosh.
Sarah:Speaking of midsummer, we got an email this week from a new listener who just discovered midsummer.
Mark:Can you imagine that? 20 4 seasons of Midsummer.
Sarah:How jealous I am to find a show this good that you didn't know existed and then to find out there are 24 seasons of it? Oh my gosh. That would, like, that would be the rest of my year. Check. Done.
Mark:And then she found out there was a podcast. Yes.
Sarah:There are other freaks out there just like you. Welcome new listener from New Mexico. We're really jealous that you've just discovered it and Absolutely. Can't wait to hear what you think of some of the episodes.
Mark:We also had a very nice note from a listener who said that her husband had recently passed and that the podcast was providing her a lot of support. We love you and, that her and her husband really enjoyed broken wood. So I'd say we dedicate this episode to them.
Sarah:Absolutely. So And, you know, one of the beauties of this this particular podcast, and I listened to tons, but one of the things I love most about ours is that we all have so much in common. Like, we love these shows, but the reason why you enjoy listening to us is that we have a lot in common and you have a lot in common with each other. Yes. So we're just a big community of of weirdos who like to watch shows where people die, but not in super gory ways.
Sarah:We have other things in common. We make things. We cook. We, you know, have laughs. Yep.
Sarah:Lots of things in common.
Mark:So Speaking of another show, we should watch ins, you should watch Inspector Ellis.
Sarah:Oh my gosh, people. Inspector Ellis on Acorn. Inspector Ellis, the character, is my new spirit animal. I love her so much. She's an older woman.
Sarah:She's probably in her late fifties, I would guess, wouldn't
Mark:you say?
Sarah:She's, they they call them, like, the traveling squad type detective. Right? So she shows up someplace that isn't her isn't her precinct. It's not where she works. She gets dropped in when there's a serious case, and she cleans it up, puts her foot down, and fixes it with an attitude.
Sarah:Nobody scares her. And yet she's sensitive and funny and warm. And the actor who played Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes well, thought he was Sherlock Holmes on Murdoch plays her sidekick.
Mark:Andrew Gower.
Sarah:And other than she
Mark:is saying Sharon d Clark, and she's amazing.
Sarah:Other than what they've done to his hair, I don't know what kind of come over situation they're trying to manufacture. He's great.
Mark:But watched 2 episodes. We love it. They show up. They discover who are the people who are difficult to deal with. Deal with them and solve the crime.
Sarah:Yeah. So if you're feeling the need, you know, for something that is complete and nice and neat at the end where wrongdoers get what they deserve and good people fix problems, you'll like it. That's what I need right now. It makes me feel like all is right in the world to watch something like that, and she's awesome.
Mark:I would agree. Now comes the time for us to toot our own horn. We are rapidly approaching 500,000 downloads. That is half a 1000000 downloads.
Sarah:That's awesome.
Mark:We are currently less than 2,000 downloads away from 500,000 downloads, which will mean probably when you're listening to this episode, you're probably contributing to us going over that. That last
Sarah:few squeaky pushes over the edge. Yeah. Listen.
Mark:Just in case, you know, listen to a couple of your favorites this week too. Just really say That is a number that is unbelievably stunning. I never thought we would ever get to a number like that. And the fact that we're almost at that at YouTube also
Mark:Is absolutely crazy town. Thank you all so much. In addition, I have a Kickstarter starting Tuesday, November 19th, which will be tomorrow if you're listening to this episode when it drops. Strange ranger number 2, the night of the troll badgers.
Sarah:If you like comics or if you have kids or grandkids who like comics, it's really fun. And I know I'm biased. I'm biased. But it's really fun.
Mark:The artwork is beautiful. It's all ages comic. There will be a link in the description of this episode, and plus, I'll talk about it all the time on my socials. So if you're trying to find it and you can't find it, I've done something wrong.
Sarah:Speaking of socials, you may not have heard of Blue Sky. It was Blue Sky was started by one of the cofounders of Twitter who left, and it's a competitor to Twitter. And we are we are now on Blue Sky. And one of the things that Blue Sky has that I really like is called a starter pack, and it's just to help you find accounts to follow since it's a fairly new platform.
Mark:And they have a great button at the top of them that says follow all. Yeah. That follows everybody in that list.
Sarah:So we've put together a starter pack of accounts that if you like our podcast, you'll probably like the content that these accounts put out.
Mark:Yeah. It's all mystery podcasts.
Sarah:So check it out. And if we've missed one that you think we should be recommending, we'll add it to the list. Drop us a line and let us know.
Mark:Absolutely. They've gained over 2,000,000 users in the last week, and, my friend Danish and I were discussing this. We think that there's gonna be a ginormous corporate push into it this week.
Sarah:I think so too.
Mark:Because of all the all the users that have left x.
Sarah:A lot of big advertisers have left x, and we'll probably move to Blue Sky. It'll it'll take off finally. I don't think threads is ever gonna be as big.
Mark:I'm not sure, but Blue
Sarah:Sky, I think.
Mark:Blue Sky has certainly had an amazing 2 weeks.
Sarah:Yeah. So So check it out. Alright. Are we ready to talk about Blood Pink?
Mark:We are originally aired on the 18th October 2015, 15, which seems like a
Sarah:Forever ago.
Mark:Years ago, directed by Josh Frizzle, and written by Tim Baum. Okay. So a couple of things off the top of this episode. There are a lot of characters in this episode. We are going to get some character's name wrong or say the wrong person at some point in time, except for maybe Chewy Chew.
Mark:Chewy. Chewy Chewy
Sarah:Chewy Chewy Chewy Chewy. Wrong. Well, there's 2 big groups of characters. Right? First, there's a big bucket of people who are broken wood regulars who like, I don't know if they had contracts to be in a certain number of episodes, and they're like, crap.
Sarah:We haven't had missus Marlowe in enough episodes this season. Fit her in there. The the guy who runs the pub, the librarian, the lawyer, fit fit fit him in there. Oh, Jared, fit fit him in there. All the the regulars are there except Frodo.
Mark:We gotta call them the bust, the broken wood regulars.
Sarah:Yeah. There you go. So they're
Mark:all like, was Frodo busy this year or something?
Sarah:I guess he was doing something.
Mark:Because he's in the next season. He returns in an episode about classic cars, which makes sense that he's working in a different car place.
