Mini-episode 23 - "The Devil's Work" - The Longest Tube
Hey, maniacs.
Hey, maniacs.
Welcome to Devil hooey.
This is so exciting.
We have New men.
Summer New Midsummer Episode number
one, Season 24.
The Devil's Work.
The Devil's The Devil's the World.
Now, this is a mini.
It's a mini.
Which means it's an introduction.
You listen to this
before you watch the episode.
We are not going to spoil it
like we usually do in an episode.
This is spoiler free, spoiler free.
You listen to this,
then you watch the episode and then later
in January we will have a full length
episode about this episode of midsummer.
I said episode a lot. Yes.
And what we're going to do is teach you
how to watch like a maniac. Yes.
Give you some clues
as to the things that we picked out
as we were watching it like a maniac.
Boy, there are a lot of websites
I have to do research on that.
There are a couple of actors
that you should take note of.
Yes. First is Peter Serafinowicz,
who plays Lucien Shier.
Well, in this episode, he's
kind of the main character.
Yes, you might recognize them
if you've ever seen Shaun of the Dead.
Sarah's first comment was,
I hope he doesn't die.
He has a great voice. I love his voice.
He is the voice of death in the new audio
books of the Terry
Pratchett Discworld books. Yes.
And I'm like, I'm
like listening for death in the books.
I know there's a death part coming up.
And I get to hear his voice.
Yeah, He plays the roommate in.
Shaun of the Dead, the corporate just.
The other actor
that you should keep an eye out for
is Sarah Woodward,
and she plays Ursula Shire.
and you'll recognize her from everything,
though you might not be able
to put your finger on her.
So let us fill you in on
where you've seen her.
She's in the queens of mystery.
She's one of the and.
One of three.
And yeah,
she's the secretary and professor of tea.
Yes, she has kind of a cool
bouffant hairdo in that. Yes.
And she was in the version of the Pale
Horse that had Rufus Sewell in it. Yes.
When she was.
I think,
the best version of The Pale Horse.
But that's my.
Pretty good version of The Pale Horse.
So look for Lucien and Ursula,
those two characters,
you'll recognize those actors, I bet.
Solid episode I'm going to tell
and I'm not going to give a rating
or anything like that.
But this is a solid out of the Gates
episode. Yep.
It's the first episode of a season
doesn't quite hit the mark.
This one absolutely does. It has.
Not only does it have a gurt,
it also has a manor house.
Yes, it has both a country home
and a happy home.
And boy,
some fantastic, really bad art. Yes.
Lots to look at in the background.
Yes, so much to look at.
Are you ready for our list of watch
like a maniac? Yes.
We have eight questions.
I want. Things to look for.
And usually have fewer than that.
So eight is awesome.
Plus a bonus one.
I said to Sarah,
there is going to be lots to talk.
So. I could narrow it down
to less than eight plus.
But one bonus. Definitely.
We definitely had some some good stuff.
So I'm going to go through these.
This is eight things to look for.
If you want to watch like a maniac,
they'll also be in the show notes.
So you don't have to try to write them
down as I read them out.
And you want to watch like a maniac?
You can if you want, but here we go.
Number one, Where do the gnomes live?
In the rose Garden.
And you're laughing because.
and I both immediately went, What is that?
Pause it
Mark had to be so fast on the remote.
Posit. Rewind play.
Okay, so that's number one
where gnomes live in the Rose Garden.
Where did the gnomes live? In the Rose
Number two,
Why are there so many towels in the pub?
This has a pub.
It's not an aptly named pub,
but it has an interesting pub.
And because. Of these.
Odd number of towels.
Number three, who owns Fleur's
famous boobs
Floor is awesome.
In this episode as usual.
Annette Badland, friend of the show.
How are you saying?
I love saying that.
I can't believe how good she is
in this episode.
It may be one of her best.
Yeah, she's priceless. Yeah. Fantastic.
So that's number three.
Who owns Flora's famous Boobs? Yes.
Number four, who has a topless mug shot?
I noticed this.
And Sarah was like, That's weird.
There's so much to look at in
the cop shop.
So much in the cop shop, including.
And Sarah didn't mention this,
but it's almost like there's a
another older DCI and a younger yes.
At the desks next to.
So that's the parallel episode.
That's the future of Midsomer. Right.
They're, like, stacked.
Like it's
the wee ginger Man is winter.
And I think there's multiple universes.
Once here.
So that's the fourth question.
Who has a topless mug shot? Yes.
Number five.
Was that the first midsummer fart joke?
I did a search on my notes
for the word fart,
and I believe as far as I could tell,
the first midsummer fart joke
takes place in this episode.
I can't believe
you searched your notes for fart.
I did, because all my notes are digital
so I can search them.
Very. Isn't that handy?
Yes. So that was number five.
Is that the first midsummer fart joke?
See if you can find it.
Number six, who has the longest tube?
It's a long one. Yeah.
It is a ginormous, thick, heavy tube.
You're getting a little raunchy.
I am. Talking about sick. Two.
So that's number six.
Who has the longest tube?
Number seven, Who is the best?
Crafty terrorist?
Yes, there's a crafty terrorist.
Crafty terrorist.
Number eight, Where is Ulysses
and the Barnaby's living room?
Yes. Find Ulysses in the Barnaby's
living room. Yes.
And here's your bonus.
Yeah. Number nine.
What's Lucy into? Favorite cutlery.
I know this
because I pointed it out twice. Yes.
ASEAN's favorite cutlery.
Lucy is the character
played by Peter Serafinowicz. Yes.
What's his favorite cutlery?
So those are your eight and your bonus
ninth watch like a maniac point.
Now see how many you can answer.
I have to warn you that Betty is in this
episode and actually does very well.
I'm very pleased with the actress
and she appears standing on a chair.
First of all, she is not now a you know.
It's the first time she's on screen.
She's standing on a chair.
And Mark goes, my gosh, Betty is huge.
And I said, She's on a chair.
And we laughed and laughed.
Yes. Obviously you knew she was on it.
Yes. She's not taller
than everyone in midsummer.
But the actress who obviously took a break
during COVID is now back
and I think did a fantastic job.
Yes, she has more lines
and she's ever had.
Yes, she she has.
She gets to leave the house.
What's the word I'm looking
for? Personality.
Yeah, she does.
She does. She's coming into her own.
And a lot of people
online have been mentioning her.
I just think I think she does a great job.
She does.
She does a really good job.
We'll talk more about her
in the full episode
about this
season 24, episode one, The Devil's Work,
which you will find in our stream
in January. Yes.
So again,
listen to this, then watch the episode,
then wait on bated breath
to the full episode in January. Yes.
Meanwhile, next Monday,
we'll be going back to a full episode
on Father Brown, The.
Devil's Dust Continuing Devil Week. Yes,
you'll get a full
episode, a new one,
not a remix of Father Brown.
And then next week you'll get another many
of the next mid-summer. Yes.
Which is season 24, Episode
two Book of the Dead.
Now, next week on the 11th and the 12th,
those episode are released on ACORN.
So you get to.
But we're only going to cover one
a week, only.
Going to cover one a week
because we're crazy.
We can only do so much.
We could only do so much.
So that is your spoiler free mini episode
for season 24 Episode one
The Devil's Work.
Bring New Mid-summer
hot off the presses with eight
Watch Like a Maniac points plus one bonus.
If you know what
Lucy Ann's favorite color is,
look up in the show notes
for the full list By.
Midsummer Mania. By Midsummer Maniacs.