Episode 157 - Mystery Maniacs - Murdoch Mysteries - "Elementary, My Dear Murdoch" - Ginger Sideburn’s Got A Brand New Murder Bag!
🎙️ Episode: https://share.transistor.fm/s/bdd1fcf2
📓 Show Notes: https://midsomermaniacs.transistor.fm/157
Mystery Maniacs Episode! In Podcast 157, a killer uses a gun, an Ibsen play and oh yeah Arthur Conan Doyle! Spirits are afoot!
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Show Notes
Journal for Psychical Research Jan 1888
Picture of Queen Victoria
Taped Temples
The Sign
Sarah’s Fav Non-TV/Non-Movie Sherlock Holmes Spinoffs
- Warlock Holmes - GS Denning LINK
- Kareem Adul Jabar and Anna Waterhouse LINK
- Moriarty: The Devil’s Game on Audible LINK Dominic Monaghan LOTR
- Cthulhu Casebooks - SHerlock HOmes by James Lovegrove LINK
- The House of Silk and Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz LINK
- Holmes on the Range - Steve Hockensmith LINK
- Stoker and Holmes series by Colleen Gleason (Evaline Stoker and Mina Holmes) LINK
Blue Monkey
Thanks again for listening!
Mark & Sarah
Schedule for February
- 3/13 - Murdoch Mysteries S01.E04 - "Elementary, My Dear Murdoch"
- 3/20 - Murdoch Mysteries S01.E05 - "Till Death Do Us Part"
- 3/27 - Murdoch Mysteries S01.E06 - "Let Loose the Dogs"
- 4/03 - Murdoch Mysteries S01.E07 - "Body Double"
- 4/10 - Murdoch Mysteries S01.E08 - "Still Waters"
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