Sarah:Yep. But then after that, he's much more prevalent. Yeah. Jared kind of fades back and Frodo fades forward.
Sarah:But then we also have the Holly Collins and the hole in the wall gang band.
Mark:And she is a very big band. She is a drummer, a fiddle player, bass player, another guitar player. She's a guitar player and a singer, and I think a keyboardist. Maybe?
Sarah:There's a lot.
Mark:There's a lot of people.
Sarah:Do you know what hole in the wall gang refers to?
Mark:Well, hole in the wall is like a bar that's like a dive bar.
Sarah:Yeah. Yeah. But do you know where that phrase comes from? No. The original hole in the wall gang.
Mark:Is the original hole in
Sarah:the wall gang? The original hole in the wall gang is a gang of criminals in Wyoming in the 18 eighties nineties. They were remarkably professional. Okay? So the Hole in the Wall Gang was a coalition of smaller gangs.
Sarah:The Hole in the Wall Gang had no leader.
Mark:They were a collective.
Sarah:They were a collective with a single hideout in this place called The Hole in the Wall Pass.
Sarah:And all the gangs that hung out there, they would coordinate. Like, we're gonna hit a stagecoach on this road, so don't you try to to do it. Or we're gonna hit a bank in this little town, so you shouldn't don't so don't be there when we do it because you'll you'll get, you know, fingered for it or whatever. But, like, Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid were part of one of
Mark:the gangs that was part of the whole gang. Shared Google Calendar?
Sarah:I don't know how maybe they had a dry erase board and hang out in the cave or whatever it was. But that's where that phrase comes from. That's where the hole in the wall originates is in the 18 eighties in Wyoming. Cattle wrestlers, horse wrestler, wrestlers, not rasslers. They didn't wrestle with cows, bank robbers, stagecoach robbers.
Sarah:That's that's where it comes from. It really should be Holly Collins and the hole in the wall gang. Yes. Or Holly Collins and the hole in the wall gang. Holly hole
Mark:Do you know what tour this is? No. This is the hung, drawn, and divorced tour.
Sarah:Oh, I thought that was the first album that she put out because it doesn't
Mark:No. There's posters for the tour, but that that's an earlier album.
Mark:But they definitely have posters for that tour.
Sarah:Which should be the killing me with kindness Tour. Tour. Is it just me, or is that a down song to end a concert on? It's kind of a ballad. Okay.
Sarah:Don't you end the concert with an up? I have not worked
Mark:as a traveling musician. Okay? I haven't done that, but I was in a band different times and have played in a band.
Sarah:And you've been to more concerts than anybody
Mark:I know. Do a lot of concerts. Okay? This is the worst band who has been together between 3 5 years ever.
Sarah:Why do you say that?
Mark:Well, first of all, they can't tell if they've been together 3 or 5 years. Different people say different things. I'm like, how long has this band been together? Second of all, you do not put a giant pile of cords and pedals on a bed. Why would you do that?
Mark:It makes the bed completely useless, and you have to take care of your equipment or it will break on tour. We're gonna put
Sarah:this in the that's not how it works bucket.
Mark:Oh, we're I'm swimming around in that bucket today.
Sarah:Meanwhile, Mike is full on a honky tonk.
Mark:Oh, yeah. Like, we
Sarah:know he likes country music, but this is the first time we get to see him in his honky tonk shirt.
Mark:Yeah. He's got his honky tonk shirt. He's got his honky tonk sort of girlfriend who's happy to see him. The librarian Yeah.
Mark:Who's there at the beginning is happy to see him. Poof.
Sarah:Gone. Gone. Gone. Which is fine with me. No.
Sarah:Meanwhile, Jared is the anti honky tonk. Like, he's like plaid shirt, puffer vest, reggae hat. Like, how else can I demonstrate externally that I am not into this music and yet still go to this show?
Mark:But still, Jared's like, okay. I'll go with you. You asked me. Yeah. You know, he's open minded.
Sarah:But when Holly announces that she's leaving the band
Sarah:Jared pretends to be upset. The whole crowd is like, oh, no. And he's like, oh. Yeah. Oh, oh, no.
Sarah:That's so sad.
Mark:You never do a thing like that, and you end all concerts on bangers.
Sarah:Yeah. That's what I thought too.
Mark:Like, that's what you ended on the banger.
Sarah:Like, I'm surprised her band didn't walk out when she said that. Why did they play another song?
Mark:Like, if if killing me softly while you sleep I mean, killing me now while you gently kill me now, whatever is
Sarah:Killing me with kindness.
Mark:Killing me with kindness is her big hit. You play that 3 quarters of the way through the show.
Sarah:Yes. And then the last song should be an old favorite that's a banger.
Mark:That's a banger or a cover. Something.
Sarah:Yep. We also get to meet Celia and Raeleen who are fans, not groupies. The difference is they don't hang out with the band.
Sarah:Is that how you understood the difference? No. I mean, I would say that groupies are more likely to hang out with the band, but I would say following the band to every concert they've ever played kind of makes you a groupie. Yeah. If you if you bought a mobile home just to do that, you're more than a fan.
Mark:Like, I have a favorite musician. I run the subreddit for him. I've traveled, like, hours to go see him, but I don't go to every show.
Sarah:No. And you don't know every detail of his personal life.
Mark:No. I don't want to. No. No. I'm not interested in that.
Sarah:Then there's Richie the merch guy, who's also the tour manager.
Mark:Which is the most realistic thing about this band.
Sarah:That there's a merch guy?
Mark:That there's a merch guy. He's the tour manager and takes care of all that stuff, and he has boxes in his hotel room. Why does he unload those boxes when he just has to load them up again? I
Sarah:don't know. No. Maybe he doesn't think that the bus is secure.
Mark:He's too busy.
Sarah:The bus we never see.
Mark:Never seen a bus.
Sarah:They did not rent a bus for this episode. No. It's just out of shot Yes. All the time.
Mark:In the parking lot, out of shot. Yeah.
Sarah:After the show Yes. After Holly has announced that she's going to Nashville Yes. And leaving the band.
Mark:She's in tub in the tub with her man. Waylon. Yes.
Sarah:Like, is this nominative determinism? Like, if your name sounds like country music star, do you have to be in a country band? None.
Mark:I mean,
Sarah:I think we find out later his name is actually Wade.
Mark:Yes. These are none of these people's real names.
Sarah:But she's got Slim Fingers, Waylon Strings, Lucy Chu, and Jesse James. Yep. Jessica. Jessica James. Jesse.
Mark:Just Call
Sarah:me Jesse. Jesse. Slim fingers is just the dumbest country name. But, you know, Waylon Jennings is not that much better. No.
Sarah:And we already talked about Johnny Cash in the last episode. They're in the bathtub together, which, if you've ever tried it, never works out no matter how big the bathtub is. It's not comfortable. I don't care. And all those candles just make me nervous.
Sarah:She puts her head back, and I'm like, it's gonna catch fire. Stop it. Yeah. There's an audible commercial out now. We I've seen it when we've been watching hockey where a woman is in the bathtub with her earbuds in, and I'm like, you're gonna lose your earbuds in the water.
Sarah:Stop it. They're not waterproofs. They're really expensive. I'm so uptight. I'm sorry.
Sarah:A okay. Holly dies.
Mark:The next morning in the messiest room possible
Sarah:because that's what bands do. They trash their rooms.
Mark:Damn Musos. The the hotel manager, though uncredited, has an awesome part. He's great.
Sarah:But now every time I hear something from New Zealand or Australia that ends with an o, that's a slang, I just think, Smoko. Muso Smoko. Slim fingers is always on Smoko.
Mark:Slim fingers is on Smoko is in my notes.
Sarah:Holly's dead. And on the mirror, it says goodbye, Holly c.
Sarah:Just in case you were confused about whether it was that Holly or a different Holly, you gotta put the c on there because it could be somebody other.
Mark:It could be Holly Jolly Christmas.
Sarah:Right. It could be some other Holly.
Mark:Okay. A guitar is a passive instrument. It doesn't work like that, electrically. I said it.
Sarah:So even if it's plugged into an amp, it's not an electrified instrument. It's just an output.
Mark:It's just an output.
Sarah:There's no power in the guitar. No. So if you dropped it in the water, not like a toaster, it would not kill you.
Mark:No. If you drop the amplifier in the water and it was not grounded That's different. Possibly. Yeah. But it's a ground every amp is grounded.
Sarah:And even if it was electrified, it would trip a breaker. Yes. And, yeah, it might kill you first No. But the power would be out.
Mark:It would trip right away.
Sarah:If it was bad, if it wasn't well wired, it this is not a good hotel. Okay?
Mark:It would have. It would it would be extremely difficult to do it, and you certainly can't fit 2 people, a guitar, and an amplifier
Sarah:in a bathtub. The amps in the next room. Yes. The message on the mirror is in lipstick. Yes.
Sarah:But the lipstick that is on Holly's face and on the mirror is not in the bathroom.
Mark:So what's in the mirror?
Sarah:What's on the mirror in her is? Panther pink.
Mark:Panther pink?
Sarah:Maybe. I don't know. No. It's not. It's blood pink.
Mark:It's blood pink. Yeah.
Sarah:But panther pink is the one that's there. Yes. That all the Panthers wear. Apparently, Holly likes Pink Panther.
Mark:Pink Panther.
Sarah:Pink lipstick. No. It's panther pink.
Sarah:Pink Panther would be copyrighted.
Mark:Oh, I suppose. Yes.
Sarah:Blood pink is the lipstick that Gina later says every hooker from Moscow to Irkutsk was wearing 5 years old.
Mark:I thought that was panther pink, but
Sarah:I don't know.
Mark:They they don't know how long they've been a band. I'm sure they have no idea what lipstick is called.
Sarah:What my lipstick color is called?
Mark:Sarah's lipstick.
Sarah:It's called Rum Raisin. Rum rum rum raisin? Rum raisin. That's what it's called. Okay.
Sarah:It's not some weird
Mark:You could have told me anything, and I would have been like, oh, that's weird.
Sarah:Yeah. I mean, I've got another one that's called nude. Nude? Yeah. Okay.
Sarah:Because it's like, you know, kind of the same color as your lips sort of, but a little bit better. Okay. None of this panther pink blood pink weirdness, but these are normal names compared to a lot of lipstick color names. I mean, nail polish colors are over the moon out of the galaxy crazy. Okay?
Sarah:Because they've got to come up with new color names for the same colors all the time, but lipstick names are not that far off.
Mark:Oh, I sent a quiz coming.
Sarah:A quiz is coming.
Mark:Oh, a quiz is
Sarah:coming. You've already demonstrated that you are not hip to lipstick No. Color names.
Mark:Sorry. I'm not. So this
Sarah:is gonna be great for you. You're gonna learn a lot.
Mark:Excellent. I like learning things.
Sarah:What I've got for you is a list of lipstick color names, and you're gonna tell me whether they're real or fake.
Mark:Okay. So they're either real or fake. It's not like lipstick color or car color?
Sarah:No. These are either real
Mark:Real or fake.
Sarah:Purchaseable lipstick colors that actually exist or I made them up.
Mark:How many are there? 5 of each. There's 5 of each. So there's 10
Mark:And, you shouldn't have told me 5 of each because I can determine the last 2 of them probably.
Sarah:Probably not.
Mark:But okay.
Sarah:That assumes you count.
Mark:Are you ready? So they're out of 10. What do you predict I get out of 10?
Sarah:I think you're gonna get 3 out of 10.
Mark:3 out of 10.
Sarah:Yeah. Woo hoo. Yeah.
Mark:Okay. Let's see if I do
Sarah:that now. Give you the name, and you tell me whether it's real or fake.
Sarah:Unicorn blood.
Mark:Unicorn blood. I'm gonna go real.
Sarah:It is real. Yes. Guess what color it is, though? Blue. It's
Mark:purple. Okay.
Sarah:It's made by Jeffree Star Cosmetics. That's one. So if unicorn blood is real, is unicorn tears? No. It is real.
Sarah:It's a a silvery glittery color, and it's by a company called 2 Faced.
Sarah:That's one right and one wrong. Carnage Crimson.
Mark:I'm gonna go real on that one.
Sarah:That one is fake. How about
Mark:30% is looking pretty good right now.
Sarah:I'm I'm not You're 1 for 3.
Mark:I'm 1 for 3 right now.
Sarah:How about, cottage cheese?
Mark:Cottage cheese.
Sarah:A lipstick color, cottage cheese.
Mark:Well, cottagecore is a thing, so I'm gonna go not real. It is real. It's by NYX. Wow.
Sarah:It is a pearly white lipstick called cottage
Mark:cheese. Cheese.
Sarah:Yep. Wow. How about COVID coral?
Mark:COVID. Okay. COVID coral is a disease and a thing that we've been listening to at night that's not made.
Sarah:It's made. Coral c h, like coral music. Coral like the peachy pink color.
Mark:Okay. It's not real.
Sarah:That is correct. Oh, right.
Mark:That's 2. 2. I need one more to reach
Sarah:your expectations. Alright. How about this one?
Sarah:Real or fake?
Mark:Well, that's that's a question.
Sarah:Real or fake lip color color?
Mark:Okay. Well, orgasm is real.
Sarah:It is.
Mark:Oh, I got my 3 s.
Sarah:It's made by Nordstrom. Nordstrom
Mark:means orgasm? Okay. That sentence had never been said
Sarah:before. I know. How about
Mark:How many do I have left?
Sarah:You've got 5 left. No. 4 left.
Mark:Sorry. 4 left. So if I get one of those 4, I have exceeded expectations. How about urethra? Oh, that's not real.
Sarah:Yes. It is. It's made by JSC Cosmetics.
Mark:Is that urethra on your lips?
Sarah:It's Yes. It is a yellowy pearly lipstick called Urethra.
Mark:It's not dinner talk. Wow. Urethra. Yes. You've got a little urethra on your collar.
Sarah:How about vicious trollop? That's fake. It is. It's well, it's kind of fake. It's the lipstick that a character in Gilmore Girls wears, but it's invented for the show.
Sarah:So I'll give it to you. Okay. There's your 4. Yeah. You got 2 more, though.
Mark:2 more.
Sarah:Alien venom.
Mark:That's real.
Sarah:It's fake. Oh. I made that one up. And Scully would have wore that. And last, jejunum jewel.
Sarah:Real or fake? Jejunum. Mhmm. Jewel. Real.
Sarah:It's fake. Do you know what jejunum is? No. It's a part of your intestine. Everybody who's listening who knows anything medical is like,
Mark:that's not real. Eurethrom was real.
Sarah:I know. That's why jejunum was a trick. Oh. You got that one off.
Mark:For your tricks.
Sarah:You fell for my jejunum. You got 4 out of 6. Good 4 out of 10. Good job.
Mark:It's not bad.
Sarah:Yeah. My rum raisin sounds pretty tame though.
Mark:That's a hard quiz.
Sarah:It is. And I didn't even pick the, like, grossest real ones I could have. Like, some of them are not safe for TV. Like, whew.
Mark:Yes. Good job. In addition to the broken wood irregulars, is the lady from the newspaper who's never been talked about at all and is named and then forgotten about?
Sarah:Her name is Kushla. Cushla. Have you ever heard that name? No. Speaking of names.
Mark:I have not heard of that name.
Sarah:It's an Irish name.
Mark:It's an Irish name?
Sarah:It means vain or pulse. Not like the beat of my heart. No. No. No.
Sarah:In Gaelic, vein or pulse. Like, it should be Gina's middle name. She should be Gina Kushla. It's not a good it's not it doesn't sound sweet.
Mark:Is that the name you refer to at the beginning of the episode?
Sarah:When I said that there is a really bad name in the episode worse than choosy chew, yes. I was referring to Kushla.
Mark:I thought you were referring to Raylene because did you see what Raylene's last name is?
Sarah:No. Hog. Oh, that's right. Raeleen Hogg. Raeleen?
Sarah:Like another nominative determinism. She has to like country music. You can't be Raeleen
Sarah:And like Skrillex. You know? I'm into really deep house music. My name's Raelene.
Mark:So what happens is nobody is in the hotel.
Sarah:No. All the other band members are just gone with the wind.
Mark:Including a child that they don't find out is lost for a little while. Choosy. All the roadies are gone. The tour manager. The roadies had the best job in this episode.
Sarah:All they had to do was lay on couches in the back of
Mark:the pub. Tend to be drunk.
Sarah:Look up once and then lay back down again.
Mark:Mike wants Sims to round everybody up, and the first one they talk to is miss Jessica James.
Sarah:Jesse. Oh, sorry. Call me Jesse. Call me Jesse. I'm just the drummer.
Sarah:I don't know anything.
Mark:I went for breakfast.
Sarah:I've made all of these New Zealand people and 2 people from Tennessee, by the way.
Sarah:I'm just the drummer. I don't know anything.
Mark:It is a little on the nose that the drummer is not intelligent.
Sarah:But she's choosing not to be.
Sarah:She doesn't want to be involved.
Sarah:She's just playing ignorant. Holly, excellent corpse acting.
Mark:Excellent corpse acting both in the water and out of the water?
Sarah:But in the water. She's in water. Yep. I'm sure she's got a bathing suit on or something. But in water with her eyes half open, that is hard.
Mark:And she's got, like
Sarah:And I don't care how warm the water is. They're constantly renewing it for her or whatever. It's cold.
Mark:You move an inch in the, like And
Sarah:the water's gonna give it away.
Mark:A millimeter. The water's gonna give it away.
Sarah:And those big eyelashes she's wearing are gonna give it away.
Mark:I like that Gina is like, I'll I'll make sure the body is ready for auto autopsy, but I will not remove the eyelashes. Yes. She's lightly poached. Not how it works.
Sarah:Gina's good in this one. Process. Jesse's been off to buy some cheesy poofs, otherwise known as twisties. Yes. I'm surprised they're not twistos.
Sarah:Twistos. Cheesy twistos. Cheez o twistos.
Mark:There's a flashback to the party. Would that not be the worst party ever? Awkward. Like awkward.
Sarah:Not only has Holly just quit the band, broken them up Yes. But Waylon is sitting there leaning on her, looking at 2 women he slept with, one who he's had a child with. Yes. Plus Holly. Yeah.
Sarah:Did you Ever heard of Fleetwood Mac? That's a good joke.
Mark:That's a good joke. Did you see Mike's tie in this part?
Sarah:Mm-mm. It's
Mark:busy. It's a lot of lines going against each other. It's not tartan, but it's a busy tie.
Sarah:Sam and back at the station house when they're talk they're doing their initial kinda debrief is great. Breen is great. He imitates the guitar and the, you know? Yep. And Mike's just looking at him.
Sarah:Are you done? Everybody's kind of sensitive because it was, like, Mike's favorite musician, but he keeps saying, I didn't know her. I didn't even know her. You know? He's not a groupie.
Sarah:He's he's barely a fan. He just likes music. He likes the music.
Mark:Yeah. Then Breen becomes chauffeur to to Lucy Chu. Yes. Drives her around, and they do exposition.
Sarah:I like the way they handle her because her daughter is missing.
Sarah:And they prioritize that. I mean, that's Sam's job is to help find Choosy. They think that she's off with Waylon, and then when they find out she's not with Waylon, like, they the murder is secondary to finding her
Sarah:As it would be.
Mark:We find out about Hughes in this episode. 2 things we find out about Hughes.
Sarah:That he likes Whitney Houston?
Mark:First of all, he's a Whitney Houston man.
Sarah:And he's growing a beard.
Mark:He doesn't take me
Sarah:as a Whitney Houston fan. Because people surprise you.
Mark:He does.
Sarah:You know, now in the in the age where we listen to most of our music on headphones and we don't share music out loud with people, you don't know what people listen to.
Mark:Do you think hipster dates this show?
Sarah:No. Okay. I don't think so.
Mark:Now the thing that I've noticed was he's kinda familiar with that constable in his office.
Sarah:What makes you say that? They kinda share
Mark:a joke, and I was like
Sarah:I think he's just supposed to be a good employer. Like, he's just friendly with the people he works with.
Mark:Oh, okay.
Sarah:Collegial. I guess He's collegial with Mike.
Mark:I guess so.
Sarah:He's growing a beard because he's doing some grizzly man competition.
Mark:He's always doing those grizzly man things.
Sarah:He's an outdoor guy. Yeah. He is. He's a kayak guy. Celia and Raelene show up to build a shrine outside of Holly's room.
Sarah:Missus Marlow, her cheese rolls, and her old lady mob show up Yeah. Just to rubberneck. Like, it's like The lady behind her has brought her embroidery.
Mark:It's like they're like, okay. Bring in missus m to do her cheese roll bit.
Sarah:But I love how unabashedly nosy they are.
Mark:They're super nosy.
Sarah:I fully intend to be just like that when I'm that age. I will bring my folding chair and sit it down to watch the show. I saw a woman who lives a few streets away from us that we do not know having an argument with another lady in her driveway and slamming the other lady's car with a plastic bowl And I was like, oh, they're gonna fight. And I almost pulled over to watch, like, there was no shoulder or any I could you know where I'm talking about. It's a it's a blind bend.
Sarah:There's no way I but I was so tempted to, like, turn you
Mark:know know scruples about No.
Sarah:I was like, I gotta see what happens. I'm curious. I wanna see what happens. Missus Marlow would just pull over, get her chair out, get her knitting, sit there, and watch.
Mark:It's like people who pull up in front of your house and park their car. You're like, what's that going on over there?
Sarah:Yeah. It's a public street. Anybody can park there, but you're still, like, looking out the window.
Sarah:That no. Because I think that's a bit more justified. They're outside your house. Missus Marlowe and her buddies have coordinated enough to bring their blankets and their chairs, pile in somebody's car, drive all the way out there, set up, bring snacks. Like, she had to make those snacks.
Sarah:She had to make those cheese rolls. I love it.
Mark:Slim fingers is talking about rules in a civilized country.
Sarah:Slim is your stereotypical over the hill drugged out musician. Mhmm. Now are Waylon and Lucy in the sorry. Waylon and Holly in the bath tub while Slim is passed out in the other room?
Mark:I think so.
Sarah:Would you get in the bathtub with somebody with your friend passed out in the other room? No. I wouldn't either. Like, dude, get out of here.
Sarah:We're gonna have a bath. Yeah. It's romantic. Get out of here.
Mark:And take your cords and guitar pedals off the bed. By the way, all the cords and all the pedals and everything in this episode has all of their identifying marks removed from it.
Sarah:So Of course they do. Because otherwise, you'd be studying the brands.
Mark:Yes. Absolutely.
Sarah:Missus Marlow says, well, she was 27. Hard drugs, choked on her own vomit, did she? And she's excited. It's an ongoing investigation. Of course.
Sarah:Of course. She knows that's what he's gonna say, but she's like, choked on her own vomit. Cheese roll. Cheese roll. He almost takes 1.
Sarah:Michael almost takes 1.
Mark:Well, Slim may be a bad blade player. He may be in a country band. He may be a methadone addict, but he could spot Kristen's bad coffee a mile away.
Sarah:Oh, man.
Mark:His 6 sugars in it. Is the milk off?
Sarah:It's still bad. I I'm definitely on a list now because I looked up what does methadone do to you? Because I understand that methadone is a medication you take to fight an addiction, to recover from an addiction. But they imply that he is abusing it, like, that he's enjoying methadone in some way. I'm like, is that real?
Sarah:Does that really happen? And I get it does. Not if you're taking it in the dose that you're supposed to. I think But it but if you take too much of it, then it does make you a little bit relaxed and a little laid back and feel a little high, I guess. So it's realistic that he is not taking it as prescribed.
Mark:From my understanding of hard drugs, when you are on heroin, it feels incredible. And when you're not on heroin, it feels incredibly bad. So the methadone removes that edge of badness.
Sarah:It it it affects the, the uptake. It's an uptake inhibitor
Sarah:For those, those cells in your brain.
Mark:And it is not a clear liquid that you drink out of a cup like DayQuil.
Sarah:No. At first, I thought, well, they're gonna give him a pill, and they've they're giving him the water to take it with. No. There's no pill obvious. No.
Sarah:It's like no. It's just liquid.
Mark:So what happened was Slim and the roadies went to the lying toad.
Sarah:The frog and cheetah.
Mark:Which is, of course, a joke.
Sarah:Yeah. People don't get it online. Apparently, they say it's an error. It's not an error. It's a joke.
Sarah:And the It's the frog and cheetah.
Mark:And the owner of the frog and cheetah shows up. Ray says his stuff that Ray says
Mark:Gotta run a bar. I I wouldn't do anything after hours except to have a party.
Sarah:It was private. Yep. Those those musos sure can drink. They sure can pound it and then pass out in my back room. Except for Slim who stumbles blindly around.
Sarah:Thank goodness he doesn't drive.
Sarah:But yeah. Like, he's on all kinds of drugs and drinking and everything else and is constantly angling at getting more of same. Yes. Jesse hires Sleazy Buchanan to be her lawyer Yes. And says that the big hit, Killing Me With Kindness, was actually her song.
Sarah:And that's supposed to be a motive. This thumb drive that is the evidence is supposed to be her motive.
Mark:After Dennis Buchanan showed up in my notes, it says, was Frodo busy?
Sarah:Yeah. Everybody except Frodo.
Mark:Okay. I'm gonna write Jesse on this USB stick.
Sarah:I've we I wanna unpack murder now.
Sarah:I know we're not at the end where they reveal it, but where we're at in the story collides with my misunderstanding of how this worked. Okay?
Mark:Mostly because we have not found Waylon yet.
Sarah:Right. But we're about to. Let's so they find Waylon in a pile of laundry stabbed. Like, 2 days later? And now I'm completely confused.
Mark:I totally forgot about him being murdered.
Sarah:Okay. So Raylene, she is a psychopath.
Mark:Raylene is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
Sarah:She's not cocoa for cuckoo puffs.
Mark:No. She is She
Sarah:is cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Midsummer level psychopath. Yes. Smiles on the outside, killer on the inside. She kills Holly and then and we'll go into more depth later, but and she stabs Whelan and kills him Yes.
Sarah:In Holly's room. And then moves Whelan. How does that happen?
Mark:Because he finds her dancing after
Sarah:he After killing Holly. Holly. How does she get him out of the room and to the laundry room? First of all, how does she get access to the laundry room? 2nd of all, does she carry him?
Sarah:Is she She Hulk and we don't know it?
Mark:Well, this is the the Broken Wood Motel where no doors have locks.
Sarah:Does she pile him in a laundry basket and take him there and bury him in towels? Do they not wash laundry every day?
Mark:Multiple times a day?
Sarah:Did she storm for a couple of days and then dump him there?
Mark:I think Celia would have noticed him in the trailer. I don't know. It's it's so weird.
Sarah:That's I I suspension of disbelief. It doesn't work that way. Fine. Whatever. I don't care.
Sarah:I I love these shows. It's fun, But I don't understand how that happened.
Mark:I think Tim got in way over his head here. He had to put all the pay all the irregulars in, and he had to get all these people in this. Like, this would be a normal episode if you had all the band members and just the 3 principal Yeah. Police. Yeah.
Mark:That would be a lot.
Sarah:That all the broken wood irregulars didn't have to fit into. So But I don't understand why Rayleen feels the need to move him. She can leave him right where he is. Right where he is. I understand that that creating confusion about whether Holly was a suicide or an accident or a murder kind of buys time and having Whelan there so clearly murdered would have messed that up, I guess.
Sarah:But that's not worth the risk of moving him out of that room and into another place. Without leaving a single trace Yeah.
Mark:Of blood or anything. Nope. I mean, what
Sarah:if Choosy had walked up right when she's piling him in the laundry basket? Would she have killed Choosy?
Mark:After the episode, Choosy is gonna have a difficult life.
Sarah:She seems to be fine, but, like, well, she doesn't know that her dad's been stabbed in the chest by a crazy woman. Yeah. I just don't understand that. How that's supposed to work. Maybe somebody else will be able to figure it out.
Mark:I just think he got painted into a corner, and he had too much to do.
Sarah:It's just like and that's what happened. That's how it works.
Mark:What happened, and that's okay.
Sarah:So is Waylon in the bathtub with Holly, then he gets out of the bathtub using the one towel, gets dressed, goes by, smokes, and comes back?
Sarah:And that's when Rayleen is there.
Mark:That's the exact moment when Rayleen is there dancing after she killed
Sarah:him. Because she's a psycho. Yeah. Like Smiling and dancing.
Mark:The coinky dink is a little difficult too.
Sarah:Yeah. Okay. So then Mike finds Richie
Sarah:Upside down in Waylon's car after finding the 2 worst children ever. Not only do these boys leave their bikes in the road
Mark:It's in the middle of the road.
Sarah:In the middle of the road on the way to the trailer park or the campground or wherever Rayleen and CoA are.
Mark:This area of New Zealand really reminds me of my home, the area around my home.
Sarah:Just the outskirts of town Yeah. Kinda feel? Yeah.
Mark:The paved roads that are not main roads.
Sarah:But so not only do they just ditch their bikes in the road, not on the side of the road, but in the road.
Mark:Just in the road.
Sarah:They see the car upside down and that there's a person in it.
Mark:I don't know if they 100% see it. They certainly find money.
Sarah:Okay. They do see it because they come up that bank.
Mark:Oh, that's right.
Sarah:The car is down the bank. They come up the bank and say we had nothing to do with it. Grab some cash. Bye, mister, and run off. Yeah.
Sarah:Not there's a man down there who needs help.
Mark:No. They are horrible children.
Sarah:Like, even if they said that and when Mike went down there, grabbed as much cash as they could.
Sarah:Okay. But they're not even they don't even know tell him that there's somebody down there. Those are bad boys.
Mark:They are bad boys.
Sarah:Mike should have run over their bicycles.
Mark:Breen finds the eye of the teddy bear and the teddy bear, but then they find that Choosy was in the trunk. Yeah. We don't know if she was put in there. We don't know how she got out, if she's okay. Can you imagine how beside yourself you would be?
Sarah:I lost one of my kids when they were, like, 3 for a few hours. He was hiding behind a couch. Yep. But my parents lived on a pond. Yep.
Sarah:And that was the first place we went. Yeah. Like, in my brain, he was already floating in the water. Yeah. Like, I it was terrifying.
Mark:Yes. I can only imagine.
Sarah:I can't imagine more than 24 hours of not knowing where your kid is. Luckily. Especially once they find out that Waylon is dead and has been.
Mark:Yes. Luckily, Jared almost shoots her.
Sarah:He's careful.
Sarah:He's not hunting for lions or whatever her pajamas are. No. Richie has a suitcase of cash.
Sarah:Is that the way that works? Like, if you sell merch at a concert 9 9 years ago
Mark:It's a lot of cash.
Sarah:Is it? Yeah. Because I think nowadays, you probably couldn't even buy it with cash. I bet you it's all Apple Pay Square.
Mark:Nowadays, it's all that. But you don't think
Sarah:it would have been 9 years ago?
Mark:Ago, there still would have been a lot of cash. So his idea is he has the USB stick and the cash, and he's gonna go visit his buddies who are morning DJs. Yeah.
Sarah:And have them play this demo of Jesse's Do
Mark:a little payola.
Sarah:Done song.
Mark:And have have them
Sarah:how much country radio is there in New Zealand? Apparently, quite a bit. All these people like it.
Mark:I guess so.
Sarah:500 people showed up for this concert. That's what they say
Mark:is in that room. New Zealand.
Sarah:There are never 500 people in that in that place, by the way. No. No way would be private.
Mark:New Zealand, tell us what the country music scene is like there.
Sarah:Based on this show, it's bigger than it is here. Nah.
Mark:I would disagree with that.
Sarah:Bigger than it is in Bloomington.
Mark:In Bloomington, yes, But not our area because of, like, the Brown County, concert center has tons of country music at it.
Sarah:But then Celia spontaneously snaps her arm in half trying to hook up the car to the trailer.
Mark:It's a little Munchausen by proxy.
Sarah:Yeah. Because isn't Raelene in the RAV Yeah. Trying to help her hook it up? Yeah. So does Raelene purposely break Celia's arm?
Sarah:I mean, I wouldn't put it past her. It kinda She's crazy.
Mark:It kinda feels like it.
Sarah:If okay. You're my best friend.
Sarah:You're also my spouse, but you're my best friend. Yes. If you broke your arm
Sarah:And I'm coming to pick you up Yes. I'm not bringing you flowers. No. And if I do, I'm not signing a card. No.
Sarah:You know who they're from. Yeah. I'm giving them to you. Yes. Raylene is crazy.
Sarah:Crazy. I think her mom is better off in the home when she's away.
Mark:I don't know if her
Sarah:mom is alive. Or exists. Well, somebody's calling her.
Mark:Somebody's calling
Sarah:her. It could be. I don't know.
Mark:But it's no.
Sarah:Her mom doesn't call. Victim.
Mark:Her mom doesn't call. That's somebody calling Waylon's phone.
Sarah:No. No. No. Earlier when they're having coffee outside their trailer, their RV, her phone rings and she says, oh, that's a new ring. And she says, yeah.
Sarah:It's my the ring I assigned to
Mark:my Because it's Waylon's phone.
Sarah:Oh, I missed that completely.
Mark:Because she took Waylon's phone. Why? I do not know. Why did she not take Holly's phone? Why did she stop him?
Mark:Why did she not turn it off? Why did she take him to the laundry room? How did she open all the doors?
Sarah:Here's the answer to all of that. Because she's crazy.
Mark:Because she's crazy.
Sarah:That's what crazy people do.
Mark:Okay. Crazy lets you enter doors that Yep. Okay.
Sarah:Yep. Like, not she has a mental health issue. That's different. She's crazy.
Mark:She's Nazi Bobo.
Sarah:So maybe she's got superpowers. Zooning. Maybe she's just super strong and can open any door.
Mark:She does kinda have a Hulk thing going on.
Sarah:She manhandles Waylon's body, and he's at least £200
Mark:It's gotta be.
Sarah:Of dead weight.
Mark:And Chewy can't even pick up the guitar.
Sarah:So So it wasn't Chewy who killed her. That's a weird little hypothesis. Such a straight
Mark:like, Sims. What are you talking about?
Sarah:Like, yeah, Chewy might be upset that her dad is leaving, but not enough to kill Holly.
Mark:Way the door opens and Raylene has got the guitar in there and use it like a ladle stirring up the soup. Like a witch stirring
Sarah:the Holly soup. She'd get electric And
Mark:I'll shit you 2 wheeling. Come here, choosy.
Sarah:Oh. When Raelene is driving with, Celia in the car and they're running from the cops, Celia says, Christ in a sidecar.
Mark:I love a new one. That Celia's like, you're crazy. Yeah. I need out of this car.
Sarah:Well, she's driving like a mad woman.
Mark:She's like, friend, whatever. You're crazy.
Sarah:I don't know what you're going through, honey, but let me out. Yeah. The the coordination of the uniform
Mark:She almost kills Mike.
Sarah:Yeah. But they get they set a trap for her. They drive they push her to go down that road Yep. On purpose. Now they put the tax strip down on half the road.
Mark:And everybody else drives around
Sarah:it. Everybody else drives around it, but Raelene doesn't.
Mark:In an episode full of plot holes, that is the smallest one.
Sarah:I don't think it even is because they know it's there, but she doesn't. So by the time she can see it
Sarah:It's too late. Yep. And she's crazy.
Mark:Sims is like, this is all over an obsessive fan.
Sarah:So crazy that she jumps out of the car and tries to make a run for it across an a plowed field.
Mark:Where is she going?
Sarah:They can see her the whole way. They could have let her get halfway across the field, and they would still be able to see her.
Mark:Luckily, Mike goes, just stop. And she stops.
Sarah:Because in classic fashion, like bad guy running away, where do you think you're gonna go? If you if you actually get away from them, you can never go home again. Do you have everything you need on you? Because you are now persona non grata for the rest of your life. Is that what you're trying to do?
Sarah:That's not gonna work.
Mark:I have in my notes. She sure is kooky for cohost puffs.
Sarah:I would have rather Sims tackled her into the mud.
Mark:Yeah. That would have been good.
Sarah:But Her name's Hog after all. Yes. And she deserved it. Raylene Hog. So she killed Holly
Sarah:And Waylon Yes. Because she was afraid that with Holly going to Nashville, her best friend Celia would follow her to Nashville and leave her behind.
Mark:Now her best friend is from San Francisco and only comes to see her when Holly's on tour. So first of all, she only gets to see her every once in a while. Mhmm. Okay? This entire plot could be solved with, why don't you come out to Nashville, and we can meet there?
Mark:Yeah. Considering she's been taking poor Alvin to the cleaners with his jazz bands and his alimony and going to New Zealand. It's gotta be cheaper for them to go to to Nashville.
Sarah:Yeah. Yeah. All they had to do was have a conversation. But that's not enough for Raylene because she's crazy.
Mark:She's crazy. Crazy Raylene. Come on down to crazy Raylene. We could get into any hotel room. We can make country music singer soup and kill the boyfriend.
Mark:2 for 1. I just pick him up with my giant Raylene hog hands and take him to the laundry room and just stack some laundry on top of him.
Sarah:If she's willing to kill for this, she's done it before.
Mark:That's why I think her mom may be gone.
Sarah:But she says she can't leave and go to Nashville with Celia because of her mom. So it could be a psycho situation where her mom's been dead for a a while. You know?
Mark:Like She leaves her mom in care and goes all over New Zealand. Mhmm. I realized that New Zealand is not the same size as the United States. I'm not saying that. But I am saying they go all over.
Sarah:They're gone for a while.
Mark:Yeah. I'm glad at the point where Breen says he takes Chewy to the beach, and she says, is there another beach? And he's like, well, it is in island country. There's a lot of
Sarah:There's a lot of beaches. Beaches? Like, the whole the edge is all like
Mark:And wouldn't she know that?
Sarah:She would know that, but not nearby one specifically. No. Who's the best corpse?
Mark:Sims blames country music. Of course. I completely agree with you.
Sarah:I agree with completely. Yes. Who's the best corpse? Holly or Waylon?
Mark:Oh, Holly with the fake eyelashes because
Sarah:She's in the tub.
Mark:She's in the tub and on the slab with those fake eyelashes, which would move with any sort of movement.
Sarah:Of course, Gina does go after Waylon with an angle grinder.
Mark:He does. She does.
Sarah:She's approaching him with an angle grinder to cut the knife off, I guess.
Mark:She goes, I hate it when this happens.
Sarah:I hate it
Mark:when this happens. The best gene alive.
Sarah:She's so funny.
Mark:I wonder how much of those are ad libbed.
Sarah:I I would guess a lot. I don't think I could keep a straight face.
Mark:Sure she riffs a bunch of Russian jokes all the time.
Sarah:Yeah. She's just lightly poached.
Mark:There there's gotta be there's gotta be outtakes of Mike just laughing his ass off.
Mark:Yeah. Okay. You look like you're
Sarah:in a very bad music video. After the credits says that to Mike when he's in the bath tub checking out the guitar.
Mark:After the credits. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's what Mike goes, I have a problem with this murder. I'm like, a problem with this murder.
Mark:One? He's like, it was right handed, not left handed. I'm like
Sarah:That's just the beginning.
Mark:Not the problem with that, Murrah. It's a passive instrument.
Sarah:So after the credits, Choosy and Lucy are happy. Yeah. Choosy's got some getting over to do. Yes. But I think they're gonna be okay.
Sarah:And Lucy plays fiddle. She'll find another fiddling gig. Yep. I think the band's gonna fall apart. Well yeah.
Sarah:Because Slim needs to go into rehab or something.
Mark:They're gonna pick up the good people in the band. This is what happens. You pick up the good people in the band with the next singer who comes along.
Sarah:Okay. But the only person left is Jesse. Yeah. Because Slim goes to rehab. Lucy goes off to take care of her daughter and not take her daughter on tour when she's gonna be starting school soon.
Sarah:Waylon and Holly are dead. That leaves Jesse the dumb drummer. She's not in the band.
Mark:I wasn't gonna bring this up, but we nitpick. And this is a nitpicky thing, but Jesse, counts in that song and counts it wrong. She goes like 1, 2, 3, 4.
Sarah:Like Okay. The bucket is full now. That that's not how this works. Bucket is full. It's awful.
Mark:I'm thinking maybe the actress is not a drummer.
Sarah:It's awful. Awful. I'm impressed that you haven't done 5 minutes of I watched each of the actors play their instruments, and I can tell you which ones actually play and which ones don't.
Mark:No. No. No. No. Don't do that.
Sarah:The bucket's full.
Mark:Don't do that.
Sarah:So Lucy and and Choosy are gonna be fine. Yep. And Choosy is going to grow up and say, my name is stupid.
Mark:I Chu Chu is another name.
Sarah:Yes. Yes. I would like to be called something else now, please. I I mean, Jesse's gonna go play drums somewhere else.
Sarah:Celia is gonna need some therapy because she's spent a lot of time
Mark:with the boys like that. Will be back next year.
Sarah:They'll all be back. Yeah. And that is Blood Pink.
Mark:Which for all that we made fun of it, I love this episode. It's fantastically weird and goofy and Yes. Has all the irregulars in it. And
Sarah:Well, and they couldn't call it urethra. You know? I mean, they had to call it a better cottage cheese.
Mark:They had to call it a better intestinal cottage cheese.
Sarah:No. It's jejunum jewel. Get it right.
Mark:Jejunum jewel.
Sarah:Jejunum is actually a nice pretty color of pink. I do choose it. That that section of your intestine is a kinda pretty color of pink. That's why
Mark:thing her dad gave her. You don't have to accept it.
Sarah:We named her Jejunum Chew.
Mark:It's better than pika.
Sarah:Oh, next week, we'll be moving on to season 3 episode 1. The black widow. It's a great we say this every time. It's a great episode.
Mark:The the first two seasons, they're like, okay. We we're back, and now we're probably gonna get 6 seasons. Okay? So second season was, I would say, 60% on the serious mat meter. Yeah.
Mark:1st season was, like, 80%.
Sarah:Yeah. We're way over on the goofy meter. Season 3 starts right out, like like, 30% serious.
Mark:It starts with the van full of tourists for the Lord of the Rings tour. And remember the German tourists?
Sarah:And the giant spider?
Mark:And the giant spider and the elf and
Sarah:It's so fun.
Mark:There's so much
Sarah:juicy juice in this one. It's very good. So until then
Mark:Bye, maniacs.
Sarah:Bye, maniacs.
Mark:Thanks for joining us on the Mystery Maniacs podcast. If you enjoyed our crazy podcast today, don't miss out on future episodes. Follow us on social media for updates, beyond the scenes content, and exclusive sneak peeks. Subscribe, like, and share to spread the word. Bye, maniacs.
Sarah:I just broke my pencil in my hair.
Mark:That's our outtake. What part of your pencil did you break in your hair?
Sarah:Well, yeah, I just found that in my hair, and it took me a while.